Author Topic: 2019 Farm Life  (Read 45620 times)


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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #405 on: December 16, 2019, 12:00:59 AM »
You okay, Amber?
Just checking in.

I imagine loads of activity, and hope
that's happy preoccupation. Mostly happy?

Then again, could be something's not going
quite right.

No pressure, just know I'm thinking of you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #406 on: December 17, 2019, 07:30:33 AM »
Thanks Hops; LOTS going on. Barely time to sort it for myself... but I'll get some downtime to update soon.
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #407 on: December 17, 2019, 09:55:13 AM »
I hope everyone's OK, Amber. 


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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #408 on: December 18, 2019, 08:57:14 AM »
The forces of the maelstrom have been unleashed here in the past week or so. Everything that was on an even keel went haywire; there's been all the human drama around it too... and then the wind simply died down; blew itself out. Individually and together large amounts of energy have been expended. I mighta had something to do with that. LOL.

Holly is not the only force of nature around here. I just very seldom unleash mine.

So, since Hol is pregnant again, Steve hasn't been working as much as he'd planned. They've spent a lot of time together consequently. (Hut construction has been delayed twice now, due to weather.) Hol & I met with lawyer last week and he came up with some practical ideas, solutions, workarounds, which all told add up to some major RELIEF for her & I. I won't go into it, 'coz the court date is tomorrow morning - show up & wait to be called - and we are so over, thinking and talking about it; feeling it...

meanwhile her friend John from the west coast drove across country with white shining knight armor to rescue her from what he imagined her distress was, and help her get through it. (The reasons for that might be obvious to any smitten teenaged romance writer.) Bless his heart; it's in the right place... he means well. But the fact she doesn't need his help and is so capable on her own - before you get to her current support system... well, that didn't register until I finally painted a highly detailed picture for him. THAT blew a giant hole in the projected fantasy in his head... so then I spent some time on ego damage control (that's not one of Hol's strong areas)...

AND with John in the studio, Hol & Steve in the house... I had nowhere to go that was "my space" anymore, except my bedroom. But with things to do, get done, sewing projects, etc... and this motley band of genX personalities to keep from conflicting with each other (and my own rising discomfort levels about EVERYthing)... I've had one of my (in)famous meltdowns and have pushed things back to decent levels of boundaries... safer emotional spaces...

and in the middle of this, Buck informs me he might be able to move up his plans to be here.

So I have been speechless due to overwhelming gratitude and awe, excitement & anticipation... and even the need to have him backing me up here in this 3 ring circus...  I just haven't been able to verbalize anything. I am "the mistress of change" - and have learned how to surf that beast - but I'm getting too old for this shit!!!!!!! And tired; nay - exhausted.

Details at 11. One thing at a time. But this is the gist of what's been going on around here. It's not that I don't assert myself; and that I have no authority.... it's that I expect people to manage their own issues and crap in an adult fashion, so I DON'T have to put that hat on.

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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #409 on: December 18, 2019, 09:51:54 AM »
Hi, Amber!  So very very happy to read B is maybe moving up dates!  YAY!  I know that's super important to you, and I have such hope for the life you'll start together. I'm assuming the medical front is OK since you didn't mention it. No news is good news, yup yup yup.

About what you wrote, below:
"But this is the gist of what's been going on around here. It's not that I don't assert myself; and that I have no authority.... it's that I expect people to manage their own issues and crap in an adult fashion, so I DON'T have to put that hat on."

It strikes me.... you don't have to put that hat on, even if the adults around you are struggling.... sometimes everyone struggles, and solving our problems is where a big chunk of growth happens, IME. 

You aren't the designated problem solver... or are you? And if you are, who's belief is that... really?  Food for thought.

You're perfectly within your rights to set boundaries and expect the adults around you respect them.  No drama....  just calmly following through with consequences... no emotional upheaval.  No surprises.  Cool and consistent.  Model self-care and taking care of your own stuff...... you have a lot on your plate and I think you do really well with it.  I think any confusion around boundaries can be resolved without drama, and if there's drama, you can choose to stay out of it, IMO. 

