Meditation again. I've been doing the same inner child one each morning. Yesterday I felt excited about seeing her, as if I was really going to visit someone. It really feels like stepping into another world. I was looking forward to it but once the meditation got underway I found it hard to stay with it. I saw her again and she was happier this time and more child like but I felt a bit like I was pretending and that made me feel sad. I found the day difficult yesterday, felt very low and didn't really want to do much. Today I woke up and when I started thinking about meditating I was horrified to find that I felt hatred towards this little girl, that I wanted nothing to do with her. In my mind I could see her being happy to see me and me rebuking her and shouting at her to go away and get out of my sight, and then her reaction and her changing back into the sad, scared little girl she had been. It was horrible. So I took some time to adjust my mood a bit, it's very weird but I felt as if I would actually be shouting and being nasty to a real child? So I didn't want to do it. Anyway, I calmed down a bit and got myself in check and then did the meditation. Again, I found I was wandering a bit but I felt genuinely happy to see her and she was again happier and in a more playful mood. I found her reaching out to show me things and I was crouched down looking and feeling genuinely interested in what she wanted to show me and for a flash I saw myself as my own mum, much younger, interested and engaged and being very loving toward me and I started to cry.
I don't remember my mum ever behaving like that towards me but perhaps she did and I was too young to remember or it's just been lost or buried in other things. I don't know. But it was very strong and made me feel both sad and happy at the same time. I'm wondering if this might help her to heal a bit, in some way, I don't really know how. But it feels real enough to affect me so perhaps it will help her a little bit too. The meditation carried on and I found it easier to stay with it and by the time it had finished felt very peaceful and content. I am enjoying doing it. I feel much better than I did yesterday and I have a friend coming over for lunch and then she's going to sit with my son while I go for a doctor's appointment. So that's enjoying someone else's company - tick - eating well - tick - and taking care of my health needs by going to the medical appointment, so all self care and looking after me.
I noticed yesterday that I had a real urge to buy body moisturiser and some new clothes. I don't really bother with myself much at all most of the time but I am starting to feel that I want to look after myself more and feel a bit more comfortable when I'm out.