You seem to be working out a relationship recipe that has value for you and B.
I'm sorry you were knocked so far off balance, and for so long, but that's where serious work and understanding take place, IME.
As long as he's not conning you....as long as you're being heard.....as long as he's speaking his truth.....there is hope for B and Hops together.
You don't have to always agree, but there needs to be a baseline of honorable conduct, and mutual care which won't ever be exactly equal, btw. People who can be kind, even when they don't get their way or hear what they'd like, indicates they care as much about you as they care about themselves. That's pretty important in a relationship, esp for those if us with allergies to interpersonal terrorists, and conflict in general, I suppose.
I'm proud of you for forging ahead bravely with B, esp when you were uncertain how the conversation would go. It's just a discussion, and remaining curious, not tied to outcome, helps.
Brava, Hops. B is lucky to have a quick, bright, very interesting woman, with her own mind, in his life. It appears he's aware of this truth too.
This is the difficult stuff that grows sturdy relationships, IME. You and B seem to be doing the work.