Maybe I'm way off, but just saying..... nothing wrong with setting up the house the way you want it to run when B is there.  Nothing wrong with being the mistress of your own home, and allowing Hol to be the mistress of hers when she has one.

I'm praying Hol receives the best outcome possible in court.   

I'm praying B heals, and joins you soon!

Let us know how court goes. 

::crossing fingers and toes::.



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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #410 on: December 18, 2019, 11:31:38 AM »
Awwww, ((((Amber)))).

I remember the few times in my life I've blown up and raged
I've felt absolutely sick afterward. Sick to my soul.

If anything in my life takes me to that level of distress again,
something has to change.

I think despite all the love and solidarity and hopes you have
with Hol, in some ways for months and months you've also
felt overrun. It's a theme, it's consistent, it's almost always there.

Perhaps sometimes in some way you picture yourself as the
producer of a very complex production, and both its complexity and
responsibility you feel about it all coming off well just build and
build and build....and then you have prima donna who is beautiful
and brilliantly talented but also self-absorbed and careless at times,
and she has a shifting entourage that comes and goes....and the
acting is amazing, the drama is intense, the set is the best thing
since Rent, and the lights are blaring and the orchestra is warming
up and suddenly you realize you'd rather be a stagehand and if you
have to listen to ONE more tuba ONE more time you are going to

I hear you about boundaries. I think about them so much that I think
I'm doing a great job of drawing them. Couple-T the other day made
me suddenly realize I was drawing them in sand-colored thread draped over
sand, when it needs to be in thick dark marker on big white board.

Buck!!!! When you say move up his plans to "be here" does that mean
visit or does that mean join the crew, as in MOVE to the mountain?

I'm so excited about either for you. And concerned about the meltdown
and the boundary-necessity for it in your own home. You're right...with
age this shit gets positively life-threatening if such stress goes on too long.

I can testify that being subjected to repetitive emotional pressure or
deafness to my needs even by someone who loooooooooooooooves me
contributed to a stroke.

Big hugs,

« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 05:44:24 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #411 on: December 19, 2019, 08:18:47 AM »
Thank you Hops. We go to court today for the DUI. After today, I'll have some more space to relax, rest, and think again. (Lawyer is supposed to be asking for a medical continuance until she can get in to see OB-GYN; her age is big factor in the new pregnancy.) Today is going to be tough coz she basically wants to spend all morning in town running errands and my stamina is IFFY. I'll also only have a phone and Buck has two appts today (finally getting that 2nd opinion I think) so I'll be glued to my phone.

I'm going to be telling myself to breathe all day.
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #412 on: December 19, 2019, 12:10:44 PM »

Just tell Hol when you're tired, and need to sit for a bit.  Find a coffee shop or restaurant...  maybe with a fireplace, and tend to yourself as long as you need to. 

Don't wait till you're shattered to ask if you can help it.

I hope Hol gets that continuance.  It seems likely she will.   



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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #413 on: December 20, 2019, 10:05:38 AM »
Continuance accomplished. There is yet more to do.

First, I guess my language descriptions haven't been all that descriptive. But at this point, it's not all that important... so moving on. I did rest last night; my sweetie - even though far away - helps. Hol wanted me to help debrief last night; after I'd already gotten nice and cozy, toasty, and comfy in bed. Told her no. She said all was well; it could wait.

The current pastime around here has been super intense analysis, overly critical naval-gazing, mixed with permissions, compassion, understanding... but a heavy dose of "YOU need to fix that; I can't do it for you." Whatever growth cycle Gen X is in now - I'm feeling more & more like I should just take a "hands off" position; get out of the way; and let them learn the hard way. But I also have to spell out some things around here. Specifically.

Every family or community has some basic agreements about activity, behavior, etc. Things held in common understanding and agreement.  I've been entirely too casual about this, so the experience of being overwhelmed that I've been having, is partly my own fault. That said, I don't need a job either. So, I'll be working that out. Hol and I have already worked out quite a few things; it can be built on. It bridges totally different viewpoints of the world; practically two different cultures and gets below that to basic human things. She and I can do that; question is: can we teach others? How much do we want to take on?

