Just spoke with Uncle who said THIS virus is different in that it attacks the weaker cells in the body.
The others... SWINE etc attached and attacked the stronger immune cells, which is why children were so hard hit by them and not the new one.
Uncle said 60% of our population will get this flu.
He's sent masks to friends in China and said they're on lockdown and can go outside 2 X a week to shop... only one member of the family at a time allowed to go.
I heard this virus doesn't attach to dust and hang in the air like some viruses can. Uncle said viruses thrive in dry air....that's why cooler months are when flu season begins. He said virus fall or get transferred to hard surfaces and die HE THINKS in about 6 hours. On soft surfaces they just fall in and aren't a factor. They don't live and grow. They have 2 coatings and alcohol goes through the first one which means it can't be transferred, even if it still tests positive.
Now, Uncle listens to the news... all of the outlets. Retired. Curious. Studies things that interest him. These things are what he's discerned after boiling down the info he has.
He said that Italy has the problem they do bc the Chinese are present there, which is different than when I was there last 27 years ago. I guess business interests, etc.
He said we have millions of tests being manufactured now in the US, but we should all behave as though we're infected, just to be safe.
Yesterday my Aunt was saying they weren't concerned, wouldn't be stocking up on TP/food then today I call and they're in the car with three cases of TP, lots of food and the knowledge one of their healthcare workers tested positive and is staying in his home.
They get their shingles, pneumonia, and flu shots at Walgreens, along with their meds, which they picked up today.
I'm curious to hear more about how the Chinese are doing and what their actual experience is.