Hi Kelly,
I think I understand the type of person you're describing. He won't do what you ask him to do & he gets nasty.
I asked him what was he going to do when I am REALLY sick and REALLY need him but he has used all the sick time to do nothing? Really. He used sick time to take care of me and then I took care of myself while he laid in bed the whole time
To me, when you ask him 'what will he do when you're really sick & need him', it's like you're engaging in the
dance with him. IMO, people like your husband and my relative love to fight, they love being oppositional & they love defying. So, IMO, by asking him "what will he do for you?", you're inviting a fight. Your question is logical & reasonable, but your H is not.
As someone posted in the messages in one of the links posted above, these type of people love NOT giving you what you ask for. If you ask H to clean the pool, he loves NOT cleaning the pool and then watching you get disappointed and frustrated.
I have found that if you ask these types of people for nothing, they give/do nothing, but at least it cuts down on the arguing. However, that can leave us with anger, frustration & disappointment.
IMO, there's no easy solution with these people.
IMO, either we keep them in our lives, ask them for nothing and deal with our anger, frustration & disappointment or we limit our contact with them.
I hope you can see a therapist & discuss all this.
Wishing you all the best,