Author Topic: Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?  (Read 2952 times)

Amelia Rose

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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« on: November 29, 2004, 06:07:03 PM »
Hi - I was in an abusive  relationship for 24 years. During this marriage - my husband was very controlling - very critical of EVERYTHING.  He used to fly into rages over the littlest thing.  I think it was a bully-thing. I  think it was his way of getting us not to talk with him, not to interact with him - not to "bother" him. (he spent most evenings on his back - watching tv, "tuning us out" (his words).  We walked around him like we were on egg shells.  
My husband intentionally withheld conversation and  withheld affection from me.  Most of the time he treated me and our children like we were ""pains in the A__."   I was very much alone in this relationship.  Literally. I was also alone in the fact that my family was thousands of miles away.  He kept  me isolated. We weren't not allowed to have friends -no one was allowed  over our house. And during these 24 years - I kept "quiet" as to how bad the relationship was. For one, I was so busy trying to "survivie" and provide a healthy happy home for my 2 children - I didn't really see all that was going on. The saying "you can't see the forest for the trees" best described my situation.  Plus, he did a real good  job  making me think the problem was with "me" - not him.
Anyway-  I was not allowed to paint the walls or fix things up.  I was not allowed to put pictures on the wall, play music, buy almost ANYTHING unless it was food. so we pretty much did with out.  (For those who can relate to abuse- we all know people get "stuck", and it's easier said than done - when it comes to leaving these relationships.) "So" - one of my only creative outlet was to  go to 2nd hand shops, flea markets,  garage sales.  It was a really big day for me to find  an interesting or quality piece of jewelry for a "litttle price." It was the little fun that I had (I had lots of fun with my children, but almost none with my husband. This is true - I was not allowed to have fun. I think it made him insecure and nervous.) SO - my "collecting" became my THERAPY. I would  go for a couple of hours - seeking, looking.  At the flea markets  sometimes  spending 3 hours going  thru the piles of jewlery. Plus, jewelry had another plus.  After purchasing it,  I could slip it into my pocket, my purse - somewhere out-of-sight until I could safely put in in my drawer . . . undetected.  Secretly.  If  I dared show him a piece - he would either tell me to sell it, or the one day - he held it up - shaming me that I had used X-amount of gas to get a 50 cent bracelet. No Joy allowed.
24 years later - the divorce came. Thank God.  Now - my little bits of jewelry- are  piles,  drawers full.  My room became cluttered.  I could not walk thru it without tripping.   I am in the processof cleaning and clearing.  Please  tell me your thoughts on this. Was this OCD? Was this "void that I was trying to fill" - was that HOARDING? *At the time I was  doing it -  it was like I was doing something good  :?: for "myself." Being kind to myself - treating myself in some way.   Now I am having a difficult time getting rid of these things. I think if I  paid 50 cents for it - it's hard to throw out or give away.  What I want more than anything else - is to not have these piles. To not have these things that gave me  joy at one time - to make me feel like I am "rooted" to them and I cant'  get out from underneath.  Please  - any suggestions, feedback - I welcome your thoughts.  Thanks. :roll:  :oops:


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2004, 07:29:39 PM »
To me, it sounds like you are on the right track all ready.  I did find a web site, which you make think is corny, but I have found to be very helpful particularly in dealing with clutter (both the physical and the mental).  If you want to look it is:  (Fly stands for many things...."feel like yourself again" and "finally love yourself" are two of my favorites).

I also found the book "Clear your Clutter with Feng Shui" to be extremely helpful.  I believe the author is Karen Kingston.  

I have always felt that my surroundings directly reflect my state of mind.  I have found that a slow process of systematic de-cluttering brings new sources of energy in to my life and makes room for me to live in my home.  I have found it particularly freeing to give away things that were given to me by people with whom I had an unhealthy relationship.  

Good luck to you.


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2004, 08:15:57 PM »
Hi Amelia Rose (what a beautiful name BTW), I found your story very beautiful, poetic and so inspiring... a story of resilience  :)  
It is very interesting that you wonder about the meaning of these jewels.
I have the feeling that you may have a strong sense of what is beautiful, whether it is in arts or within yourself.
So I am thinking, they may represent this nice part of you that you fought to keep alive during these abusive period. They seemed to have helped you keep your hope and your hidden strength. And maybe now that you are free again, you feel you do not need them anymore. And maybe they remind you too strongly how much you suffered, and trigger bad memories...

I got rid last year of lots of clothes that I never liked b/c they reminded me of my younger sis and my NMom . It was really symbolically liberating to give them to a charity. On the other hand I kept a few gifts from my NMom when they were given w/ affection. And I kept my cats collection that I had since I was a kid, b/c the cat has always symbolized a way of passively fighting my abusive family.

So I do not know really what to say, whether to keep them or not..  Maybe the best is to compare (in symbolic value) the amount of joy/strength they gave to you v. the pain of the abuse they may remind to you too. A last alternative may be to keep them hidden from your eyes (like in a cellar or sthg like that) for now and decide later when you can see more clear about their value what to do w/ them. It may be better than throwing away sthg that later you wish you had kept.. :wink:


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2004, 12:59:30 AM »
I can very much relate to your story Amelia Rose, I also left a controlling husband after 25 years and I had a similar way of 'doing something for myself' as you did. My exH didn't like it when I showed any independent thinking from him so I did things quietly and secretly like you. I can see now that I was just regaining some power for myself.
I've been un-cluttering his and my stuff for the last few years but I did a big clean-up recently because of a move to a new house. It was a process, some things were easy to toss, (bad memories) and some things I put aside only to toss them when I got to the new place. Some things went to the charity stores, some things sold. Basically, I kept what 'I' wanted to keep, and not because of what I 'should' keep for some other reason like sentimentality or guilt. There may be a few things that I've regretted getting rid off, but that's part of the responsibility of making a choice; sometimes you get it wrong.  
I wish you the best, and taking your time deciding what to do with your clutter is my best advice. If you can't make a decision, then don't. If you really want to get rid of it, you will.


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2004, 01:20:19 AM »
Welcome Amelia Rose,

You were a prisoner for 24 years. Freed prisoners need to adjust to the outside world. You did what you had to, to survive the 24 years. Now your world is larger, more spontaneous and open. You may want to say thanks and goodbye to some of the objects because they're now causing a second, lesser, imprisonment. I know this is pretty complicated and I think it's a good sign that you are unhappy with the piles of stuff and want them to be gone. There can be a lot of anxiety in parting with them.

good luck with it and congratulations on your freedom.



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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2004, 04:19:36 AM »
Why not hold a garage sale of all those pieces or something? Then with the money you make you could buy yourself some pictures, or anyone of those other things that you couldn't before? Or simply give it to charit. That way at least others may benefit. I think that keeping it around will always remind you of why you bought it. If you replace it with things you've bought as an independant woman then thos things will feel so much more healthy than the ones you bought whilst with your husband.

Just my opinion! Good luck with your new life, enjoy it - you deserve it.


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2004, 09:42:10 AM »
:) Hello Amelia rose,

Perhaps your collection was a kind of escapism for you and a solace for your imprisoned self. I agree with everyone above, why not auction the pieces off on e-bay or a sale of some kind after choosing one or two special pieces maybe. Then whatever money comes in from the sale, you could buy something which symbolises true freedom for you in your new life.  Something which says 'new beginnings' to you.


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Hoarding? Clutter? How to let go of all this STUFF?
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2004, 09:43:12 AM »
Sorry, that was me......above :)