Author Topic: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 5781 times)


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I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: September 23, 2013, 07:32:27 AM »
I cannot believe my family! I had named my brother, now 70 and 2000 miles away, as secondary POA and Trustee of my Estate.

After a number of years and now my settlement, it was time to review my Will. Because he is the youngest sibling, (eldest being 79) and the wisest, I had chosen him, but now we are 2000 miles apart and he is 70, with 4 heart attacks under his belt. I removed him as secondary and notified him. My new lawyer agreed with my decision and also notified him. My brother responded to me with, that is was all right, as settling an Estate across country would be difficult!

Apparently he took this as a reason to talk to others about “cutting” him out of my Will, then I hear in a round about way, that he said this to a sister who responded with the fact that my money ought to go to blood relatives.

Well, it is not!

I have a Will that provides for people who are deserving, in need, or for whatever reason he/she might deserve a little something and none are blood relatives.

I am in deep sh** with the whole family now, as my brother was the last to be reasonable, but now he says he love me as a sister, but does not like me as a person.

Am I in their Wills? I doubt it. They all have spouses, children and grandchildren. My D and G’Kids are not in mine after all these years of no attention/contact and I know the deserving people.

I had money left over from my first settlement in 1971 (2 years after that accident in 1969) and no one said a thing except for one sister who came to me to ask if I knew anyone who might loan her $40,000.00, so that she could buy out her estranged and divorcing husband of their jointly owned house. I said I knew no one! (Anything wrong with that? It sure wouldn’t be me!, and my funds were already invested!)

Same sister as first mentioned re this settlement, but I am in worse shape and older. I haven’t sent it yet, as it is 4:27 in the a.m. here, 7:27 in the a.m. there,  but I listed some expenses of mine and this was the first.:

I’ll make you a deal: send me before and after pictures for proof, of your bathroom, pay cash, $7,600.00 for a bath lift and install it in your tub , for your decrepit old age, and the receipt that you did pay cash for it + tax + installation and I will write you a cheque for the cost!
Bath lift $ 7,600.00 + +

I went on to list numerous things, saying that I had paid for them from my pocket and had to wait 4 years to be reimbursed, for a total of about $75,000.00. I also said “You tell me if YOU could survive an accident that puts you as a 98% shut-in and wait for 4 years to have that money returned to you. The money is NOT for frivolity! It is to afford one a life, as comfortable as can be, considering the vehicular injuries caused by another person.”

I certainly feel sorry for a person in my place who does NOT have the finances to carry them until the claim is settled and are likely settle for too little, too quickly.

Does anyone have an opposing opinion on siblings, daughter, grandchildren who didn’t mention a damn about my losing the use of my arms for about 2 months, but are concerned about my money going elsewhere?

I am really flabbergasted about the family, each of the other 4 having a spouse, 2 children, grandchildren, while I have struggled through 44 years of this on my own, never once asking for their help!-----------------
-------------but there is a degree of freedom that my brother has finally shown his true colours, so that he fits in with the 3 sisters. I hung in a bit because of him now no more and feel another load off my shoulders.

I should write a book!

« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 07:37:22 AM by Skits »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2013, 09:34:24 PM »

I'm so sorry your family rarely fails to disappoint.

And hasn't that been an ongoing pattern since your first accident?

It seems your brother jumped to the conclusion he'd been disinherited, opposed to let off the hook as named executor of your will, then talked about it behind your back with other family members?

A shame, bc it sounds like his actions accomplished his fear.

As for the other sibs..... I can't quite discern what happened from your post.  From what I read, it looked like your sibs never offered you help, though you were in the more vulnerable position, and that they actually asked you to help them. 

Let's face it, you're probably a lot stronger, and capable than they are.  Even with your history, and health issues.

I wish you could be prepared before hand every time you have contact with your family.  I wish their conduct didn't shock and disappoint so badly. 

It seems that you've adjusted your expectations, and yet you're still shocked when they do what they've always done. 

So sorry, but remember how limited they are.  Forgive them if you can, and try remember they're unlikely to change.



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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 08:36:47 AM »
Aw, Izzie, I am sorry, money can really bring out the worst in some people.

Personally I feel the way that you do - I don't have a lot of money but what I do have I'd rather leave to people who really need then to other people I know.  I don't know anybody personally who needs money, but I know of lots of people with health problems and various other difficulties who can't afford to buy specialist equipment and so on and they are the sort of people I would like to benefit from anything I can leave.

It's a shame they can't talk to you directly about the way they feel or keep quiet altogether - I always feel that sort of Chinese whispers thing that goes on in some families is very destructive and difficult to deal with.  But you shouldn't feel guilty about any of the choices that you make, your money is yours to do whatever you want with it and it's nothing to do with anybody else. xxx


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2013, 02:06:53 PM »
Hi lighter and twoapenny,

What I have seen, starting with the first accident was that the severity of it was as though I just had my tonsils removed!  No need to mention, as I'd be fit and well in a week or so.  As far a help was concerned, I never asked for any, as time slowly took care of how things would be and I managed.

