I finally caught up

I had got about half way through when Porngate hit so I got distracted and then couldn't remember what I'd read so had to start again

So - in the last four weeks Skep has:
Stayed out half the night at a Nick Cage concert (I am jealous and must make an effort to start seeing some of the people I love live);
started getting ready for winter;
watched the Haunting of Hill House and analysed all available sub text;
sorted out more of the outside space;
done more work on the office;
done more work on the bunk room;
re-written Christmas traditions to something more meaningful (or is intending to

revisited Twiggy as part of ongoing interaction and work with Holly;
insulated the garage;
eliminated bug invasions;
shown the doctor who is boss

Ha ha. I love it! I am always in awe of how much you get done, particularly when you say you do have down time and off days. Quite amazing stuff. One question I have though; what is Rx? Is that something to do with prescription meds?
Interestingly I have found many more friends this year are fed up with Christmas and all it entails and looking for alternatives. For a long time I have felt like the only one that isn't keen and doesn't want all the fuss. But several have said they are doing quiet days at home this year; a couple have said no to family for the first time because they just don't want the annual 'raking up the past' that goes on as the drink flows. We were in a clothes shop yesterday; all decorations are up, Christmas clothes are on display and the Christmas music was playing. I asked the girl behind the counter if the Christmas music drives her nuts or if she likes it. She pulled her hair back behind her ears to show me a very small set of ear plugs and grinned at me

People here have been talking about the Haunting of Hill House. I have a real fear of the supernatural; anything to do with ghostly happenings frightens me. Is there much actual ghostliness in it? There was one evening last summer when we were in our old flat that I'd started watching a programme about stalkers, but ones who had actually lived in properties without the owners knowing and had spied on them, wandered round the house at night and so on. I turned it off quite quickly because I knew my mind would start playing tricks on me. About ten minutes later I heard very soft footfall on the stairs. I literally froze but there was a tiny part of my brain telling me that people can't make such a soft sound when they climb stairs. It was next doors cat; I'd left the front door open as it was such a warm evening so he'd decided to come in to say hello

And in one of your posts you mention how much crap you and Holly have been through together which, funnily enough, a friend of mine was talking about yesterday. Her family are going through another drama that she's been dragged into (I'd have binned the lot of them a long time ago; I am so drama averse now that the slightest thing sends me running) but she was saying they've been through so much it feels wrong to jack it all in now. It's interesting how tough times bring some people together and others apart.
And as for doctors - yes, I am not a fan. Any problem or ailment I have ever had has resulted in a suggestion of anti-depressant medication. It is a very useful thing for people who are depressed, but in many cases I feel it is just something that stops people being bothered by the thing that is bothering them. So yes, I understand the desire to look after oneself as much as possible and not to pop a pill every time there's a problem. Someone I used to know was a pharmacist so obviously knew a lot about side effects, contra indications and so on - and she avoided medication as much as she possibly could. I feel sorry for people who have no choice because their health problems are so serious that they really wouldn't survive without the drugs as the side effects can be so debilitating so yes, drug free if at all possible would be my choice as well.
Okay. I think I have caught up for now. I hope things are going well with Knuckles! Lol xx