Author Topic: Summer....  (Read 1438 times)


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« on: August 03, 2013, 01:36:44 PM »

How are you enjoying summer?

There is a very small farmer's market near where I live, sometimes I walk over there and look at the flower bouquets or buy apricots or organic lettuce with dirty spider webs in it. About a month ago I went to an educational event in a public garden...where there was a guided tour about medicinal uses of plants (I thought I already knew a lot about this).....most of the plants there I had never seen before or at least learned something new about them... like men who used to pick hops would start to grow breasts because of the estrogen-like compounds in the plant I guess.

I miss being in the town I used to live in though, was surrounded by the beauty everywhere.

There is a small farm close to where I live, I can walk to it. I might go there and buy    Tomatoes or something

It's really pretty, there is a break in the thick bush hedge around it and through that little area there is a pretty meadow with white bee boxes sitting in the golden and green grass.  There is also some flowers in one of the fields.

Oh and I just poured some BBQ and teriyaki sauce onto some chicken thighs that are marinating in the fridge, gonna just cook them in a pan on the stove...but's Barbecue sauce!!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2013, 02:37:55 PM by Green Bean »


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Re: Summer....
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 02:47:59 PM »
Also cantaloupe.

Today I made an appointment to get my hair cut at a place that I have never even seen before. Cross my fingers, my hair is really a mess, it is naturally very wire-y, like that red irish frizz. When I say frizzy...people think that means like fly-away hair, and that isn't it. it's more like an irish-afro. I mean the individual hairs when they are pulled out of my head, each one is like a modern art--zig zag strand, each one different. Therefore they do not lay flat or even curl uniformly. The only think that really makes it look presentable would be to flatten it with an iron and then curl it. Yes it has to be flattened before it's make the curls look "perfect"...a hair dresser did this once for me and it was gorgeous for one day.

Hair cuts often don't come out well for me. I guess it's part of the communication. But sometimes they don't listen, they are just on-auto pilot.

I've never had high-lights before ever, I would really like some, though this kind of stuff is not a priority. Also I'm afraid to have chemicals in my hair because it's already going through this stress thing the medical term for it is "Telogen effluvium" loss due to stress.

I don't think about the way I look anymore. I need clothes so I do get some from thrift stores now and then, but I don't really do make up and hair and stuff. IT all feels like to much to keep on top of to be honest. They are like details that get over looked. Oh well.  

Most of us don't look as if we just walked out of a photo shoot any-how. Also I haven't been able to locate a bra in a few weeks....I generally figure I don't really need it--ya know "be like the French"....??   Sigh

« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 03:03:13 PM by Green Bean »


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Re: Summer....
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 03:01:02 PM »
I love gorgeous frizzy 'dos!

I love hair au naturel...just defiant happy hair.

That's what I'd ask for. A zero-maintenance HAPPY HAIR haircut.

So glad you're savoring summer. You are so tuned to the things that grow.
Got a windowbox? Balcony box?

I have 2 raised beds I couldn't get it together to plant except for some tomatoes
and cucumber seedlings a friend brought me. Finally planted them out of embarrassment
and within a couple weeks, the deer had munched them to stubs. Grrr.

Trying to figure out if there's some contraption other than actual deer fencing I could
put around my little plot. But I'm hoping once I put in a dog door, maybe LB will go
out at 2am and chase them off. Just a fantasy...

I have some favorite flowers I should have planted too, next spring I hope to:

I have a crepe myrtle that has gorgeous pink blooms. A couple azaleas but they're
not doing very well. Two shaggy big old silver maples, one healthy, one not.

I did plant 4 wax myrtle shrubs under my mulberry trees in the gaps along a fence
where I'd like better screening from the neighbor's yard. (The other neighbor's yards
so pretty I'd like LESS screening so I can stare at it!)

My yard is a tabula rasa, and could be magical one day if I have the time, cash, and
energy to get into the transformation. One little starter thing is there's an old concrete
pad in the top left corner where I kept thinking I shoudl put a shed, and then realized
that's the upper spot, and it's lovely and I keep gravitating there, so now I figured out
I want to tile the pad, and then erect something like a square gazebo kind of thing,
and start great vines like grapes or wisteria, and put in two wonderful comfy swings.
It'll become the perfect place to go sit and read or have a drink with friends...

Looking for a deal on tiles or stone to face it, will be the fun part.

Wish you could come see it one day, Boat.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Summer....
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 03:11:28 PM »
@Hops....there is a FANTASTIC plant store very near to where I live and I can go visit it and get a fix of that which grows (I tried to work here, only lasted a couple of months because standing on my feet was killing me) .

Your plans for your yard sound like a great thing to look forward to.

I do like growing things.
When I was a teenager I had a collection of orchid cacti. They are awesome. Disocactus ackermannii

Yeah, I like snap-dragons also, I've noticed that grocery stores are selling them as cut flower bouquets now, something they didn't use to do because they had marigold status. I even like marigolds.

Unfortunately I've got no advice for deer, most people end up building fences around their yards in areas with deer. I stayed with a couple in Canada who had a guard around their trees and also fences around their beds and also bird netting....they said they are under siege from all forms of wildlife...and they have a huge buck deer that comes and visits them because he got used to them when he was a baby....
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 03:31:57 PM by Green Bean »