I relate to your rant, Tupp, and the same sickening underbelly erupting on the Internet has taken over life in the U.S., too. It's so sad to lose community when people allow FB to become a default community. And the power social media gives to hate-filled fringes is ghastly. Not to mention triggering for unstable and uninformed people who only need one more crazed click-bait headline or radio rant to pick up that automatic and go murder.
The only way to win that one in the personal realm, I believe, is to stop reading. And deal with the new shape of a life where you miss updates, happy news, ins and outs of others' lives...when they only share them there. But what you may gain is a conscious, intentional circle of people who are no longer lulled into online life as a replacement for engaging with others in the present world.
NB: I consider this board a massive exception, btw!
For me, on balance, choosing to stay off social media has been a price worth paying. I've discovered that ftf connection means more than ever before and I'll work harder than I had to before FB to create it. What's hopeful in my sub-circle is that slowly some others are recognizing it too.
I do find people now who WANT to take a walk together, who WANT to attend a small group of support (in my case, a UU "covenant group") and more intimate relationship, or who WANT to volunteer in ways/places that allow you to connect repeatedly over time until almost by default, you begin to belong to each other.
As a family-less person, I have to fight my urges to isolate all the time. But I know it's essential.