I'm working out regularly now (and enjoying it) and have made some improvements to my diet. Do feel fitter and more toned.
My son is doing well health wise at the moment and that makes life sooooo much easier so that is really good.
It has finally stopped raining and we have some proper sunshine! The difference good weather makes to me is so huge that I think I need to give serious thought to moving to a warmer/sunnier country at some point.
I am consciously reaching out to the (small) group of friends I have who are very dear to me and making the effort to arrange seeing them over the summer break. I am also 'consciously' arranging/planning a small birthday celebration that will involve only those people I really want to see and not 'everyone who might know about it that I will just invite so they don't feel slighted that they haven't been asked'. Although I know this is the right (and perfectly acceptable) thing to do I am struggling with it but keep reminding myself that I do not have to be all things to all people and that it is only right that I should spend time with people I enjoy spending time with, not with people I don't particularly want to see. Difficult but I am doing it (and will let you know how it pans out!).
Work on the van is slow and I am discovering that most of the jobs that have been done by other people (prior to my buying it) have been done badly so each job I do is leading to another ten needing to be done. I am enjoying it (although I do find it frustrating at times), I'm learning a lot and it is very heart warming to be making connections with local businesses who are going out of their way to give me help and advice when I go in to buy the bits I need. I am starting to feel comfortable in builder's merchants and auto part shops which is quite a funny feeling. We are getting there but it's taking a lot longer than I though and is costing a lot more money, but hopefully we will eventually have a really lovely, comfortable, fully functioning home away from home that we can mooch about in to our hearts' content.
I am really struggling with being around people in general, and particularly with regard to internet dating. I find I get bored very quickly and I really do not connect with many people's conversations that centre around television, smart phones, which deal they got on whatever it is they just purchased and how many take aways they've had this week. I'm struggling to find places, whether in the real world or online, where I feel comfortable with people and enjoy their company rather than finding it hard work. I think this is more down to me than it is to them but I'm not quite sure how to tackle it, but am hoping that 'recognising' it will take me a step closer.
Internet dating in particular is bothering me; men in their forties whose conversation revolves around football, sex and television is something I'm finding quite depressing so I think I'm going to lay off that for a while until my head is in a slightly more upbeat frame of mind.
Financially things are a bit tight but we're managing okay and as it is mostly to do with unexpected costs to do with the van things are slowly levelling out.
Generally things are going well; I am still finding the lack of people difficult but I'm working on it