Hopalong and Skeptikal.....it surely helps to see a different point a view when it comes to God....I really feel so much has been made up by man......my husband a History major said that when Jesus went into Egypt and learn their teachings that the Egyptians believed in the virgin birth.....and he feels where that comes from. We all know no local newspaper, no computers....tv's phones etc for communications. And people of the church still cling to what ever these people made up.....like the parting of the sea.....could have been a tsunami ?? who knows I wasn't there nor anyone of today.
I do believe in God even with all my Catholic brainwashing.....but not the God of the church....because I feel too it is made up....to suit who ever is in charge. Also the church never mentions over the years how the church had armies and killed thousands and thousands of people. It also is a way to control people who commit sins, they determine what God would do to you!!
When I was five and was suppose to go to kindergarten my NM put me in first grade so I would be in school all day and she didn't have to deal with half days with me. So she made arrangements with the nun I would go to first grade for two years. Such a sweet asshole mother to accommodate herself. So the nun was telling the class that if you didn't go to church on Sundays you would be going to hell.....and I raised my hand to ask the teacher if my daddy was going to go to hell because he played golf on Sundays?? five years old and now this is what I am worried about.....holy crap!!!
I was told again yesterday that I was dealing with a mother with mental illness. She had no sense of what family was.....cooking a healthy dinner excuse me forget healthy.......lets just get to a dinner of any thing?? I sat in front of a tv eating my dinner.....maybe a hot dog or hamburger we always had potatoes because my grandmother from Ireland had to have them. Sometimes dinner was a sandwich.....NM barely ever shopped for groceries....went to any kind of store....clothing, drug store you name it she had my father doing that. Her life was truly about herself, she grew up poor so money became her main focus of survival even when she had my fathers income, she mentally was still poor. She was poor mentally making herself out as a martyr or needy. She never wanted any part of home or doing anything for anyone except the boss in the office. She had no respect of herself, which in return she had no respect of her husband or children. My T said yesterday why she didn't care about you riding on public when too young to do that because she really didn't care. But she was good at pretending when it would have happen in front of others or strangers.
My T said she was always on the survival line of the triangle...never rose above it and explains so caring of family etc. Except as I said unless it was in front of others......truly didn't know how to love herself or anyone else....but boy was she a good actress with the boss, nuns, priest and friends....she could have won many Academy Awards..