Hi Tupp:
I love the octopus too! And he absolutely looks like he's behind the tiles, which gives me the feeling of an underwater ruin. Not just icky broken tiles, with a closed up window over it, and rust stains from a leaking faucet. A ruin!
About renting....
It's hoped lovely connections can be made through rentals. I picture couples with little children collecting sea shells, or sun kissed bridal parties readying for photo ops, but I'm tired... and maybe a tad depressed. It's overwhelming.
Two more rental apartments are under renovation five minutes walk away. We might be able to help each other. Refer to each other. There's nothing else on that part of the island that's not a condo on a canal, and another 15 minute walk. I think about starting a small business bringing in daily maid service, grocery delivery, and meal prep/clean up, but no one so far seems interested in providing it, and I don't see anyone else offering it.
Honestly, just having someone show up with groceries, and cook a meal, then clean up would be HUGE.
OK, Hops.... to post a photo I scrolled over the icons till I found the Insert Hyperlink icon, under the CHANGE COLOR option, (looks like a blue earth) then added the link for the octopus photo. It looked like 50 lines of code, but turned into the photo in the preview window.
I tried it again just now, and it popped up as the actual link, and had to be clicked on in Preview, but worked fine. Very confusing, but I hope you post some photos soon. I'll keep trying.
I'll try clicking on the +Attachments and other options, and see if that works. It did.
Some people say the octopus looks like it's watching them. I don't see that. I'm always mesmerized and happy to see him. He really does save the bathroom, and make it interesting, and upbeat. Two small windows were just covered over with cement in there, and it was very iffy till the painting went up. The windows were wood with big old fashioned rusty nails.... SO Dawn Of The Dead.
The shower floor doesn't really drain properly toward the drain, so I want to put a sign in one of the Octopus' hands.... Please Don't Pee, or some such message.
People pee in the shower. 
::wanting to weep again::.
The 10 bottles of 70% cleaning alcohol under the kitchen sink, lined up like soldiers, aren't enough. I always buy butter and alcohol whenever I go North. Always.
It's cool today... about 76 outside, and sunny. Rain over the weekend has the moss all green and happy.
The girls caught the bus this morning, which was great. Their first day back at school, and they seemed happy to go. Youngest is looking to join another friend group, and figures it will happen organically. Oldest lost a lot of friends to other schools, or graduation, but seems centered enough.
I'm looking at going back to school in September, but feel pretty disconnected for the most part, and not from school, but pretty much everything.
As my father used to say....
"My head's just not in it."
I have paperwork to do, and I don't seem to care.
I feel like I should start caring very soon.
I hope I do.