I didn't post, 'coz I figured everyone was off doing Christmas stuff. Hol & I sat in a our jammies all day and Christmas Eve, she opened her presents - stinky spa stuff, and new mac for all her fabulous photos. It was VERY nice and we even had a fairly harmless facetime call with her sister & the boys.
What happens from now, for the next couple of weeks is going to look more like holidays. Several of her friends (whom I enjoy) are coming visit & stay.
They're a pretty close group of friends; Christmas Day she got word one of them committed suicide and it was one of her buddies who found him. Same DAY, she got a call from another friend who's lived the ordeal of being with an N wife, kids too... and finding himself the target for all sorts of personal, ego-destroying maliciousness. His plea was: he had to get out of the city. So, Hol picked him up at the train station... and between the two of us, we're doing what we can to let him tell his story... and start to think about; feel something hopeful... about moving on. We have been laughing about the absurdity involved in such an experience - a LOT. Not sure how long he'll be staying, but he needs space (like I've got) and time to just BE. And realize he's OK; it was a horrible time... but it's OK, that it's not OK.
The other friends coming out are very close long-time friends who'll assist in the nurturing and make lots of merry, too. And she is still seeing her lovely, practical, archetypal young man from online dating. We all got to meet his lab, Kabeeb a couple days ago. Took a little bit for Knuckles & Beeb to become buddies... but Beeb & I bonded almost immediately.
I'm tripping the light fantastic, dancing among all the new boundaries around my place... so far, no disasters. Imagine that! I've not mentioned this place to the shell-shocked friend; yet. But he's a lovely, sensitive, and totally traumatized (yet still able to laugh) guy. I think we can help.
But all this buzz around here, means I have to be more sensitive to my needs more than usual...not get too exhausted... and no, I'm not getting my sit, be quiet, & think time right now. We'll start tai chi, me & Hol, next week... and SOMEtime... we're taking a trip for fun, together (which is my Christmas present from her; my little Viking explorer).
This is not at all, what I was expecting to do over the holidays. But, just rolling with it... surfing the waves... and trying to spread some simple kindnesses around.