Hello everyone, it's me EC. I am the one who won the lottery and ended up with an Nfather. Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone had this thought. What happens to the mind of an N when they begin to realize that they are dependent on other people. Someone normal would think, thats wonderful at least I am a good enough person to deserve to have such great children. But an N would think that I am wonderful and I deserve their admiration and loyalty. They owe it to me and it is MINE. And that really sucks but it will always exist.
In order to survive, and I don't mean suffering under their warped sense of reality, we need to acknowledge that they see a totally different world. And that is fine. But we have a weapon that they do not possess. We know that they are ill. They do NOT. This is the only thing we can use that they can't so we do possess the upper hand. Sounds devious, doesn't it. Well too bad, what the hell have they been doing to us for all our lives.
So this is what I am gonna do. I am going to keep him high. Pump him up. Make it look like he is important. Do not counter his arguement in public or private. Even when you know it's a blatant lie, exageration, or a personal hypocracy, do not say anything. If something does not go his way, explain to him why it was not his fault. So here I am thinking, hey he isnt stupid, he will catch on. But you know, he won't. He reads it differently. I mean in all these issues we would interact in one way or another. So take the path of least resistence. After all, you will never be perceived the way you want to, so why try.
Anyways, enough venting for now. I just needed to get that out. Have a good one!
EC (The person formally known as Emotional_Cripple)