Hi all,
I wasn't really sure what to call this, I'm just a bit miffed and needed to vent

Christmas is coming. A difficult time of year for so many. Fortunately, for us, life is better these days so I no longer dread Christmas the way I used to, but it still rings a few bells and I'm very mindful of others who are not so fortunate.
I have an older step-brother, who has learning difficulties. His mum passed away about eighteen months ago and I have tried to help him out where I can. He is lonely, and people take advantage of him. He is quite difficult company at times, he can be very negative (family trait!) and it's very difficult to get him to see things in a different way, or try something new. He lacks confidence and, as my son is disabled, I find I am quite drained when it comes to dealing with other people, but I feel sorry for him so I see him when I can and try and help him out if possible.
I have been invited to a friend's for Christmas dinner, which I am really excited about. I was worried that step-brother would be on his own, though, so I've offered to cook him a Christmas lunch before I go to my friends and then invite him for the evening if he doesn't have anywhere else he'd rather be.
This is where it gets complicated! My nephew is currently living with my step-brother. His mum - my step sister - is living in a tiny flat with her new chap, having just gone through a very unpleasant divorce. She has three grown up kids, including the nephew, and three grandchildren. I didn't want to invite my step-brother if it meant my nephew would be on his own, and I didn't want to invite that nephew and not the other one as I know what it's like when you get left out of things! So my thought was to speak to my sister and ask her if she wanted to do lunch at mine on Christmas Day. Even though we will be going out, it won't be until the afternoon and I have a lot more space, so I was going to ask if she wanted everyone round at mine, I'd help with the lunch and then go to my friends for my own lunch.
As I'm writing this I'm shaking my head, why do I do all of this? I know how it will pan out

I spoke to my sister this afternoon, assuming she hadn't arranged anything for Christmas as she hasn't mentioned anything. It's all arranged, everyone's going to her, apart from the step-brother who's being left alone, and myself and my son aren't invited either.
I'm not massively annoyed, just a bit irritated that there are still quite a lot of people that I think of who don't think about me. She doesn't know we've been invited out anywhere so as far as she's aware we're on our own at Christmas. It's not a huge deal, it's more the fact she hasn't even mentioned it rather than the fact we aren't invited, and more the fact that I was making plans in my head to make sure everyone was happy and not alone when those concerned were not feeling the same about me.
Grrr. No biggie. Just needed to vent and off load. Thank you for listening

Love Tupp xx