Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 107983 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #465 on: December 21, 2020, 07:28:44 AM »
It's strange, I'm fearful.

I guess people have to try to create and find normalcy. I'm not sure if I should watch the news or not.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #466 on: December 21, 2020, 09:06:17 AM »
I've got to the point now where I feel the news is just making me more anxious rather than giving me more information, Posh.  We're taking all precautions we can (mostly by staying in!) and there's nothing else we can do now until we get our vaccines.  I realised knowing how bad it all is is just making me feel worse, but there's nothing else I can do about it so I've decided I'm better off not knowing.  I was talking to a lady at the bus stop this morning who said the same thing - they've had a pre Christmas family gathering over the weekend as her daughters are both nurses and working over Christmas so they got together with the adult kids in the garden and the parents sat in on the porch.  They all had their own food and drink and they've made the best of it but she said she's stopped watching the news, it's just too much doom and gloom (and it is a doom and gloom situation but there's good stuff as well).  So - we went out today to celebrate the solstice.  We caught the bus to the beach, had a walk, had a packed lunch and hot chocolate and then caught the bus home.  The bus drivers are all dressed up and in the Christmas mood, everyone's sticking to the distance advice, the beach is beautiful even when the weather's not great (and there's a big house on the sea front that used to be a nursing home; it would make an amazing communal living space for me and son and a few other families in similar situations - every time I see it I hope I win the lottery so I can buy it :) ) and it was nice.  I'm focusing on all of that and pretending nothing else is going on because I can't cope any other way just now lol xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #467 on: December 21, 2020, 09:59:45 PM »
Some days I start to fear complacency. News of a new strain sorta counter acts the complacency.

But yeah, the news does give me more anxiety.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #468 on: December 22, 2020, 01:30:33 AM »
Some days I start to fear complacency. News of a new strain sorta counter acts the complacency.

But yeah, the news does give me more anxiety.

I know what you mean, Posh.  It's easy to forget to be careful if you kind of forget what's going on.  I notice the difference in myself, though - yesterday I didn't read any news at all, no social media, nothing on TV, no radio - and I did feel calmer and happier.  I did talk about it with a friend of mine who's a teacher and is worried about going back to school in the New Year (understandably), particularly as this new strain has come about.  But she was also relieved that they hadn't gone away for Christmas as they usually do, because apparently France and some others have put a travel ban in place on Brits (very sensibly, in my opinion) so they'd have been stuck.  I find the situation so odd because it's bad for people in different ways, and for so many people as well.  But I'm staying in my bubble, with son, the cat and some mince pies :)  Lol xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #469 on: December 22, 2020, 03:58:37 PM »
That's good Two and the Mince Pies sound so very British. There is such a big push to get the economy back to normal, they need the kids to be in school so adults can do their thing. I feel bad for the teachers and it comes off as a bit of a sacrifice.

This situation is so problematic though, it's not going to just clear up all of a sudden in the spring with vaccines and so forth. I'm in a certain amount of denial because it's hard to plan for that.

News here is a constant flow on contradictory messaging. Officials telling people to stay home and it's followed by the Mega Store Walmart advertising that they have all their in-store check out lanes staffed for Christmas shopping. The Walmart store shows a Teddy Bear riding around on a kid's plastic bike and the store is totally empty as if "don't worry nobody is even here and you can buy toys"

Then there are some commercials put out by businesses/airlines meant to make flying seem both safe and fun. In my opinion it's insensitive and obviously misleading. It bothers me because it almost makes a joke out of the situation and relies on a catchy old earworm song. Who knows who actually owns the rights to the song. It would be ironic if the musicians ended up dead from the virus. 

I hope someone does a parody of that commercial that goes:

 "We can die if we want to"
"We might leave our friends behind"

"Say, we can act if we want to
If we don't, nobody will
And you can act real rude and totally removed
And I can act like an imbecile"
« Last Edit: December 22, 2020, 10:34:07 PM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #470 on: December 24, 2020, 03:27:06 AM »
The UK virus is in Singapore.
Sweden is freaking out trying to make laws so they can force closures.
Hong Kong wants to make masks illegal.
Native Americans are first in line to get vaccines in US.
Russian Covid Scientist with Stab wound and sedatives falls out of building.
Florida data scientist coerced into changing covid data in favor of reopening.
Italy has the UK virus

I can't help it, I feel blinded if I don't look around to see.

« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 03:29:24 AM by Pseudo Mouse »


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #471 on: December 24, 2020, 04:41:51 AM »
I know what you mean, Posh.  Ordinarily I am in the camp of 'knowledge means power' and normally I prefer to know what's going on than not.  But just now I'm keeping my eyes closed.  I did have to peek yesterday as they've changed the tiers here again so I looked on the local page to see if anything was any different and then wished I hadn't looked.  I'm carrying on doing my bit (staying in!) and there's little else I can do just now.

Mince pies are very British!  Lol, I usually make my own but decided not to this year, partly because I've only shopped for essentials and didn't want to faff about in the supermarket looking for various kinds of dried fruit and candied peel.  I bought bite size ones as I'm on a diet so I'm hoping I don't scoff the whole box :)  They are yummy but for me a true 'just at Christmas' thing; even on Boxing Day I don't want one.

I feel as you do, that the situation won't just magically resolve once the vaccines start rolling out.  It's a global problem; we're really going to need all countries to work together on this one.  But - for now it's back to the Christmas songs and mince pies for a bit :)  Merry Christmas, Posh! xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #472 on: December 24, 2020, 07:18:01 PM »
Probably many people tune in and tune out periodically.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #473 on: December 24, 2020, 09:19:14 PM »
I think you're right, Posh.

It's a dance to calibrate how much to take in and how much to consign to grander views like "the universe"...etc.

Helps me to get the longest view possible, at the moment.

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #474 on: December 27, 2020, 11:53:51 AM »
Well our local numbers are the highest they've been since this started.  I don't get it.  I know they've said the new strain is more infectious but they've not said that the current precautions aren't enough to avoid infection?  So are people not taking precautions and that's why they're getting infected more frequently?  Or is it getting through the current precautions?  I wish they knew what they were doing.  Some parts of the country are locked down again; officially we're not in the part I live but I think we'll be staying in for a while yet, particularly as people have mingled over Christmas.  I guess it will take a couple of weeks to see if that creates a peak of any kind.  They have started vaccinating but it's going to be a while before that starts making much of a difference.  Has just been bizarre to sit here thinking that last Christmas we'd never even heard of Covid and this year it's everywhere.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #475 on: December 27, 2020, 03:13:31 PM »
Same disease but a little different; it spreads more easily. (There are heavier viral loads in those who spread the variant; that's why.)

Hence, this means "usual precautions" such as continuing to shop in stores while wearing a mask is inadequate. Instead, if one has the option, do real lockdown for protection except for urgent/emergency needs. Vaccination levels when they reach herd immunity will protect everybody but we're not there yet as vaccination distribution just got underway. We all have to dig deep to find the patience to continue with personal quarantine to the max we can, but that's what safety reuires, as I've understood it.

I figure when the variant arrives in one's area, one just needs to assume there are a lot more virus particles around than there were before, so extra care is necessary. Hence, new lockdowns. (I actually think they're responding to what the science indicates.)

Dr. Fauci told us this winter would be bad. I trust him. So I'm just more literal about the cautions than ever, rather than dropping my guard.

I found this a helpful article:

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #476 on: December 28, 2020, 07:22:04 AM »
Thanks, Hops, that is helpful, that article is clearer than the ones I've been reading over here (odd how other countries often have a clearer picture of what's going on than our own seems to at times).  I'm still muddled about the viral load though - it means you have more of the virus to pass on to other people?  But it doesn't make you yourself sicker than the other variant did?  Is that right?  And is the other variant still circulating or has this one replaced it now?  Either way we are staying in for the foreseeable future.  We're pretty well stocked food wise and I'm just stocking up on vitamins again; I got son's meds in before Christmas so we're alright for that for a while as well.  I feel I'm at the bottom of my digging deep capabilities just now.  I'm focusing on the house and garden, son seems to be doing alright at the minute.  The birds are enjoying the extra food.  I've just ordered next year's diary and a book on making your own cleaning products, toiletries and so on.  I feel let down that so many people who aren't at risk don't seem to understand that those who are can't cope with being shut in all day any better than they can.  I caught up with a friend over Christmas who I assumed didn't know we'd been shielding since March, but it turned out she did but just hadn't thought to call or return my calls in all that time.  That prickles me.  I think I am just feeling extra prickly at the moment xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #477 on: December 28, 2020, 10:20:21 AM »
Hi Tupp!
I'm no scientist but this is what I believe are the answers to your questions (which should all be double-checked....):

