Woodland camo and lots & lots of pockets, Lighter. 1/4 zip, pullover style, with a hood and big pouch pocket. Later versions were full zip jackets (more vietnam era than WWII). Closest thing I could find was a Green Pepper anorak pattern... and I was able to find an original full zip version at a surplus outlet, along with about 5 yds of woodland camo, in cotton. Found buttons from York Constabulary... that will work, in place of velcro. Soldiers hate velcro coz it's noisy.
Oy. I've been more than half under the weather, but I did get started on it yesterday. And the instructions start with the most tedious, difficult and fussy sewing. It's far from perfect, but it's done now. Serviceable and able to withstand big clumsy fingers... LOL. You should see the zipper. I dare him to find a way to break it.
There have been a couple interesting things said to me in the past week, that I'm pondering. He definitely means them at face value; it's not that. I'm looking at me - and habits/patterns of relationship. One thing he said, was that I don't have to prove myself to him, or impress him. The latest one, was a direct command to quit saying I'm sorry about not knowing things, I've never needed to know before. LOL... at the same time, he's apologizing for venting about his problems to me... and making sure I understand he's not frustrated or angry with me. I've had to reassure him I understand the difference.
So, anyway... I'm feeling that I'm being invited to just "be" "me"... sans the usual window dressing, or do-si-do that couples do. And that THIS is the "me" he wants to be with. It feels authentic too; because it never wavers or expects something different. This is kinda eradicating the very last hold of the "not good enough" habits out of my reflexes. The level of openness & honesty of communication is new too. He's not afraid to be vulnerable or scared or otherwise not the big tough protective (but not possessive) guy - he's that most of the time anyway - without losing sight of the reason & meaning for the purpose of it, so it's time, place & context focused. Which is something I've not ever had in a relationship before. That's an adjustment to my "reality" that is a big shift. Yes, I'm watching out for depending on that too.
He's promised we'll get together soon. Medical stuff is still giving him fits though. And something really needs to happen soon. Despite what he lives with - he insisted I take care of myself with whatever this bug is that I'm fighting off around here. So there is very clearly a two-way street here. I'm trying not to be anxious about that... scared... waiting for the Cinderella moment to turn back into pumpkins and rats. And I absolutely miss him. The feeling is mutual given how much we've blown up each other's phones. LOL.
There is so clearly a huge (multi-level) letting go going on. And an unusual delight in all the new that's happening, that I'm noticing. I am less worried about repeating the Mike loss these days; but I haven't forgotten that it's a possibility.
Hol's friend John is here and it looks like he's settling in for a month right now to support her. He's helpful to me here, and he has free run of my studio space - so it's working out well. Hol's court date is in a couple weeks, for the DUI. And things have been kinda weird with her and Steve - just natural stuff; but John agrees that there is a lot of Hol taking care of Steve and not much vice versa going on. (No, I don't think John has designs on her; but they are as close as friends can be. Have been since high school.) And now, Hol's pregnant again. And scared to death about miscarrying again - especially if she has to go jail. I kinda need that whole circus of flying monkeys to move out into HER house. I'm doing my best to keep it at arms length; but sometimes she just needs her mommy right now even when I don't have any answers or solutions... I can still hold her when she cries.
She is managing OK with her fears about the pregnancy; she REALLY wants to have a child. But she's definitely not as giddy excited as she was the first time.
Second floor walls of the hut will get poured next Wed. There have been some adjustments because of how much glass there will be in the west wall. Roof trusses are ordered; windows & doors won't arrive till after the 1st of the year. Those are huge windows & sliding doors.