Thanks, (((((((((Tupp)))))))))))--
I hear you, I'm still Marvelous Me when I'm sedentary. It's just that the fact is, if I don't become Active Me I won't be around a lot longer to continue my marvelousness!
You are a supportive, empathic treasure, you are.
Well, there's news about Ngent, age 94. He died this morning, gently, of pneumonia. I'm sad for me/his other friends (because he was a sparkly, fascinating person) but relieved and happy for him. His life became a misery in recent months. We got to a place where I feel confident he valued me and felt my compassion and although I was just visiting (my paid work ended with his new facility)...I know I did right by him and eased his hardest years.
Some ego stuff and head-butting with the female PoA, but I'm letting all of that go now. We'll have a lovely service (with the lovely assistant minister) for him and I've got a nice idea. As I was cleaning out his apartment I found his fat stack of nonprofit membership cards--from all the charities he's been supporting for years. A THICK stack--just for 2018! Some people don't know that about him. I think it gave him meaning even though his flood of mail was...a big thing.
I'm going to take that stack of cards and some beautiful dark-colored board and create a heart, with the top end on one side broken open and the colors/shapes floating up and out to the upper right...
If I overlay them slightly and spot-glue them in place, and set it on a small easel at his reception, I think it'll be a striking non-verbal statement about who he was and what he cared about. ACLU, multiple organizations that worked on Native American tribes needs, everything environmental, women's rights, civil rights, BLM, democracy, on and on and on.... Just thinking about doing it makes me happy. Because if he was ever recognized for anything, it would be that people understand his passion for the environment and for justice.
In addition to his Prius, I took a small thing for myself. He had a little ceramic lovely elephant, blue and decorated beautifully. I have placed it on the dashboard of the Prius I bought from him. So it's in his honor (I named the elephant a female version of his name). That also brings me smiles. Though I need to anchor it with superglue and black velcro....