Well today was my son's birthday, presents, birthday outing and pirate party all went very well despite a last minute disaster when we found the road we needed was closed and we had to go along a very lengthy diversion that was one long traffic jam but we managed to get there just in the nick of time and all was saved. He's in his room now with his new computer game and I've realised that today has been a pretty big turning point for me, too.
I got dressed in my new, colourful clothes this morning and immediately felt so self conscious and daft that I took them off and put my old, tatty clothes on. I thought about it a little and realised that I think I am trying to avoid taking responsibility for things, in order to avoid criticism. If my clothes are old, donated by friends or from charity shops, mismatched etc I can just say I can't afford anything else or I'm too busy, I just chuck on the first thing I come to (which is what I usually do). Wearing new clothes, specially purchased and in bright colours, means I've made decisions and picked things out, which means people can criticise my choices. So ..............I put the new clothes back on and of course, no-one paid any attention to what I was wearing anyway because - and I am slowly starting to realise this - not everyone in the world sits on their bum critiquing other people's outfits - most people have better things to do. So I wore the new clothes and everything was lovely.
My 'friends' and sister, who all live ten minutes up the road, haven't even bothered to phone for my son's birthday, let alone brought round a card for him or to wish him a happy day. Usually this would upset me enormously but today I realised that we actually have a nicer day without listening to the latest family drama or the gossip from the pub or whatever other nonsense they all go on about. So instead of feeling upset I actually felt quite pleased; I feel I have escaped that yoke somehow and have no need to contact them or feel bad about not seeing them. All good.
Lastly there was a letter from the hospital when we got home and another false claim has been made about me. It isn't a big one and it's easy enough to deal with but, none the less, very unprofessional and the latest in probably about two dozen now that we have had to deal with. They tend to do this when one of the doctors has made a mistake regarding my son's treatment and they shift the focus from their shoddy work onto my parental capability. Why they still think this will slip past me unnoticed I don't know but anyway, usually this would be very triggering for me. I did feel angry and if the woman had been here at that moment I would have given her a right mouthful but that passed quickly, I feel calm again now, I'm going to tidy up, cook dinner and then start drafting a correction letter. It's annoying but hasn't caused anything like the tsunami of emotion it usually would so that is really good.
One thing did happen today that annoyed me and it is something that I want to start working on. I was decorating the van with all our home made decorations (very lovely it looked too) and my neighbour came for a look, she's one of those people that seems nice on the surface but always manages to get a little dig in. I was telling her about our plans for the day and what we were going to do and she was oohing and aahing and saying how lovely it all sounded and then added "It's just a shame he doesn't have any friends to enjoy it with". These are the sorts of comments I want to start dealing with; my default response is always to not upset the other person by putting them straight. So I really need to work on that, it was rude, inaccurate and completely uncalled for and I need to find a way to respond to those sort of things immediately rather than letting them by and then being cross with myself afterwards.
So a good day all round, feeling very happy and looking forward to my bed later