Author Topic: To Tell Or Not To Tell?  (Read 4726 times)


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To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« on: January 14, 2016, 02:50:55 PM »
Having a bit of a quandry and would appreciate your input!

As you know, I am hoping to move far, far away this year.  Have struggled a bit the last couple of days to get on with things but overall I can see us moving within the next two to three months.

I don't want my mum to know where we've moved to, even just a general area.  As the area I live in now is very small and cliquey, I know from previous experience that people gossip and that, although it doesn't appear to be done to cause trouble, most things I do get back to my mum via the local gossips.  She's very good at doing the crying, 'I just want to know if they're okay' rubbish to get people to tell her stuff and some people just like having something to talk about, I think.

My thinking is to (a) not tell anyone we're going until the day before and (b) to say we're going abroad for a year.  I think there's less chance of her trying to track us down if she thinks we've gone commune hopping through Europe.  I can organise the move myself so no-one will know where we've actually gone, most of my bills and so on can be done online and I can get mail redirected as well so there's no need to give anyone my new address (at least not anyone she could find it out from). 

Most of the people who live around here I could happily walk away from and never see or speak to again.  There are a few, however, that I feel very uncomfortable about lying to and who I would like to keep in touch with.  I don't feel, however, that I can tell two or three and (a) completely rely on them to keep quiet and (b) I don't feel it's fair to put other people in a situation where they might have to lie in order to protect us.  I also feel a bit cheesed off that I'm having to behave as if I've gone into some sort of witness protection programme and hide my identity.

So just slightly unsure as to what to do - lie to everyone and put up with the bit of discomfort of doing that to the few I would rather be honest with or just be open about it anyway and deal with whatever she throws my way once she finds out (interestingly she is subjecting my younger sister to the sort of false allegations she put me through years ago anyway so I might be safe from her wrath regardless).  Would appreciate your thoughts :) x


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2016, 04:01:42 PM »
Don't forget to turn off location services/apps on your computer & phone.

It is pretty easy to find you, if you just up & disappear. After all, mom will be so worried for your safety.  ;)
So, while I wouldn't ordinarily recommend it, I think I'd go with the cover story. You can always spill the beans about where you are, after you've had some peace & quiet & healing and feel strong enough to let it be known, to some you trust more than others.

You're going to live my fantasy - to just disappear! LOL.
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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2016, 07:36:54 PM »

Do you feel uncomfortable about not disclosing your true plans to those few people because:

1) They truly would be hurt because they truly care

2) They are such nice people that you want to live up to what they'd expect? (The "what will people think of me" thing?)

3) Something else?

Maybe another option might be to tell those few you care about most: "This may seem odd but I am planning to go camping for a long stretch--or 'away for a while'--and because of family issues, I prefer not to tell anyone where. Not even my favorite people. I just wanted you to know up front so you wouldn't be too surprised. I'll be in touch later on to fill you in.")

Then off you go, having been honest with those you wanted to tell something, but without having disclosed any details that would undermine your desire for a complete separation from the whole system there. How long "later on" will be is up to you.

Would something like that help, do you think?

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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 08:06:51 PM »
I watch too much TV, but occurred to me too...would it be helpful to stop by the police on your way out of town and have a quiet word to say:

"I want to just let you know that I'm going out of town for an indefinite period and prefer not to be contacted by family, who might raise a false alarm about me "going missing." I am fine and this is a voluntary adventure, just in case anyone inquires."

?? Too dramatic? (I'd keep it low-key, tone wise, of course...)

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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2016, 08:09:02 PM »
"lie to everyone"

Under the circumstances, I don't think this is really lying, per se.  Instead, not telling seems to be a matter of your survival and well being.  Sounds like if you felt "safe", you would tell everyone, maybe even including your mum, but you obviously don't feel safe telling, so why not trust your gut instinct?

After you have moved and feel safe, then perhaps you can decide to tell those certain people why you didn't mention it before.  If they are truly good friends (who want the best for you), they will understand.  If they are not truly good friends, then they may gossip and eventually reveal your new location, which defeats your entire plan, no?

I don't feel, however, that I can tell two or three and (a) completely rely on them to keep quiet and (b) I don't feel it's fair to put other people in a situation where they might have to lie in order to protect us.  I also feel a bit cheesed off that I'm having to behave as if I've gone into some sort of witness protection programme and hide my identity.
   Yes, I hear you.  My vote:  put yourself and your well being in primary position and do what's best for you.  If that means don't tell, then don't tell.


