Today I have my office lined up for more paperwork... clean surfaces..... files ready.... files available to file INTO. Missions to get after. It feels OK.
Oldest dd turned 19, and will celebrate her birthday with two of her closest 3D friends. I wrapped her gift... a large leather embossed journal with lovely metal clasps... it looks like it's 100 years old, and replaces a similar one I gave her years ago. She lost it, and every once in a while talks about missing it, so... I feel pretty good about it. I wrapped it in the bag it came in... brown paper, which I love. Then I wrapped thin green wire around it, and inserted the card, a couple pictures of her that I love, copied, and backed with same brown paper, and money for her celebration, bc I want her to remember this always.
I also cleaned her room, which I'd been ignoring for months. I don't feel bad about it either. It's part of her gift, and she'll go into her clean room, with sunny floors, and lovely freshly laundered bedding. She love love loves that bedding, from April Cornell, found at Goodwill for 20.00 in perfect shape. Crazy timing, meant to be. I've found 2 sets of beautiful quilts there as well.... 20.00 for two. That's nuts. I have very good luck there.
DD19 getting ready to go, and I'm taking youngest shopping at Goodwill for HW items... she's going as one of the Chipmunks. Alvin I think, with her friend dressing as one of the female Chipmunks. She's a goofy, funny kid; )
Planning Thanksgiving at my brother's this year. My sister likes to nail down details, and I'm glad I don't have to this year. I'll pitch in, and enjoy what I do. Last year I made everything ahead, and traveled with it... so much bother for a huge group, but the meal was really special. This year will be easier with smaller group. We have certain items that are family tradition, and the dd17 likes to help.