I do enjoy being falsely accused. I enjoy it so much I'm out. So claim your victory, Discount Girl. It's all about the Drama Game. You can congratulate yourself on that Iago routine. You too Portia. And your myriad guests.
My myriad guests?
What does that mean?
Am I being accused of being more than I am?
Please speak clearly seeker so that I know what to respond to, how to defend myself, if that is necessary.
What are you accusing me of, specifically?
Are you prepared to tell me, to talk about this? Or are you intending to leave, without discussion?
Is this your formal goodbye? Why not stop reading for a few hours or days instead?
Why does everything have to be black or white, right or wrong, bad or good? This type of thinking is exactly just what our N parents, family members, partners do. It’s easy to simply react and not think. It’s hard work trying to understand other people.
My interpretation of ‘drama’ appears to me to be very different to your view seeker. Want to talk about it? If not, okay. P