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2016, 01:31:34 AM »
You lot are amazing, I knew you'd see through the head muddiness :)

Skep:  Fortunately I am the least tech savvy person on the planet so I don't have a smart phone and we probably won't have internet access at home, at least for a while once we get there so I think that reduces that sort of risk, plus I don't really do Facebook or any other sort of social media (I do have an account but mostly for keeping track of bands I like and festivals so I can delete it without it attracting attention).  The idea of disappearing is nice, isn't it?!  Would be nicer if it was some sort of remote desert island - with a gaggle of kind, compassionate, level headed women (like yourselves) for company and a few big beefy manservants to do the hard work.  And chocolate that isn't fattening and cocktails that don't give you a hangover :)  Ah, you've started something now! :)  Thank you xx

Hopsie, thank you.  I had thought about contacting the various agencies myself to pre-empt her but have been burnt so badly before them in the past (including the police) that I don't trust them enough to actually do the right thing (ie, their jobs!).  Plus I find the idea of having to deal with them in any way quite frightening still so I have got a document written up that details all the harassment, which in the UK falls under the categories of domestic abuse and disability hate (I don't know if you categorise things in the States in the same way!) along with some information from a couple of support groups that explains how what we've been through falls into those categories.  That way if we get the knock at the door I can just hand them all the information they need without having to 'deal' with it (as it makes me fall apart).

I love your suggestion of how to phrase things to people so that I'm not 'lying', I'm just not saying where exactly!  Perfect in between statement and would definitely make me feel better about keeping quiet without actually being untruthful so I will be using that, thank you so much!  I think what would hurt them is the feeling that I don't trust them to keep quiet, but unfortunately what I've found in the past is that people do chitter chatter, not to be nasty but just because they do, especially in the pub after a few beers or something similar and around here it's like Chinese Whispers, it just gets passed from person to person until eventually it gets back to my mum (who still has some people around here thinking she's this lovely granny who just wants to see her beloved grandchildren and that I'm a wicked and selfish girl for refusing to do that).  I know a few years back I got taken into hospital suddenly and only told three people, people who I trusted, who know the situation and who know not to talk.  A week later I got an email from an aunt who I hadn't heard from for about ten years wanting to know if I was okay as they were worried about my hospital visit.  I know no-one would have gossiped maliciously but it just seems to fall out of their faces without them thinking about it.  There is an element in there of me being 'nice' and not upsetting people and I am working hard to ignore that voice and flatten it!  Thank you :) xx

Thank you, Ann, so much, yes it is about feeling safe isn't it, and sadly I don't think I'll feel safe until she's dead.  Which just feels like such a horrible way to feel about your own mum but that's the truth of the matter.  And I think you are right, good friends will understand.  I was trying to think if I would understand someone doing it to me and I would, if they were frightened and had to just go I would understand that that's better for them than being frightened.  I love the idea of putting myself first and doing what's best for us, although it's still a concept I struggle with a bit (!) but I'm practising it more and more and it is the right thing to do, isn't it?

Thank you all so much, I knew you'd be able to see through the muddiness and the what ifs and know which way to head.  Thank you :) xxxxx


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2016, 08:14:12 AM »
Tupp, if you get 20 questions about why you're not being more specific about where you're going... your fallback, is: that information is on a need to know to basis; it could put you on the spot if you knew - so it's better you don't.

Right after Mike died, I was kinda unguardedly babbly. Thinking out loud kind of thing. Putting the house on the market slipped out a couple of times, and that made people concerned that I was making decisions too quickly. They were truly looking out for me (and I still get that from time to time). The compromise I ended up making, that is "best of both worlds" kind of thing, is to deal with the "stuff", the reduction in things that really belong to other people, and the maintenance list - things that need doing no matter what I decide to do. That's going to take months, realistically. So I've had some weeks now, of blessed peace & quiet and a chance to round up the scattered pieces of myself a little bit more.

Best of luck, sweetie! This sounds like a grand adventure.
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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2016, 01:06:11 PM »
I'm very excited for you, Tupp.

Planning your big move..... getting so close.

How is your darling boy feeling about the move?



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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2016, 05:23:48 PM »
I love this expression!

it just seems to fall out of their faces...

It's perfect. Spot on. And so funny.


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2016, 12:20:55 AM »
Tupp, if you get 20 questions about why you're not being more specific about where you're going... your fallback, is: that information is on a need to know to basis; it could put you on the spot if you knew - so it's better you don't.

Right after Mike died, I was kinda unguardedly babbly. Thinking out loud kind of thing. Putting the house on the market slipped out a couple of times, and that made people concerned that I was making decisions too quickly. They were truly looking out for me (and I still get that from time to time). The compromise I ended up making, that is "best of both worlds" kind of thing, is to deal with the "stuff", the reduction in things that really belong to other people, and the maintenance list - things that need doing no matter what I decide to do. That's going to take months, realistically. So I've had some weeks now, of blessed peace & quiet and a chance to round up the scattered pieces of myself a little bit more.

Best of luck, sweetie! This sounds like a grand adventure.