Buck is currently engaged in actively seeking his second opinion on this pain pump & the consequent 2 yr infection. He's at that appt. as I type. He's gotten extremely active lately; some long-standing hurdles have been passed... and I think he's decided and accepted my acceptance of his decision. This isn't so much a romantic, fuzzy dream of anything idealized or subconscious emotional needs either. I'm realizing that we both operate very much in the real, concrete world... so we're doing the logistical, decision-making dance together. This is a very good sign to me.

There is a high level of affection, connection and caring - but I'm not seeing any of the things I worried about either. Boundaries are easily marked and maintained; we share an understanding of those. He's not dominating. We both have ideas and bounce them off each other.  He's conscious of the fact that this physical separation is something I'm not used to, so he helps me deal with it. I'm able to help him with things too.

There's an old term; that kinda suits an "old people" relationship - "helpmeet". it's really kinda apt for our relationship. He's wrestled his ego, as much as I have and still do wrestle with mine. We simply don't hold too many illusions about ourselves, what we're capable of, or each other. Something that came up in one of the endless naval gazing conversations when I was talking about Buck, is that I always seem to have found the right man, for the right time in my life. None are/were perfect; but it worked. Maybe they found me, too.

I'm feeling really comfortable with this relationship, and the new phase it's shifting into. I'll let myself be excited later; once some major things on the list are in the past. I think we still have to work out the money thing and have a face to face about the disparity and general attitudes. But I think most of the "issues" there are mine. Recent misunderstanding shocked me, by how far off my reading/reaction was - based on past people/situations. That was kinda a "WOW" moment. I saw it; stopped/corrected/apologized. But I haven't explained. I probably don't need to. I didn't realize that it had bothered me so much in the past. I need to work on that more.

I guess that's informed my Christmas ideas this year too. I'm really OVER the excessive "stuff" gift-giving thing.  Still giving A gift; something perhaps not of great import - but meaningful; and SIMPLE. We've got the menu all worked out; Mediterannean this year - featuring lamb. No pumpkin pie; Baklava.

I'm going to make a serious effort to get a "long winter's nap" in, in the next few weeks. Then I start planning, ordering, staking out garden. There is a bedroom remodel in my future soon, along with master bath. I only scratched the surface of playing with the space. Measuring. Thinking.

This current phase, too, shall pass.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 10:08:02 AM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #414 on: December 20, 2019, 11:11:40 AM »

You sound good.  I don't understand some things you're writing about, but you seem centered and in control right now.

Did Hol receive another court date or is that up in the air right now?



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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #415 on: December 20, 2019, 05:08:21 PM »
Feb 21st Lighter.

Because of her age, she needs to see OB-GYN. Can't get in until Tues next week. She also has a few other things that MUST be taken care of.

I am better mostly due to getting some rest; downtime... time to spend w/Buck... at least at the distance. Time alone too.
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #416 on: December 21, 2019, 10:04:00 AM »
And Buck is in the hospital for another holiday. He had two appts yesterday and his pain pump has started break through the skin. Sigh. The pump and spinal catheter will both need to come out (catheter delivers timed dose to spinal nerves) but he'll still walk if the doc leaves the stimulator. But neither of us trust these docs/hospital to not remove everything. There is no way a medical device could CAUSE an infection, but it seems that's the belief of the docs. Perhaps there was bacteria ON the device due to mishandling... but antibiotics of the right combination/dose DOES clear it (I've looked; UK has some interesting research).

Last message from him was at 2 am; still running tests. I've heard nothing this morning so I have no idea what's going on. Been 8 hours; he should be coming back up from anasthethia if they did the surgery already.

And I'm wrapping information around my mind, to keep from feeling my apprehension and anxiety. Might go shopping; I'm making a baklava for next week.
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #417 on: December 21, 2019, 11:00:26 AM »
OK, Amber.... it's going to be OK.

I'm looking for some clarity....
Correct me if I have anything wrong:

B's had a 2-year infection in or around his spine, with zero idea what caused it.
Have the doctors been faffing around identifying infection, or passing blame like a hot potato this entire time?

The pump has to come out. OK.

Maybe they took out the stimulator, which means he won't walk. 

