Ann, I have found a counsellor who is local to me who sounds good on paper so I am thinking about giving her a ring and going along for a chat at some point, thank you for the shove in the right direction

I've been doing an inner child meditation I found on YouTube: have found it interesting. I was looking for meditations to improve my self esteem and this one came up - nice and short which I like! As you go through it at a certain point the lady directs you to a tree, under which a child is playing happily and freely. The child is you and then there's some nice reconnecting stuff and so on.
What I found interesting is that when I saw the tree in my mind, I saw a child playing happily but she wasn't me, I was sitting completely alone and shut off from the world, utterly bereft and inconsolable. The adult me went over and picked her up, put her on my lap, cuddled her and talked to her and she wouldn't look up, she was completely rigid and couldn't be soothed or consoled in any way. I had a horrible day yesterday, felt dreadful and I realised this morning it's because that little girl is how I've felt all my life and the happyily playing child is the alter ego I've always presented to the world whilst keeping this poor little almost dead child locked away. It made me feel so sad and yet made sense at the same time.
I tried it again this morning and there was a change, I took her in my lap and she turned into me and started to sob and was just utterly bereft. It's so sad because I don't think my mum set out to do this to us, and I think in her own way she does love us, it's just that her view of the world and her perception of love is so utterly wonky that the best she's been able to manage is destroying everybody in her path when they don't do what she wants. It's such an utterly sad situation.
Anyway, I do feel that it's helping, I feel calmer and more content, I've not been badgering myself with endless criticisms the way I usually do, the day has been unfolding a bit more easily. I'm planning to do it again tomorrow and see if anything else has changed.