What I noticed is that no one mentioned/asked how I felt about all this, what did I plan on doing, was there anything they could do for me, would I go back to work after rehabilitation was over---those kinds of things. I think I sensed, back then, that someone  might be afraid I would be "living with them, dependent for the rest of my life." I also agree with you lighter, that perhaps they felt if it were one of them, they couldn't handle it, so 'stay away in case it is a transmittable disease. Then I get "paid for it". I also sense that I could have been too proud to ask for help, just for the sake of it, if I didn't need it. That would have set up a wrong pattern. We were no more than 200 miles apart, the different sibs.

40 years later it happens again. now we are 2000 miles apart and I am older, but I have my helpers here Again I get "paid for it", but if each had a chance to try it out,  he/she would choose the life already theirs. I didn't mail that email to my sister, the last being a reply to my brother, a week ago, Cc all. No response. In a sense there is relief as he was the only hold out re always emailing pleasant emails, although not often. "When the chips are down...."

Back about 1985, a school mate of my D's diving in his pool, broke his neck. Now a quadriplegic. She wanted to go to the hospital to see him and telephoned me ask "what to do". I suggested that at least acknowledge his accident and the severity of it but don't dwell on it, take a wee gift, and don't promise to be coming to see him always, if she didn't plan on it. (Some people make it once, some barrage and some don't come at all. There must be a happy medium.)

I've been feeling well, sleeping well, and keeping busy, so being an only child is not so bad at all!

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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2013, 05:49:46 PM »
Ohh, Izz.
I'm really sorry.
I'd say your bio-family members tend to be about as sensitive as turnips.
And there's no nuance available when it's all email, either. All at a distance.

I can so profoundly relate. The very word "family" is painful to me.

I love the advice you gave about not faking an interest, or making false
promises. Direct and fair.

The happy -- VERY happy -- part is hearing how much better you feel!

I hope you're up to your chin in sunshine and new energy.
You deserve to ENJOY.

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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2013, 08:08:36 PM »

Whew, so glad you're sleeping well, and feeling better, Izz.

About the sister/brother/he said/she said thing......

Is all the information you received second hand hearsay?  If so, take a step back, and consider the source. 

Some people like to make trouble, and some people say what they're thinking while attributing it to someone else.


It's something we really should have learned a while ago.

Your brother may truly feel he couldn't easily have settled the estate cross country and not said the things you think he did.

In any case, you can ignore, ask for clarification, or take it all with a grain of salt and forget it.

I just hope you can cultivate some serenity around the issue.

It's your money.  You're certainly within your rights to do with it as you see fit, and you can share your decisions, or not.



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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: October 01, 2013, 03:57:37 AM »
hi lighter

The he said she said was in my first post
I cannot believe my family! I had named my brother, now 70 and 2000 miles away, as secondary  POA and Trustee of my Estate.

After a number of years and now my settlement, it was time to review my Will. Because he is the youngest sibling, (eldest being 79) and the wisest, I had chosen him, but now we are 2000 miles apart and he is 70, with 4 heart attacks under his belt. I removed him as secondary and notified him. My new lawyer agreed with my decision and also notified him. My brother responded to me with, that is was all right, as settling an Estate across country would be difficult!

Apparently he took this as a reason to talk to others about “cutting” him out of my Will, then I hear in a round about way, that he said this to a sister who responded with the fact that my money ought to go to blood relatives.

So we are 74 and 70. In 10 years 84 and 80, in 15 years 88 and 84....where do I draw the line at the age thing??? Did it now!!! (and he told me a tale about being considerate of our Mother's last living first cousin and how my Bro had arranged things because of "the age and distance traveled by the participants" to an  afternoon Ontario Reunion----Jeesh! I am talking FOUR provinces away 2000 miles not 150 miles! and he's okay and I am "cutting" him.

That remark from my sister was to her ex-daughter-in-law with whom I am still friends.....the reason being that I like her, and am always for the underdog. She went to AA and has a few of sober years under her belt.

Yes, it is second hand but I know to whom I only told what! The rest is being passed around, and my new user name came in on an email to me from......................D!   She must have see it on a FWD.

SO out of the blue, I receive a short email from D, about a website that interests her and perhaps it would interest me! (Now this is strange because once away some time go I sent HER as website that interested me and perhaps it would interest her, and she said...just because....we didn't have to have the same interests!)

(Her last email was Sept 18, 2011.) I just jotted, "Thank you. This is the one I'm studying now" and gave it to her!

Jeesh they drive  me nuts!!!!!


