Author Topic: This and That  (Read 20852 times)


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Re: This and That
« Reply #135 on: April 06, 2018, 04:40:48 PM »
Hugs Lighter! I'll gather up some more bonfire wood.
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Re: This and That
« Reply #136 on: April 06, 2018, 10:34:04 PM »
Thank you, Amber.  The warmth of Amazon fires warms my heart and bones.

I'm so grateful to have your input. 



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Re: This and That
« Reply #137 on: April 08, 2018, 05:51:38 AM »
Yesterday morning was a sad wait for my Father's final breaths.  They came in the early afternoon.  He was comfortable.  His long struggle ended.

I slowly moved through my day reviewing video of pallets off loaded from ship to determine where my missing pallet might be, if it's anywhere.  I resist panic when my contractor spins.  I feel insulated, and unmoved.  It is what it is.  We'll deal with it.  It's just stuff.

In the meantime four windows were replaced during pretty high winds yesterday.  The house was opened up with new very clean glass.....looking at the Atlantic made my stomach flip, it seemed so close it would roll right in.  Yesterday morning most windows were still shuttered,  dirty with dark brown frames.   When I returned to the house in the afternoon the ocean side of the house view was all blue blue blue sky and water.....a striking difference....took my breath away.

I worked for hours picking up and dealing with trash....a run to the dump on the golph cart....some areas of road are trash free and some a disgrace on this side of the island.  I wanted to clean everything up.  Had to settle with most of my property, then walked into the ocean to wash very dirty clothes.

It was after5 and the surf was breaking over the rocks on the beach.  I had tidal pools to choose from, then put clothes up and stretched.  It was the first time I really processed losing my father.  So many memories, disjointed, one after another.  Stretching turned into a workout, which turned into beachcombing, into a visit with the lovely neighbor from across street at the end of the drive, and her adopted neice.  They just say niece.... typically.  Not adopted.

I really like this woman, her values, and drive.  She's a hard worker, and I think we'll do business.  I think we'll also be good friends.

DD15 is flailing a bit with her Grandpa's passing, and the adult stress and activities.....she napped for hours, then couldn't sleep....we had a long talk after dinner, and I stayed awake as long as I could.  She's sleeping now.  Will likely sleep in, again....hours upside down over spring break.  Won't be good when she's back to school next week.

I want to do something with her before she leaves.  Something she'll remember.  She said she loves it here....she wants to come back with friends over the summer.  I'm glad.

I have to do something with the seawall before next hurricane season.  Rebar, and concrete, and preserving what's there before it tumbles into the ocean like my neighbor's front porch last hurricane season.  I don't want the vinyl seawall. 

The journey continues.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #138 on: April 08, 2018, 07:11:48 AM »
I'm very sorry, (((((Lighter))))).

Glad he is at peace and glad you are in a beautiful place with room for grief.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #139 on: April 08, 2018, 07:21:05 AM »
Hugs lighter. You're right - about the "stuff". We'll be here. I might even get to see the sun this morning! LOL.

How far from the cottage is the seawall?
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Re: This and That
« Reply #140 on: April 08, 2018, 10:37:44 AM »
Lighter, I can't believe so much has happened in such a short space of time, I'm so sorry to read about your dad and that it's happened at a time when you were already dealing with so much.  I'm glad that he isn't suffering but it's such a loss.  I'm so sorry.  I'm sorry too about that a hole at the marina; I hope an opportunity comes along to watch him fall overboard or something :)

I'm glad that something tangible happened with the refurb yesterday.  That view of the Atlantic sounds incredible.  I'm glad it was there for you, with the ocean to help you soothe you after such a long and difficult few days.  D will sort her sleep out soon enough; I think those routines like school just force us back into our old habits.  She'll be okay.  I hope some of the other practical issues get sorted out so you have less to deal with.  I'm so sorry this is all happening at the moment and wish I could be there with you right now xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #141 on: April 10, 2018, 01:41:17 PM »
Thanks Tupp, Hops and Amber.

