The pouting over her schedule WAS your attempt to change her NO into a YES.
After she broke it off, your trying to change her mind about that was you trying to change her NO into a YES, once again.
If you try to speak to her about considering this relationship again, without her bringing it up first, then it will be about you trying to change her NO into a YES. No one's questioning your motives. We're staying away from motives. We're focusing on one things here.
I can't imagine someone as passionate and committed as you not interjecting your opinions when she's expressing her opinions, esp when you've gotten used to discussing future plans, and collaborating.
You want what you want, and you want her to want this wonderful future also. She DID want it.
The thing is, even if what you want is the very best thing for her, and you both, she has to make up her own mind about that, and feel respected for her views, IME.
No one is trying to convince you that this relationship/woman/your way of relating with her is WRONG. It can be mostly right, and have fatal flaws, IME.
If two things were true in this relationship, it was close to perfect, and there was a fatal flaw, then can you consider what that flaw was? Could it have been a missing or weak building block you weren't aware of, or didn't want to see? She stopped building the dream for a reason. Was the base unsteady?
What if that's true?
Honestly, the idea of falling in love with a man who has the time, and ability to support a woman in her life, job, and emotional world is an amazing thing to contemplate. She wanted that. You offered it. You both agreed it was an amazing life you looked forward to.
IF your pouting over her schedule was what tipped the scales here.... IF that's true, and you believe it is, then maybe your acceptance.... your ability to honor her NOs is an issue here.
This isn't a man / woman thing, btw. It's a people thing, and everyone should be able to honor what others say, even if they don't agree, or like it, IME. We can be dissapointed, and still honor someone's NO, IME. We're sharing our experience, from our POV, and I'm thinking that's an amazing POV when you're trying to understand your female friend's POV.
You don't feel heard, and I'm sorry about that. Truly, I am.
I can honestly say I'm feeling a bit voiceless myself on this thread, and so I repeat what I've been saying, trying to feel heard. It's not important in my life that you hear me. I'm afraid it's important in yours, and I do care.
If I'm right, it doesn't make you wrong. As I said, two things can be true at the same time. I'm sure you had an amazing connection, worth saving, with this woman. It's my hope that comes to pass if at all possible.
Nuff said. I release all expectation, ((Mud.))