Hops, how funny, I was going to get on here today to suggest trying cannabis for the anxiety and you have beat me to it.
I'm not an expert - caveat number 1 - but I have found it enormously helpful with my anxiety. The very first time I took it I did feel a little foggy headed and sleepy (and did have a bit of a nap) but other than that I've had no side effects from taking it at all. For me, it kind of feels like it soothes my central nervous system and just settles everything down. For my general understanding I've read the info put out by Jeff Ditchfield who runs Bud Buddies (and I think he's based in Jamaica now) but as many states in the US sell cannabis legally now there is probably a wealth of info to be had.
Anyhoo - the downside with it is that the strength and dose required is established through trial and error. It isn't like a regular prescription where the doctor will tell you to take three tablets, twice a day. Everyone's system is different so the amount you need may be completely different to the amount I take. It's expensive so having to try different strengths and brands until you work out what's right for you can be pricey but for me it is still worth doing so and, once I found the one I was happiest with I stuck to it and just order another bottle each month now (son takes it as well and so does the cat

It was suggested to me to start with a low strength and keep adjusting the number of drops taken until you get to a point where things are feeling calmer. The stronger the strength, the fewer drops you'll need, but it's also more expensive to buy. You put three drops under your tongue (this is assuming you buy the oil in a dropper bottle) and wait for a few minutes for that to settle through your system a bit (I always end up swallowing as well because I'm just one of those people that can't not). The first time I used it I had the three drops and then nothing else that day, to get a good idea of the effect it would have. From that I bought a bottle of the same strength that I'd tried the day before and started adjusting the dose so, take three drops, wait five mins, if there's still a little anxiety, take three more, wait another five mins and so on. For some people a small, relatively weak dose does the trick, others need a lot more. I'd suggest writing down your symptoms before you take any at all and then recording how much you take and when/if the symptoms start to reduce. Then stay on that dose for a few days (maybe three?) to give it all a chance to settle in and then see if you need to up the dose or if that is enough. You might even find you need to take less after a few days. It was explained to me as imagining a dried up pond - you'd have to pour water into it just to fill the cracks in again before it started to fill up and your endocannabanoid system (that's the thing inside you that responds so well to the CBD) is similar; you need to top it up a bit before it starts to level out. So once you've plugged the cracks you might find you need less just to keep things topped up.
There's also just personal taste as some oils are flavoured. Personally I like the plant taste and dislike artificial flavours so I stick with unflavoured varieties. I currently use one by CBDistillery at 1,000mg strength. I take it through the day - first thing in the morning, another dose a few minutes after than and then I just top up as needed. Best kept in the fridge. I've also used the Charlotte's Web brand and they were very good, although more expensive and harder to get hold of here. From what I've read and been told full spectrum is the best type to take - kind of like making sure your diet has the full range of nutrients in it.
If you can find a local stockist who knows their stuff they can be very helpful and, once you can get out and about again, they're nice shops to pop into. Lots of products like teas, bath products, skin balms and so on. The other thing that might be good for you are CBD lollies - they're just like the lollipops you'd have had as a child but with a little CBD in them. They're great to have on you if carrying your oil in your bag isn't easy (not that you'd be going anywhere at the moment to need to take it) but there is something about that sucking action that's soothing (kind of like a child with a pacifier). I like them and they're usually quite cheap (although again, plant flavoured so that might put you off). A lot of places will send you a free sample of oil so you can get an idea re taste and strength without having to buy a whole bottle to start off with so it would be good to see if you can find a place fairly local to you that sells online and can send you a small amount to try. It is also available as a paste or in suppository form but I was advised the oil is the easiest to start with to work out how much to take and how often and then you can try something else if it's more convenient. I've just found the oil easy to use as I'm home most of the day anyway so I've stuck with that.
The book I've found most useful for just general understanding is Jeff Ditchfield's Medical Guide to Cannabis but as I say, you guys are way ahead of the UK with the cannabis stuff so there's probably a whole load available. In the UK Jeff Ditchfield is very well known so his name tends to pop up whenever anyone talks about this. I haven't read any wider than him; I was so blown away by how much it helped me that I just stuck with it. It's not cured everything completely (as you know from my meltdowns on here) but I have lost that endless ragged feeling that I had and I rarely get chest pains now (I was similar to you with being rushed into hospital and tests showed my heart was fine, it was all anxiety related. I hardly get pains now - do sometimes get palpitations which I think is menopause related). I will also say that yoga does help me and you can do that from home - Yoga with Adrienne stuff is great and she has a really cute dog as well

Lots of videos on YouTube.
Hope that helps, Hopsie! I would say it's definitely worth trying and that article you posted a link to looked promising, although I would suggest trying to find someone reasonably local to you at least to start off with. I just feel more comfortable with someone who has a shop nearby than I do with a faceless internet company but that's just me. The only other thing I would suggest is that when you try it initially to try it at night time, in case it does make you feel a little groggy and sleepy at first so that you can just go to bed straight away. Let us know how you get on! xx
PS I also find the Epsom salts baths helpful if you're not already doing that and I find in my little bathroom a hot bath with Epsom salts and some lavender oil either in the bath water or in a little oil burner makes a really nice kind of lavender scented steam room - that can be helpful in the evenings for me.
PPS - Just noticed when I scanned that article again that it says that Beam Oils have a selection tool to help you pick the right product for you - I've no idea what their tool might be but that might be worth finding out more about.