Hi Tupp:
I was asked by my 14yo dd yesterday if I noticed how often I end up in bad positions.... taken advantage of... that sort of thing. She asked bc I was unable to tell her she can have or wear my wedding dress when she marries....
I loaned my wedding dress to someone who not only hasn't returned it, but I do believe they had no intention of wearing it when they took it. That seems odd to me as I write it. I can't imagine DOING that.... it makes zero sense to me, and therefore.... I feel rather lost contemplating it.
That means I offer to do things and do things when asked that I HAVE NO BUSINESS OFFERING OR DOING in DD's opinion, and it was funny that she said it bc I was just starting to have similar thoughts myself.
About my dress.... I finally asked it be returned to me, which means it must be packed and brought back across the planet. I was told..... "If ___________ isn't loaded down with other stuff, she'll bring it."

That pretty much says I won't ever see it again....that I was a foolish fool for extending that kindness. Except I once borrowed a wedding dress for a relative to wear.... took it outside the US, had it repaired when back in the US and thanked the person for allowing me to use it AS I RETURNED THE DRESS as soon as a priority. Does that me a fool too? That I returned it in as good a shape as I borrowed it? See.... it never occurred to me to do anything else. It wouldn't.
Tupp..... I have some pretty messed up expectations...... I expect that people will DO and FEEL the way I do. It's so whack.... that I haven't figured that out yet, and stopped.
I hereby today, this the 25th day of April, give us both permission to STOP being nice to everyone no matter how they treat us. I hereby find that we are released from being nice people to those who haven't earned or have lost our trust. To those who have treated us badly, or are unsafe in general.
That's easy to say, but how will we handle the riots in our hearts and heads when we start saying NO and stop offering to do nice things? I'm going to put my hand on those places, and pay attention to them..... I'm going to do my best not to give in and do do do nice things to stop the riot in the moment.
I'm sorry you had a rough day with the sb and sorrier about the painful doctor's office..... you're so tough, and amazing..... you got the job done, but dang......
Find a good nurse practitioner with some skills or doctor and stick with them if you can is my suggestion. Some people are more talented than others, and you deserve to have a very competent person handling your medical care (((Tupp))).
The same with drawing blood from tiny deep veins..... some people are great at it, and worth following or waiting for, IME.
I've been outside on a glorious day.... just glorious. Go out into your garden, and pull weeds..... plant.... plan. It's going to be OK.