Went for my CPR (cardiac something) blood workup re the inflammation of joints, today. I wheeled 4 long blocks, then 2 more, then had a taxi bring me home--- Next week I see Dr., unless this blood test tells him what he needs to know, but I will be out of meds by then. Now I m getting too much sleep! I'll settle one day! and I have the patience of in, what else does one do but to hang in there?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 04:04:30 AM by Skits »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2013, 07:22:27 AM »
Hey, Izz!
That CRP is C-Reactive Protein, an important marker of overall inflammation.

The new supplement I'm taking, called ZYFLAMEND, brings it down. I like this stuff.
It reduces joint pain and stiffness too.

I am so blown away by your journey to less pain.
More more more!

(Of the less, less, less.)

love to you--
ps--my D's bday is in a few days. First of the hardest days in the hellidays season,
but it will pass. xxoo
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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 10:53:28 PM »
HI all

Hops! I didn't know (or likely forgot) that you were in pain. Does ZYFLAMEND work? I googled it--- an OCD, eh? Expensive? I could be really fat if I take Prednisone for a year ($8.33/mo.)---just had to go back on after 2 weeks of pain free, as I could feel it returning.  My CPR was good and my hemoglobin 116 up from 80, that started all this and as yet unknown why the huge drop in that and blood pressure. (/ HOPS>

I have been exchanging emails with my brother, now that he was brought into the fray by my revoking his secondary Trusteeship. He is surely the most open and free-speaking and on the mark of the 3 sisters. There is very little with which I can argue about what he says, as they are his thoughts, and his experiences, then the rest is the everyday wisdom we all ought to know.  He can read me far better than the sister, but said sister has been sharing my emails---

--as I have now picked out two items from his that I told only her. One was that I said I hoped he wasn't trying to sabotage my quitting smoking ( 3 years now, Nov 17, 2010) as, for me anyway, talking about it brings it to the forefront. His email said, in his "crits' of  me, that he was sorry that I felt he was sabotaging me, as he was asking only for my health's sake. His wife smokes and just cannot quit. She used to be able to go outside, but now that the odour is on her and in her hair etc. she must shower and change completely before seeing her (now 2) grand-girls (whose mother used to smoke.)

Well, it's my family individually to whom I mention different things, and I expect they are no repeating, but it appears to not be the case. At the last I was hanging in there as my brother was my fav--- Our main topic was "cause and effect" , the cause being in my very younger years,  and the effect as being who/what I am now! Childhood trauma in adulthood, google it and see, is now making a mark in psychology.

Comp acting up. Will post

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 11:53:30 PM »
Hi Izzy, just saying hi is all.  :)


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2013, 01:08:10 PM »
Hi (((((((((Izzz))))))))))

I'm glad if you feel some clear connection with your bro.
Not glad when they upset you though.
I still have trouble processing the anguish you must've
felt when you were so hurt, and they had no empathy.

But then I think about my D.

On a trip this week, I had to go through her town again,
each way. Last year I felt a cloud of pain, took 100 miles
to get back in the present again. This year, I felt more
peaceful, or at least, was able to wrench my thoughts
away from her for longer stretches. Had a good mystery-
on-tape to listen to, and the narrator had a calm approach
to all the disastrous stories that are part of the plot...somehow
it gave me perspective. That, plus the beauty I was looking at
along the highway.

May you find a blast of beauty every single day, Izz...and
much, much less pain of all kinds.

Love to you, sistah,
PS--the Zyflamend is helping me for sure. Dunno if it could replace
the steroids you need but try it for a month? Maybe you could lower
the steroid dose if it's helping...
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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2013, 04:33:24 PM »
A slightly repetitive update on 4 siblings and a new outcome:

J., the eldest graduated Gr. 13 , left home for nurses training, met her present husband and has just turned 79. We have nothing in common. She is a golf circuit person and haven’t seen each other for over 15 years. At the time of my last accident she sent a one-liner “I’m sorry for your broken leg” and nothing else. My therapist/friend  said that was rather 'callous'.

. followed along and became the bully of the family. She is the type to blame anyone for everything to take the focus off the mistakes she was making and couldn’t keep secret, i.e. lie about her husband and me, in order to be the innocent party re their divorce. We have had no contact for over 5 years, but was out West here to see me once with her second husband to see his daughters who live not far from me.

Me:; was next and likely overly sensitive, was impacted by teasing, taunting, beatings, more so than the others and grew up believing that no one in the family liked me--- I became rather withdrawn from them at a certain point and chose to not share my personal life.

R. was after me and the “little goody-two-shoes" who happened to fit in the area of having no beatings, and was handed all on a sliver platter, in comparison to the rest

W., my only brother, was my favourite. We never argued or fought. We shared things, like secrets and trust. I named my daughter my Executor and he as second, should something happen to her. This was years ago. When I recently changed my Will I removed both of them and have named two others who are of a better age and location----- when I finally “swallow the bullet”.

