The boy left yesterday. His mom came, we exchanged seeds, had a lovely chat and they went on their way.
I shopped... oldest dd went with, but stayed in the car... keeping me on track with lists and being safe. It was a nice day and was good to be out and about with her, but I wasn't feeling very good about being in public, wearing the gear or keeping up with wiping things down.
Afterwards I spent 3 hours harvesting moss from a yard about to be covered with mulch. SO MUCH AMAZING moss mixed together. Perfect for new friend's yard. We filled 8 large containers and could have filled that many more. Much of the time was spent pulling weeds from what we harvested, honestly. I might help her pull more weeds and plant today. It's beautiful weather for that.
The lady getting the mulch has lovely moss features in her yard. She's planted moss under a tree.... in between the roots... just lovely with little stones for borders. It was a treat. She put a moss spiral in her front yard, but one moss ate the other and ruined it pretty quickly. She also went to see the Moss lady in our area and bought her book, as did I when I started mossing. She showed me how she uses a little flat shovel, which was new to me... usually I use smaller tools and my hands for everything. The upshot is.... the gal new to mossing learned a lot about harvesting moss, stacking it, weeding it before planting and keeping it alive till you get to it.
It was interesting to have conversations that flowed SO easily. We had so much in common. The artist insists I select one of her paintings to thank me, and wants to have little gatherings at each of our houses to share what we're creating/have created with the moss... outdoor showers..... the perennials, etc. I wouldn't mind sharing and trading Hosta with them. Getting advice and giving advice. The new mosser has big projects to plan and I've made about every mistake there is to make with a moss yard. It's exciting, bc her husband is a hard worker and I don't have to do the work... mostly speaking about moving stones and leveling a large area.... scraping it.... creating a clean slate.
The husband completely bought into mossing, and they enjoy it together. It's nice, bc we all have such different yards. I gave the new mosser 2 substantial flowering pear trees I don't have enough sun for. The husband is addicted to planting trees, and lighting them. It's fun.. he sounds like he walked out of the movie FARGO.... such a heavy accent. I'm pretty sure I can get some help on some of my projects and exchange work I do well at their place.
Last night the girls and I spent time together.... they were super helpful with groceries, planning meals.... we laughed a lot and had fun. I watched COCO with oldest dd... youngest got bored with it, but oldest dd loves that movie with all the wonder of a young child... very sweet. It felt nice to have the house boy free. The loft was restored to sacred space yesterday and I'm enjoying it now. I have energy to work on the upstairs bathroom, maybe paint the trim around my window, and finish up some trim in the dining room that needs more caulk and a coat of paint.
I talked about my stored wooden Japanese soaking tub with the mossing gals too. It would fit in the outdoor shower or in either bathroom. Lots to think about.