Author Topic: At Last  (Read 939 times)


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At Last
« on: January 18, 2017, 07:51:50 AM »
I feel like Etta James, except the lover of the lyric isn't a person, it's creating.
I'm writing again, on my novel, for the first time in a couple decades.

The writing workshop was last night and it's EXCELLENT. Though it's a local
community (not univ.) class, I was blown away by how insightful and intelligent each
participant is. The guy I was next to (handsome, silver hair, a little younger
and--down, Hops--no doubt awash in women) has published several novels.
The others have written between one and three. These people, with only one
exception, are so educated and articulate it was like sitting in a room with
several professors.

There are only six students. So the intensity of the focus we each get when our
own work is "workshopped" is wonderful. We get detailed notes from each other
and the instructor's observations are extremely clear. I don't know when I've
encountered a more articulate teacher of the craft side of writing fiction, which
is what I needed most. I don't need much help with description or flow, but the
structural questions. And some character development issues I've wrestled with
are really going to become more clear.

So what hit me (in Amber's thread actually) was that I think I've acted resistant
or defiant about a lot of the other parts of life because for so very long now, I
no longer had MY part of life. And now I am taking that back. It's writing my own
real work in a context where I'm supported for doing that. The workshop isn't
like having a family, but to have those hours each week for a while where people
just assume I am doing what I'm here to an amazing (old/good) feeling
to experience again. I think it's going to make the rest of my life feel better in
many ways, if I'm creating again.

Hope I'm not over-the-top overblowing this, and there's also the jinx factor, but
it does feel so good.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: At Last
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2017, 08:26:04 AM »
Hugs Hops.

I'm not gonna say much else, just because I know how tentative and fragile and sensitive and full of longing these first steps are. And they're all YOURS. I've got my own to attend to.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: At Last
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2017, 12:40:39 PM »

I'm so glad your class was motivating and inspirational. 

That was a wonderful post to read: )



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Re: At Last
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2017, 02:48:18 PM »
Aw Hops that sounds so amazing!  There is something very uplifting about being with knowledgeable people, I think, wherever the knowledge lies, I just love being around people I can learn from and to feel stimulated is just amazing.  It sounds like a lovely group and I think that opportunity to do something that is just for you and to do it with such good support is an incredible tonic.  It's nice to feel excited and invigorated about something; so much of what we do is slog and tedium and it's lovely when you can immerse yourself in something that's just so lovely.  How exciting!  And a hottie to sit next to, what more could you ask for?  Look forward to reading more xx


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Re: At Last
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2017, 05:23:51 PM »
This is wonderful, Hops. I've been working on a novel for many years now, and IMO there is nothing more important to your success than finding a supportive group. I've been very productive when in a good class, but have also walked away from my work after being discouraged by bad teachers or negative group members. Writing groups are very much like therapists. The right one will validate your talent, and encourage you to do something with it. So happy you've found such a positive environment.

Being creative can be healing in so many ways. Write on!