Thanks, Tupp, and no, Hops. The GP don't have any visitation.
In fact, there was a protective order in place during the custody hearing, and they were denied any visitation during the Grandparent Visitation Trial, with expert testimony speaking to the facts.......
it's detrimental to the children to have unsupervised visitation with the GP.
I've offered supervised visitation for years, but it's become apparent to everyone, esp the Judge in the Custody Trial, these GP don't want anything to do with my children if they can't drag them under the stairs, in private, without any supervision.
It's not the visitation they want.
It's having the children behind closed doors.
Sad, and the children weren't really aware of it until the Custody Trial. At that time so much information had to be shared with them, bc of their entire summer was spent in psych exams answering questions asshat strangers were throwing at them.....
there was little I could do to protect them from the reality.....
their GP have abandoned them, and are dead set on harming me through them.
At the time of the custody trial I withdrew the offer of supervised visitation. I couldn't pretend the GP might calm down, and focus on the chldren's best interest after all they pulled in the custody trial. They really upset our lives, and the childrens' routines, and most traumatic to us all, they made it impossible for me to shelter the kids any longer from the truth of what the GP were doing.
I think the children will have to grieve the loss of the paternal side of the family at every major landmark of their lives, and that grieving process will likely never end. They handle it well, but it's a very sad situation I have zero control over. You can't force someone to be appropriate around children.