I'm at Ft Lauderdale airport waiting for sis and DD....we have evening flight together.

Very hungry but have to go through security to get very unhappy after salty bump in the Atlantic surf.  Can't make calls.  Doesn't hold a charge well.  I'm sitting on floor against a pole with a the time I get food there won't be much will power, I'm guessing.

And I did enjoy the ocean..... memories with my dad.... I felt him with me at times, and it was good. 

Cement pole hurting my back.  I'm going to have to eat.  Will post again after.

::Hoping I dont look like the Fantastic Mr. Fox eating:..

Probably will.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #142 on: April 10, 2018, 10:40:32 PM »
I'm so glad the island ordeal is over for now, Lighter.

And that you carved out some beach-peace for yourself and your dad, regardless.

I'm glad you're going home and that the girls have been with you.

Wishing you could snatch some sleep on the flight. You must be exhausted.

Travel safe, dreams intact, adrenaline fading...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #143 on: April 11, 2018, 06:44:00 AM »
Hope you got some food and some sleep, Lighter, what a time it has been.  Hope the journey home was a smooth one xx


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Re: This and That
« Reply #144 on: April 11, 2018, 07:57:53 AM »
Welcome home Lighter. Wish it was under better circumstances but life is a full circle journey. And we can mourn the losses right beside rejoicing in the love laughter and understanding of the person who's finished their journey.

Time to just do that.

Everything else can wait.
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Re: This and That
« Reply #145 on: April 11, 2018, 08:54:30 AM »
So, I was at the airport, enjoying the best mixed baby green salad of my life, topped with at least 5 dollars worth of perfectly plump walnuts topped with blue cheese, and cranberries, and cucumbers and fresh tomato topped with 2 of the best Shula burgers of my life, topped with carmelized onions and mushrooms..... mixing flavors and textures and condiments, and oh my.... I forgot the side of potatoes....remember I said I'd likely have zero willpower.... fried.... perfectly crisp, topped sometimes with blue cheese and ketchup, sometimes with mayo, sometimes with just ketchup.... playing with flavor and texture combinations, as I said.... ready to weep over the abundance of yummy produce and products available in the States..... when everyone's phones went off bc of a tornado warning.  Very alarming, bc dd and sis were preparing to board a small seaplane, and we were going to board a regular flight in a few hours.

This was the beginning of a very confusing 8 hours.

So, I ate myself into what should have been a coma, and still had enough for 2 more meals, when dd's flight was diverted to Miami, and 2 tornadoes popped up almost on top of Fort Lauderdale airport..... we were instructed to get away from the wall to wall windows and run to the inside of the building.  I, at one point, was the only person heading INTO the dust storm running down hallways and into my eyes and face as I headed to safety.  I was joined by a lovely young woman from Alaska, heading to the ladies room.  I joined her while we both marveled at EVERYONE else heading TO the windows.  I was reminded of instructing children.... tell them what you want them to do, not what you don't want.  DON'T RUN INTO THE Street, and they go right into the street.  Every time.  That what these travelers were doing..... really.

So, a nice lady from the United counter joined us eventually, and showed us a very frightening picture of one very large, in my opinion, tornado followed by a smaller one..... right at the airport.  I think it did damage to Fed Ex trucks, etc..... at one point it felt like we were in the Wizard of Oz... wind wipping things around in the air outside the glass..... all that HUGE wind INSIDE the building where it was supposed to be safe.  On reflection, I think I should have helped people with young children and elderly TO safety WITH me.  Now I know what I do in that situation.  I go to safety, and I follow directions.  I bond with like minded people, and hunker down responsibly.  I do not run around and play hero. 


Not sure how to feel about it... just information I guess. 

Let me get one thing straight... I think Allegient Air has a training issue.  I couldn't get a straight answer about flights and delays until we were in the air 5 hours late..... I didn't get home till 2am..... so many laughable contradictions from the Allegient staff....
"First off, your destination airport can't shut down tonight until all flights are in, but if they do, we'll notify you."  That kind of stuff, and people were just laughing at that point.  It was like a stupid dream.

