I feel as though I'm just now nearing the surface of my recovery from the move.
It has been two years and it has taken that full amount of time to recover
my equilibrium, adapt to the change, and feel fully integrated into my new
location. Moving in your 60s feels very different from 20s or 30s. But it's
doable, and we done did it, eh?
The good side is all along the way, despite feeling below-par and having
some other issues derail me from time to time--I have also had moments of
JOY in my new home. Things as simple as the look of the light. Mulberries.
What it looks like in the snow. A fox.
So it's not like it's been awful-always-daily-for-two-years-solid. It's been...
this is different, I am weary and changed, but if I abide with this, maybe
energy and new life will be coming. Right now, I believe they are arriving.
A full two years' adaptation is just what it took. Once I accepted that
there was a healing timetable it was best for me to go along with instead
of controlling, it got better.
(Two full years doesn't mean I'm totally decluttered and unpacked, though.
Home office is still a mess, with boxes I hide under the bed as I don't want
to deal with them. But it's okay with me. I'll do it when I do it, and that's
Your exhaustion is just what it is, and very real. So sleeping for weeks or
months and eating well and doing the smallest just fine.
Trust nature. You are strong but let nature heal you in her own timetable.
And that doesn't mean I've finished unpacking. Home office is only halfway.
But all of this, is now okay with me.