Yep, I know what you mean, Skep, often others mean well or they just don't understand the ins and outs of a situation (let's face it, a lot of us don't know the ins and outs of our own situations, let alone other people's!) but I have found over the years keeping information to myself and only sharing with one or two people who I know either get it or accept that I get it and will let me get on with it is the best way forward.  And sometimes, you know, we do make decisions too quickly or for the wrong reasons or whatever but that's just life and we can just get on and deal with that later on.  Interestingly I can look back now at some decisions I made which I subsequently felt were wrong, but over time they did turn out to be for the best - it's often a question of perspective, isn't it?

Thank you for the wishes!  It feels like a grand adventure, I feel excited - anxious at times as well but that's to be expected.  I found myself yesterday imagining getting ready for a night out, thinking about what to wear, putting on make up and so on - I can't remember the last time I even thought about stuff like that, stuff that's just fun and frivolous and has no purpose other than enjoyment.  Feels like a lifetime ago, but I'm looking forward to making that a reality :) xx


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2016, 12:31:40 AM »
I'm very excited for you, Tupp.

Planning your big move..... getting so close.

How is your darling boy feeling about the move?


Thanks, Lighter.  He doesn't know about it, which I know sounds terrible but, because of the way his special needs affect his understanding there are two problems.  Firstly, moving house isn't something he can understand because, although we have done it before, he doesn't remember because he was young so he doesn't have an experience to compare it to.  To just talk about something like that with him makes him very anxious; with him it's generally better to just say on the day, whatever the situation is "we're going to so and so's house/the doctor/a hospital/this new place" and explain it as we go.  They always recommend social stories with autism but they've never worked with him and just make him more worried so I've found giving him the information as he needs it works best.

The second problem is that I don't want anyone to know where we're going or when, or even know we're leaving until the day before.  He can't keep secrets because he doesn't really understand what that means, besides which I don't like the idea of telling a child they have to keep something quiet, it always makes me think of abuse!  He kind of lives in his own little world and as long as he has his stuff he's happy.  So my current plan is to just tell him on the day that we're going to put all our things in a van and move them to (obviously he'll have seen the place we're going to because he'll be with me when we look around places) such and such a place which he'll understand then because it's physical things he can actually see and as long as he knows his stuff is in there he'll be happy.  He's in the dark as much as everyone else, although for different reasons!  But once we're in and his room is set up as he likes it he'll be happy.  I'm excited for him, this very solitary, almost in hiding existence we have here is what he's known for such a long time, he's unaware of how it impacts on me because obviously we keep our negatives from our kids for the most part, don't we, and he's not aware that once we've moved we'll have a bit more money and we'll have new places to explore and people to spend time with.  There's a lot more for kids to do where we're heading; I suppose you go back to the old saying of 'you covet what you know' - he doesn't crave more because he's not really had more so I think it's going to be a really positive change for him as well as for me (at least that's what I'm hoping!  Fingers crossed!).


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2016, 12:35:42 AM »
I love this expression!

it just seems to fall out of their faces...

It's perfect. Spot on. And so funny.



Ha!  Thanks, Hops :)  Does seem to happen that way, doesn't it, I have to confess I'm guilty of it myself, my mouth works a lot quicker than my brain.  One of the things I like about forums is that I can think before I answer and I can keep changing the wording to get it right (or at least better than it would be if I said it) :) xx


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2016, 04:04:58 AM »
Have been thinking as I've got on with a bit more early morning decorating that the looooong years of solitude we've been through living here will probably turn out to be a blessing.  I've realised there are only a handful of people that I'll even tell we're going (and none of them will know where) and I was thinking about how I'll feel about not seeing people I know around here for the next year or so and I realised it will be so similar to the current set up (which seems to be the odd visit squeezed in for an hour here or there) that I probably won't even notice.

I'm about two thirds of the way through the decorating now and am making lists in my head of furniture I can get rid of and drawers to clear out.  We're going to a much smaller place which I'm really looking forward to.  I have realised all of this is very positive; I feel like I want to start reconnecting with the world after such a long period of hiding from it, but I want to reconnect with a new world that I've formed for myself, not the one I carved out trying to survive and then escape my mum, and trying to protect my son from her.  I do feel stronger, I realised this morning, and I don't feel scared the whole time.  This feeling of looking forward instead of looking over my shoulder is lovely and I'm hoping it will continue.

All good!  Long may it last :)


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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2016, 12:21:02 AM »
I'm rooting for you, Tupp.



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Re: To Tell Or Not To Tell?
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2016, 12:48:03 AM »
I'm rooting for you, Tupp.


Thanks, Lighter!  It is much appreciated :)  I am really looking forward to getting on here with a tale of, yes, we did it!  Things are falling into place, it's really funny but I usually feel as if there are obstacles in my path but things feel kind of light and easy at the moment, not really sure why but I am enjoying the feeling :) xx