SO many babies... little girl babies learning to walk in pink tu tus.... chubby little girl baby reminding me of my neice... smiling and laughing and waving.... so cute I wanted to eat her with a spoon.  So many little children, and that's all I want to say about that.  This was one of the nice things about the wait and day, in general.  All the little babies.  One of the not so nice things.... seeing people in wheelchairs.... pushed by unsmiling hampered people... sometimes other elderly people, spouses I assume....






end up






::Shaking head::.

No.  I do not. 

I'm grateful to be home.  Grateful to wake my sleepy oversleeping children for school.  Grateful to clean out the rice maker my oldest let ferment and turn to soup.... grateful to re wash my white comforter that soured in the wash machine, grateful to walk the pug, and check out the lovely moss carpet. I can't believe how it's come together.... except there's so many hours involved... it had to.

There was no choice.

I'm grateful to be home home home home home home home. 

::hugging mug of coffee happily to chest::.

Next on  list... figuring out sea walls.  Mine is crumbling into the Atlantic.  I've seen 3 kinds of sea walls... the one I believe I need is the cement kind with knees and fiberglass re bar.... picture a fortress, and you've about got it right I should think. 

I have no idea how much that is, but will find out. 

Theres a boxed vinyl sea wall, and a corregated one.  I have a heavy equipment operator... the one who moved my container, willing to use left over corregated I believe, to do a quick sea wall.... not sure how much, and I see it as likely to erode my beach as it's installed, nad do nothing to retain it during a hurricane as it's unlikely to be driven into anything but sand at that point, and from what I've seen of the material, which honestly, is left overs from a different kind of wall.  I guess they can be cut to any length.  Will have to see.  The Italian neighbor, readying to put in a very long sea wall one lot from me, never showed, and I assume he knew about the weather blowing in and wisely chose not to fly.... we've been supposed to meet for months now.  Another missed meeting.   

The journey continues, Amazons: )



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Re: This and That
« Reply #146 on: April 12, 2018, 06:21:45 PM »
I m pacing like a wild animal with all this Bahama cottage business hanging out there.... unfinished.  The customs people are sniffing around the property and phoning me on my broken phone.... I fell on the rocks in the surf with cell in mocket, so can't make or accept calls.

I feel another extortion meneuver on the way, and to tell the truth, I've become rather allergic to being extorted by men in positions of power over me.

Allergic, I tell you.



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Re: This and That
« Reply #147 on: April 12, 2018, 08:10:48 PM »
Any chance of getting the American Embassy involved?
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Re: This and That
« Reply #148 on: April 12, 2018, 09:47:26 PM »
Wait what?

Customs is corrupt there?

Yikers. Sorry to hear this, Lighter.

Hope your spidey sense is waterlogged this time, but if you're right, I like Amber's idea.

Good luck with this,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: This and That
« Reply #149 on: April 13, 2018, 06:30:58 AM »
I don't think there's an American embassy on our island, and if there was I seriously doubt calling them down on the local government would pay off in any way. 

I just have to get through this terrible phase renovation phase, pay through the nose to be messed with, then try to feel OK about the entire thing. 

I feel less pressure about the seawall.  I have the advantage of a little reef in front of my lot that creates a breakwater.  I think that's why my lot is still in tact where the neighbor's house, set back farther on the land, is falling into the sea. 

There are lucky things and unlucky things in this equation.  I think the local government falls on everyone's heads... particularly the foreign investors.  I have to say... there's so MUCH MORE government and rules and regulations than there used to be.... I guess bc of the big resort, and casino that went in.  I'm told the government was paid off to allow the resort to dig a channel, in front of my house, and put the sand on my neighbor's lot... I'm talking it's a mountain.... 40 feet high.... 75 130 feet by 75 or more feet wide.... and that neighbor is just screwed out of his land, outside selling sand.  Now THAT neighbor is a native to the island.

The impact of all that dredging on the local eco system is very concerning as well.  And all the boats, especially the larger ones.... very concerning.
