Author Topic: Embracing The Dark Side  (Read 6124 times)


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Re: Embracing The Dark Side
« Reply #30 on: March 02, 2019, 03:20:35 PM »
I hear how drained and exhausted you are feeling (((((((((Tupp)))))))))))).

How could you not, from time to time?

Much comfort,

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Re: Embracing The Dark Side
« Reply #31 on: March 04, 2019, 04:24:31 AM »
I hear how drained and exhausted you are feeling (((((((((Tupp)))))))))))).

How could you not, from time to time?

Much comfort,


Thanks, Hops, it is much appreciated.  Much love to you.

Tup xx xx


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Re: Embracing The Dark Side
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2019, 02:31:08 AM »
I thought I would update this thread, and the 'Embracing the Positive' one, as I've been thinking a lot recently about how situations give us good and bad thoughts, feelings and outcomes and how, for me, it's often the deeper, more hidden meanings behind things that matter.  'Nice' stuff is nice, but I can manage without lattes and new tops.  They don't make me happy, it's the stuff underneath that rattles and moves me.  I've got things from the last year or so that I feel are dark and negative and unpleasant, but I've also realised some of that dark stuff is positive, as well.  So I thought I'd update both threads with that.

Anyway, the darkness from the last year or so has been:

Realising that the standard of care, education and support available for my son in the UK is of a very low standard.  This both terrifies and angers me at the same time.

Realising how many people are very apathetic - they'll moan a lot but not do much about their situation, even down to just reading up on it a bit or arranging to speak to someone who might help. 

Discovering another three friends are not really friends in the way I thought they were.  That's hurt me a lot.

Being very short on cash.

Feeling very frustrated with myself that I didn't realise our current situation was going to turn out the way it has.

Just generally being very tired, not even just in the physical sense, but tired of having to think constantly, constantly having to try to find new ways to cope, always juggling another set of circumstances - often because other people haven't done what they should have done.

That kind of sums it up, but positive things have come out of it as well (like knowing what I don't want now) so I'll update that on the other thread.


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Re: Embracing The Dark Side
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2019, 09:23:01 AM »
Maybe things didn't turn out like you wanted. BUT, it does appear, on the whole that it was a "good enough" change that has provided enough space and time for you to rise above a lot of things that were keeping you stuck, Tupp.

As long as what you attempted brought some "good enough" change, it was a good thing. Journeys are experienced, one step at a time.  ;)
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Re: Embracing The Dark Side
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2019, 01:31:19 PM »
I can imagine, Tupp.

I think that the darkest darks I have lived through have been the struggle to accept what I can't change. Whether in people, in culture, in systems, etc. It's my expectation of justice, fairness or kindness in the world that is frequently disappointed. I just have to do a Mr. Rogers when it overwhelms me: Look for the helpers. (Or be one.)

To accept things won't be "right" is a long dark slog. Eventually, the ground firms up under your feet. I imagine that our support comes mostly in the walking and talking with other people, not what we're walking on.

« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 04:28:12 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."