((Little Tupp, missing her Dad))
That image made my head hurt.
I'm going to picture you at the beach... watching the waves, and birds, and colors of the water. Just breathing, and feeling safe, and calm.... and revisiting this memory when you're super level, and in observation mode. When you can get yourself into a happy place.
When your entire brain is available to you, you can bring your focus back to this.... to finish processing this painful memory, and file it where it belongs. Out of your daily life, future relationship life, still wishing and longing for life, bc you deserve a clean slate, Tupp. This is unfinished business, Tupp, and it will keep coming up, demanding to be tended to, until grown up you can tend to it, IME.
How do you get yourself level, Tupp? What is your happy space? What does that look like for you? It took me a bit to FIND my happy place, bc I was so reactive to so many things..... mourning things that had passed..... things that had gone.... that children still suffer... just seeing a children's picture on a T's wall meant I had to close my eyes, and start over and over and over again... until I distilled my happy garden down into pure joy..... I'm talking about what I was wearing, what the sky looked like, the dirt, which I replaced with black Ohio earth, and the fence, and trees, and grass, and garden gloves or lack of gloves.... pulling weeds, and tying vines heavy with fruit.... the smell of tomatos... the entire plant... the feel of warm fruit.... picking it, putting in baskets marked for the people I love..... just BEING there trasports us, bc the brain believes we're THERE, and our biology responds to that reality.
It's the same when we're stuck in a painful story. We get stuck in that same plave in our brain, where the story and emotions still live like it's the present.
If you can get your brain calm, and in your happy place, you can remove the stress that keeps your brain from processing the painful unfinished business that keeps you focused on solving them, IME.
You don't have to think of the painful stories long at all. Just long enough to pull up the emotions around them..... then put the story back down, and don't think of it again. Just stay focused on the emotions that came with the story, put your hands on it, and describe it to yourself.... give it a number from 1-10, is it pain?
Pressure? Tension? Burning pain? Pounding and dull?
Once you're there, go back to your happy place, and begin to notice all the things you've identified as happy about it. The sights, the smells, the colors, and space in that place..... all around you there is space.
Bring that space into your pain/tension/stress points, and breathe it into those places.... I picture pink cotton. Breathe it in, and breathe it in, and fill that space with spaciousness.
If you can't, you might be overwhelmed, and need to push on walls a bit, or practice the EMDR or walking backwards a bit BEFORE your nervous system can calm down to a place where you can breathe your way out of it, but YOU CAN BREATHE YOUR WAY OUT OF IT, Tupp.
There are things they don't teach us about using our breathe and mindfulness, and it can knock the air out of us, and make us believe we can't do it.
I spent 10 years believing I couldn't do it. My martial arts instructor sat me down, and I failed, and it left a deep mark on me..... failure.... resentment..... I got chagrined when I heard the word MEDITATE.
But the word mindfulness didn't have any negativity attached to it. So my T didn't use the word meditate until I was doing Ok with the mindfulness thing, and able to understand what work we were doing inside my brain and body.
We're simply trying to calm our brains down enough to bring our entire brain to HELP process the stuck emotions. The place in our brain, where the hard emotions live, can't do it on it's own. That's why we practice.... to calm ourselves and allow our brains to finish processing.