Thanks, Lighter. I really appreciate that things can hit before you fully take in what they are or what they weigh.
I'm doing better, albeit two frustrations, about therapy:
--the potential new T is lovely and everything I'd like to do but she is an LPC (licensed professional counselor) rather than a psychologist, social worker or my medigap won't cover her (nor will medicare). I don't feel I can commit to paying out of pocket.
--my doctor agreed to write me a trial of buproprion, the most benign anti-anxiety/depression Rx I could find and, after two night of double-volume tinnitus, I realized that like others can be, it's ototoxic.
So I'm back to simpler things like melissa (lemon balm), magnesium calm, and chamomile). Plus melatonin and a crumb of ambien for sleep. Worked better last night than it had been.
Good news is that there is a supervised-exercise program available to me, out of pocket but not expensive at all, convenient, and after a couple months of that I should be over the panicky stuff and ready to exercise solo like a big girl. I'm very happy about this and eager to start. They're contacting my doc for the referral they need so hoping all that goes through.
Just amazing how many obstacles there are to preventive care, eh? When if one wants a healthier country.... ah well, politics.