Hi Two:
Thanks for the response. I understand we all cope with trauma in our own way and it does seem the pattern is that in narcissistic families, siblings turn to others outside the family rather than try to work through and strengthen relationships within the family. When you lose your siblings on top of parents, though, you lose a big piece of yourself. You have no one to share common experiences or memories with, no one to share one's cultural traditions with.
It just seems like all of the value is placed on either parents or life partners.....but that siblings don't matter. In these cases, it just seems like it's so easy for your siblings to turn their backs on you....to forget all those years you shared growing up in a house, all those experiences that led to the adult you are now, to the man or woman you became and which allowed you to attract and build a new life or family. Why is it so easy for them to abandon you? After all, it may be you will find multiple romantic partners with in life, but you only have 2 parents and can only call a certain number of individuals in your life siblings. I have never understood why sibling relationships matter so little.
Abandonment by a sibling is just one more way of being ignored, dismissed and devalued. In my case, to watch my sibling invest his time, heart and commitment in another family (his wife's) while abandoning his own biological family is beyond understanding. Clearly, he is capable of investing in a family....but has chosen to ignore his own. That seems to be a common trend in our society. Once you gain a life partner, you focus on that relationship or family to the complete exclusion of your biological one.
In the end, it results in a further loss of self, loss of identity. And the sad thing is that loss can never be recovered. It's like for at least 18 years you spend every day of your life with these people and then, suddenly, it was like those years never happened, that you didn't exist.
Maybe I'm naive about this. Maybe I'm an idealist. But I just think siblings should matter. They should not be discarded like garbage simply because the parents in the household failed and caused pain. As I look around the world, I see that sibling relationships seem to take mostly two forms---1) relationships which are closely bonded where siblings continue to be a part of each other's lives and 2) situations in which one sibling abandons the other(s), refusing to maintain or build a relationship with them or doing so only in very superficial ways (an occasional birthday or Christmas card or invitation to a child's life event). All or none essentially.
In my case, I never had a relationship with my sister since as the Golden Child she has just been too ill-adjusted and always made it clear she had no desire to have a sister. But my brother is another case. As the very mild scapegoat, he chose to abandon me and turn only to his wife, daughter and wife's family. This was a deliberate decision and one I was wholly undeserving of. So the family loss is now complete. I am coming to understand that I have been abandoned by everyone, leaving me with no one in the world. Even if I was not able to have others in my life, I still can't excuse the heartless treatment by a brother whom I have always loved and cherished and given my heart to....as well as to the family he built.
But I suppose you can't force someone to want a relationship with you when they clearly don't want one. It's interesting, isn't it, how it seems the very people who cause the most hurt seem to reap the most benefits in life? That is definitely my bro's case. He is so callous and cold in his firm decision to abandon my family. I know if he had the chance to do it all again, he would never change a thing....he would abandon us all over again, just perhaps, even sooner.
Anyway, just venting today. I realized that if I were to get run over by a bus today, there wouldn't be a single person who would mourn my passing. No one from my family certainly. And yet, when I look back, there hasn't been a single time when I wasn't there for each of them. Indeed, in this whole sick, narcissistic situation, I continue to be the only one feeling hurt.
Thanks for listening. It is a situation I know many here share. Part of the sadness of this illness. Just strange to me that when we talk about relationship losses, we rarely mention siblings.