So we are up to the stage that he felt he could ‘interfere’ in my personal business and told me that he often didn’t like me as a person (well I know the other 4 didn’t, but my HERO?) In retrospect I arrived at the conclusion that I was the way I was with only my family, as I appeared to be the only one affected by emotional abuse, although 3 other endured the physical abuse, too. They got over it? I didn’t? Different impacts/ perceptions?

He and I corresponded and shared things from early childhood even to the present and his way of expressing himself was better than mine. He is an ex-cop and learned a lot about people, and expressing one’s feelings. I was not as capable, and often used a word, like ‘anxious’ to hear about, in place of ‘looking forward to” hearing" about.

My last email to him was 10 days ago and I thanked him for his way of expressing himself, as I felt he had “reigned in a runaway”, of the family, as I was an “only one”, on the outside, never on the inside, only dark-haired one out of 4 redheads, the first to ‘embarrass the family tree’, yada yada.

OKAY! Even with questions I asked in that last email, he has not responded, so I now have FOUR siblings not in touch with me, as well as my daughter and 3 grandchildren.

In all other areas of my life, whether it’s my employed gals, my sales clerks, my friend/therapist, whoever, I get along fine. They were not the cause of my feeling as the outsider from early childhood, or whatever my D. did to find a reason to not be in contact, and therefore, no one in my family is in my Will.

I don’t hate any of them. We just now have nothing in common, except for them to think I am” the odd one out”. I care what happens, but distance and previous relationships have changed things. That had already developed 72 + years ago.

I will not write any one them, as it would appear I want contact. I really don’t. I just want a connection, the kind I had with my brother up until this year, with us at 70 and 74, and no previous harsh words. I now see it’s been a long time that I had anything in common with any of the four, except for being blood siblings, and it feels like I have been let to , as W. said, “Suck it up, buttercup”. (I still like him the best, as 70 years didn't change that!)

I am not depressed about it, confused as to what to do? Yes! Do it? No! Stick to my friends here? Yes! Make more? No!

So if no contact, the end result would be, as I see it---- none of us will know when there is a death in the family!--between East and West!

Life is a difficult thing to live! But where I am, in spite of my disabilities, I am quite content to live this way, one day at a time, as most are the same, with the help I have, yet have nothing to tell anyone that is of interest to them, (every day is something to watch for re my health) as I am relatively a recluse, going out maybe once a week/2 weeks. I’m selling my car. I think of myself as being self-indulgent, but at the same time, restrained.

I had my friend/therapist in a couple of weeks ago and he thinks all I need is an interest/hobby? But I said that I am not prepared to commit to anything.

(What I would love to do though, is to undergo regressive therapy, LSD, and drag out some memories from 70 +/- years ago and see if there is a block that has ‘hampered’ me all these years!)

Any comments? Would love to hear, if I’ve made this clear!

X All

EDIT: Aha! it's called a "stalemate"!

« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 05:05:22 PM by Skits »
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2013, 03:22:53 AM »
Oh Iz.

I am one of six.  We were all brought up in different houses, in different ways.  We were all screwed up in our own, but different ways.  There are so many incidents in the past that we agree happened but see very differently.  We live our lives very differently, with different codes of morals and ethics. I think in these crazy families we all survive in different ways and it affects us.  Whether or not we deal with things as adults affects us.  Being lucky enough to make a good marriage or a lot of money can change the outcome, as can bad luck.  It's very difficult and very sad.

If you fancy some kind of therapy now I'd say go for it.  I'd avoid the LSD, though, it can make people do funny things :)


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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2013, 06:52:36 PM »
Thanks TT and Tap

The LSD: have you ever read of that therapy? That under the proper supervision, one can be slowly regressed to being born.  I read about one guy who reached a point of screaming in pain about his arm, and he had regressed to his birth, when his arm had been twisted on the "way out" which must have hurt 'the baby" and he, of course, wouldn't remember that in much later life.

Naturally, for me anyway, with my history, I am curious, maybe to the point of obsession, to know what went wrong when I was little.

The older I become, the longer I have had poor circulation in my legs. They are spotted with a rash, "stained" blue and green in places, bruise, bleed, and some years ago (2008?), I posted here about a nurse, who threw me for a loop by saying, just before she went out and closed the door, "You are going to lose both those legs"! I rather panicked, but yesterday with Bandaids all over my left leg, I thought, "If someone said--Well have to take off that bottom leg"--- I would react as though someone said, "You have no mail today!"

It's like I care and I don't care so just shoot me now and I'll never know.

Lordy! My life is boring!

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Re: I cannot believe my family@!!@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2013, 07:19:25 PM »
Oh Izzy,
The will stuff and greed drives me crazy. How can people be so awful?
I just wanted to say hello and that I missed you and am glad to see you are well.
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