There are aspects of social media that I like. I do like seeing people's pics of their kids doing whatever they are doing and I like reading the nice little things, good school reports, passing exams, getting promotions at work and so on. I like hearing about bands I like and seeing what they're up to. I've joined a few pages about people setting up communes, trying to live off grid, the sort of stuff I really aspire to and I love to see what other people are doing (although sometimes I feel jealous as well). There are some people who write well about politics and I enjoy reading what they have to say about current events as I like trying to learn more and understand the world situation better (if that's possible).
But I hate, hate, hate racism and I hate the way it has become socially acceptable again in this country. People can and do write all sorts of stuff that ten years ago they wouldn't have said publicly. It brings me into contact with thoughts that I don't want in my head and of course, you don't know what you're reading until you've read it and by then it's too late.
There have been a couple of terrorist attacks recently, by people claiming to represent ISIS. Horrific events, awful, inexcusable and devastating for all involved. Huge outpouring of hatred towards Muslims, millions of whom live perfectly peacefully all around the world, calls to have Muslims in this country deported (despite the fact they were born here so I'm not sure where they'd send them) and just general knee jerk reactions.
I get the strong response to horrific acts but by the same token, there's just been an awful tower block fire in London that seems to have killed more than a hundred people and seems to have come about because the local council clad the tower block in a material that has apparently been banned in other countries because it's a fire risk, and it was used to cover the tower block to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the millionaires in the surrounding buildings (the people living in the tower block are on low incomes and the properties are owned by the council).
There's been a huge shift in power from the majority in this country to a small percentage of wealthy people and companies and it's been made very clear that rich people matter and no-one else does. Yet despite the number of deaths, there hasn't been anything like the social media outcry about this that there way about the terror attacks, despite the fact that far more people have died and another hundred or so have been left homeless and destitute.
Over night a white man has driven a vehicle into a crowd of muslims who were leaving their mosque after prayers. They'd stopped to help an elderly gentleman who'd collapsed and were administering CPR whilst waiting for an ambulance to arrive. The man drove at them deliberately, shouting "I want to kill all Muslims". Apparently he's killed one person and injured others. People are on Facebook defending him.
I feel a bit like I'm going mad. The UK used to be a country I felt proud and very fortunate to live in, but now it just disgusts me and I don't want to be here. I don't understand how people think some lives are more valuable than others, or some murderers are acceptable whilst others aren't. The reason I have stopped using Facebook in the past is because I read too much that annoys me, but equally then I miss out on things because a lot of people only post news on Facebook now, they don't pass on the info in any other way. It's showing me a side to people that I really don't want to see. I feel like I want to wear a T shirt that says 'I'm not racist!' on it because it seems now that being white and british means you're expected to be. People look down on me for believing in equality.
Just having a rant, really. This is the sort of time when I really miss my old life, when I'd have been surrounded by people who feel the way that I do, instead of being the cuckoo in the nest. I will stay off Facebook for a few days, but it kind of winds me up that I have to avoid things because my views aren't right wing? Just needed to let off steam. Thank you