I want to weep for B's journey.  If they took out the stimulator.... can they put it  BACK IN once the infection is cleared up? 

I don't understand why they can't remove everything THEN PUT IT BACK THE RIGHT WAY under sterile conditions once he's all healed up.

I'm so sorry, ((Amber and B)).

I'd be making A LOT of baklavas right now too.



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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #418 on: December 21, 2019, 02:30:19 PM »
I know it's going to be OK; this is like 4th or 5th time I've gone through this experience with Buck - mostly on relayed info from another friend of his.

NOTHING has happened yet; they do have him heavily sedated - which, last time, they kept him in that state until they had an open OR and a surgeon on call. I suspect that is also what is happening again.

The infection is most likely hospital acquired; it's a nasty strain of staph and the docs alternately call it staph or MRSA. Medical devices are maintained sterile inside packaging until needed - opened in a sterile environment - surgically implanted sterilely, etc. Or such is the CDC recommended protocol to try to stop the spread of hospital acquired staph infections. (Told ya; I've researched my butt off.) Less likely, but still possible - the device was contaminated with bacteria prior to sterile packaging. From the amount of reports I've read, most of the infection cases (say knee/hip replacements, pacemakers, etc) involve some human making a mistake.

The saga he's been through is long Lighter. Back & forth. No way I'd get it right if I tried to tell it. Suffice it say, that this time, whatever comes out - is not going back in again without a court order. He can manage without the pump & catheter to the spinal nerves; he has been doing so since July. He hasn't been able to have the pump filled and set to the normal dosage since it was implanted due to the infection.

There are two things that boggle my mind, OK? Impossible to wrap head around with any form of common sense. One is that the Infectious Disease dept refused to treat his infection; tried to tell him it was dermatitis. DESPITE his records detailing when/where he acquired the staph infection. :insert emoji of eyes rolling so far back in my head they're looking out my arse: Despite his MONTHLY scheduled visits.

The only reason he got antibiotics recently (ineffective as that cocktail was) was because he went to the ER in a different hospital with a sustained fever over 101. Totally different doc. The fever was his ticket to treatment outside of the people he normally is required to deal with. The infectious disease people are treating antibiotics as if they were opioids. And while I understand that many people do unnecessarily ask for antibiotics, if one has an internal staph infection - it can get as bad as septicemia - which is lethal, if left untreated. He has been on the verge of that once or twice. Usually requires IV dosages of an antibiotic which he is highly allergic to. CONUNDRUM for the docs; but he's willing to suffer the allergy symptoms (which are extreme) to clear the infection.

Here's the thing about taking it all out & putting it back Lighter. There is no way - not even autoclave - to effectively sterilize that particular set of devices. Docs have to start fresh with new ones. Because the infection symptoms are localized right in the pump area... and he hasn't come down with meningitis yet.... only the pump & catheter will NEED to be removed and the current infected fluid drained; massive A/B dosages to knock the infection back down to a level that can be dealt with oral A/Bs on a regular rotation (like is done for Lyme Disease)... LEAVING him the ability to walk with the stimulator, and perhaps a knee brace.

He and I know this is the correct way to treat this post-op. WHY don't the docs? Look online - NIH, CDC, UK's NHS, etc. Paper copies of his medical records weigh 80 lbs, Light. Over 4,000 pages.

I also know he's submitting to this now, because of how we discussed moving up the timeline. Get it out of the way and get recovered.

I can not complain; I have to turn him loose to do this; it's his choice. I have already done all the dishes and cleaned the worst out of the kitchen, including scrubbing the sink. I'd go to the studio & bug John... but I can also sew the finishing touches on his camo smock.  There's a little more space out there for me to pace; stalk; walk like thunder. I'll do that and perhaps a little more shopping. Late as it is. And then if I still have restless energy, I'll clean my bathroom. Maybe measure the closet space for how much I could steal and incorporate into the bathroom remodel.

and he's just now calling me.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 02:50:11 PM by sKePTiKal »
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Re: 2019 Farm Life
« Reply #419 on: December 21, 2019, 05:08:24 PM »
I hope he reported expected news, Amber.

Or better.
