Author Topic: Job Hunt -- what it takes  (Read 10385 times)


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Re: Job Hunt -- what it takes
« Reply #60 on: February 01, 2016, 07:22:22 PM »
Thanks mucho, Amber.
You intuit exactly right that I'm not seeking out another drawn-out legal case. Even if I could prevail I definitely do not relish or even want to sue the company, to go backward in time to prove bullying or emotional damage or any of that. The CEO's email acknowledging (affirming in detail) that he knew the bullying was real, may be helpful as his own behind-the-scenes pressure to persuade Nboss (if he even can) to offer a better severance. But I don't know and don't even need to know. Nboss's deadline to respond to the counter offer is the 8th, so all I need to do is wait and see. I will cope with whatever happens, from zip (no severance at all) to a modest compromise, to pie in sky.

For now, just keeping my head down and applying for things, and submitting the job app reports to unemployment each Sunday. The organizing piece you're also so attuned to is the challenge.

Got going earlier today, house tidied, took a long walk, saw a friend, had a coffee date, drafted a job letter, ate well. That in itself made this a good day.

I remain awed about the herculean purging/sorting/re-evaluating and recovering job you're doing day by day, all while grieving. Awed is not an understatement.

So hope the getaway did you good, offer freshness amid the poignant driving alone. And that friend and family filled some of the hollow, aching places and gave you hope.

Thanks for reaching out to understand my minor situation in the face of all you're going through.

Love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Job Hunt -- what it takes
« Reply #61 on: March 01, 2016, 07:06:47 PM »
Hi All,

I realized I had missed a couple of pages here, so I just caught up. I want to say to all the posters who gave Hops advice and support - your contributions were great - there was lots of supportive, strategic and practical advice given - I was very impressed!

And, thanks to Hops for being brave and putting her situation out there. I learned alot from the posts - so thank you!

All the best to all of you  :D


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Re: Job Hunt -- what it takes
« Reply #62 on: March 10, 2016, 12:27:15 PM »
Hello Hops:

I've been out of the loop for awhile but came across your post and can so identify with what you are going through.  I am in a similar position--unemployed due to a corporate layoff---and dealing with many months of job searching.  Please remember that none of this is easy.  It is hard, in fact.  Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason as to why you are not considered for a job.  Other times, the interview process is just difficult due to bad behavior from the company's hiring team.  And, overall, the job market can be very challenging----whatever your field or age.  So, just know you are doing all that you can and doing the best you can.  Staying motivated can be difficult, especially when experiencing a lot of rejection and the trauma of past Nboss behavior.

But, hold on to the fact that you are intelligent, more than qualified and have much to offer any company.  Zero in on your accomplishments and valuable skills that you bring to a company and a position.  And remember that if you are not called in for an interview or offered a job, chances are that it has nothing to do with you personally.  During my continued job search, i have found that many times companies pull the jobs or lose funding for jobs (and fail to let you know), or prefer to hire from within (advertising externally is just a formality) or they are seeking super-specific experience. 

There is a job out there for you.  But it may take time.  I am still searching and i am feeling a bit desperate myself as my insurance (COBRA) is due to end in May.  I have been interviewing a lot.....but have been frankly amazed at the behavior of hiring companies.  I am being considered for a good job currently but it is out of state and I am very reluctant to move there.  But it is frustrating, depressing and demoralizing at times.  it gets really frustrating when you know you have great experience and valuable skills to offer and you just need an opportunity to utilize it. 

I just wanted to say hang in there, do the best you can and try to remember that none of us are, or should be, defined solely by the job we have or don't have.  You have a lot to offer and in time, someone will recognize that and give you the opportunity you seek.


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Re: Job Hunt -- what it takes
« Reply #63 on: March 10, 2016, 10:16:04 PM »
Awwww, bless you, Sun.

It is so kind of you to log back in just to give me a chuck under the chin.
I am truly touched...when meanwhile, you're going through the unemployment blues.

The good news is that despite my advanced age and new chin whiskers (I DO pull them, promise!) I've actually found a job.
You can catch up on the NEW JOB! thread I posted.

And in the meantime, how much can I encourage you to take that risk or at least consider that move? I recall you being so mired in depression and nuclear family and when I read those words...I thought HMMMM. Maybe this is exactly what she needs! Being away from All That, and having a chance to discover new earth, new chunk of planet, new humans, new for you.

What do you think? Whichever way you go, it sounds like there is motion.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Job Hunt -- what it takes
« Reply #64 on: March 11, 2016, 12:49:22 PM »
Big Oops!  I must have missed the post where you announced the good news you found a job.  Congrats!  That is such wonderful news.  I hope it is an opportunity that will be good for you....It is so demoralizing to job search.  I have not had any luck.....the job market is not good out there.  As for relocating, I am not against it completely but want to make sure the location would be a better one than I'm in now....which I admit, is in a top-tier city.  The best scenario for me would be to find a good job in or around my current location but make some changes with my N family. 

Since my dear dad died whom I loved very much, I realize there is and never was any semblance of family for me.  My Nmom has been very clear that she has no zero interest in me except when it suits her needs.  For me, the only difference is that my two siblings have partners or their own families while i'm alone.  I'm also the only empath which makes it worse1  LOL....

Right now, I am focused on finding a job....but the process really hits those buttons of rejection and feeling "less than".  Hopefully, like you, I can get a break.

Congrats again and I hope you can enjoy this opportunity without having to deal with an Nboss and all those other horrible circumstances you experienced.  You deserve a positive work experience.  :)