You know when I think about this dates are kind of difficult in a few ways. Dates are so brief. A woman I know for example had a male friend she swore up and down they were only friends, they have known each other for months before she finally told me recently that she figured out she likes him now. Shrug.
So now they are hanging out all the time. He made her some kind of steaks on Valentines day and cut them into shapes of hearts and all sorts of mushy stuff like that.
I think friends into romance can be quite a nice way of doing it, you get to know someone without the pressure

But then if it ends you've lost a friend as well, it never seems to work to going back to just being mates after something romantic.
I've continued with my pondering and I am starting to realise that those old patterns have pulled me in again. I don't fit in with my family and I spent years pretending to be someone I'm not so they would like me but they still didn't. When I had my son I spent years trying to fit in with the other mums in our area so that someone would like me but the still didn't. When we moved back 'home' I spent time again changing who I was - or even hiding my real self - hoping that someone would want me! But still no-one does.
I realised yesterday that I've done a lot of dumbing down and biting my tongue over the years. It has taken me a while to catch on! I need to be brave enough to just be myself and if other people don't like it, accept that and let them move on without it being a problem for me. I still find rejection so hard to cope with. But I need to be myself so that people who I truly connect with come into my life. It happens online, because online you have that defence of not actually meeting face to face, of being able to dip in and out of contact, of being able to think about what you want to say before you say it, being able to edit and delete which gives you a control that just isn't there in real life. So I'm able to be myself online. I was so anxious yesterday, it's my son's birthday today (yay! Happy Birthday little man

) and a few people were coming round, I know they'll criticise a lot about my house and the way I live (or I imagine they will), I run through the logical stuff in my mind and do the self talk etc, I went ahead and did it but I felt sick to my stomach all day, it's those old patterns still running. What I'd really like is to know that people won't be looking for things to criticise, they'll be looking for things to praise and admire

I still attract a lot of the old kind and not many of the new. So I need to start being more authentic around real people and letting the good ones in.
I'm still very drawn to people who are harsh and judgemental that I need to prove myself to!? Isn't it weird?