I'm still muddled about the viral load though - it means you have more of the virus to pass on to other people?  YES; That's why more people will get this strain, because nearby carriers--including asymptomatic--have in their respiratory systems and thus are emitting more infectious microparticles. And masks do leak and are only 65% effective: [Since you can't know who's got which once the new variant hits your area and asymptomatic infection's still possible, quarantine (lockdown) is the primary protection. The only addition so far to my routine is being more careful to also wear a mask outdoors (dangling from one ear but easy to whip back on when a walker comes too close.) But it doesn't make you yourself sicker than the other variant did? SEE Dr VALLANCE QUOTE BELOW.  Is that right? YES. And is the other variant still circulating or has this one replaced it now? IT HAS NOT REPLACED THE ORIGINAL FORM OF COVID-19 AS THE ORIGINAL STRAIN IS STILL INFECTING PEOPLE.

I don't blame you for feeling prickly, Tupp. I think each new development feels threatening until we realize we really can cope. I do trust that by summer life will be a lot better again, even though we may all tote masks for shopping or crowds as new normal behavior. (Maybe next year's vaccine will be reformulated like the flu vaccine is from year to year, but even scientists don't know what they don't know yet. In time they will. Even a pandemic is not a brand-new event; this one's just extra nasty. Scientists have what's real to offer; selfish politicians -- oy.)

[from US News, reliable mainstream--if you don't trust Johnson just focus on what Vallance says] "There's no evidence that it causes more severe illness or higher mortality, but it does appear to be passed on significantly more easily," [Boris] Johnson told a news conference to announce tougher lockdown restrictions for millions of people.
"Although there's considerable uncertainty, it may be up to 70% more transmissible than the old variant, the original version of the disease. This is early data and it's subject to review.
"But it's the best that we have at the moment and we have to act on information as we have it, because this is now spreading very fast." [....]

Britain's Chief Scientific Adviser Patrick Vallance said COVID-19 vaccines appeared to be adequate in generating an immune response to the variant of the coronavirus.
"We think it (the variant) may be in other countries as well," Vallance told reporters. "It may have started here, we don't know for sure."
Vallance said in parts of England, including London, the south east and east of England, the new variant was becoming the dominant form.
"This virus has taken off," he said of the mutation. "It's moving fast and it's leading inevitably to a sharp increase in hospital admissions."
"There is no evidence it causes a more severe disease, causes more hospitalisation, causes more trouble than the other virus, it basically looks similar."

Scientists do hedge their bets with ambiguous responses before they are absolutely, precisely certain of something; that's their training. But when they add words like "may" or "preliminary indications" or "looks like" I don't think they're being deceptive, just saying what they know and what they don't yet have rock-solid evidence for about a virus' or virus strain's behavior. I have no anxiety about scientific deception of the public. Political, sure--this country's super sick in that way. And politics has undercut scientists' attempts to inform and explain. That's affected the public's reaction in disastrous fashion. Hence, our numbers now are the worst in the world. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

One way I cope is setting up semi-regular Zooms. I have a Zoom with a neighbor I'm close to, which we do at least twice a month. Then there's weekly Zoom therapy and even online church services, which I avoid in December but probably will return to in the new year. (I mostly lurk, using an icon instead of a photo as my image. I don't even get dressed, just have it running while I loll around. During the boring bits I open up a new window with a subscription and read something interesting.)

The other thing that helps me cope is to remind myself that I've gotten through 9 months of this without losing my mind or burning the house down, and even though it's felt very acute at times, I know I can cope with 4 more months. I look at what Britons endured during WWII and Americans during the Great Depression and figure--this is not unendurable, though it really sucks.

« Last Edit: December 28, 2020, 11:00:28 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #478 on: December 28, 2020, 11:49:47 AM »
Thanks, Hops, I think I am starting to understand it better now.  I get bits I don't understand and I don't like to go hunting online for answers because I invariably end up reading stuff that either upsets, frightens or infuriates me.  Vallance always sounds fairly sane, unlike Johnson, and it's the lack of trust that the government is showing in science that's causing problems, I think - they keep not doing what the science people advise re lockdowns, closing schools etc - and then how do you get the general public to follow the science when the government don't?  Large parts of the country are locked down again now but people keep traveling to places that aren't locked down.  And schools are all due back next week despite the fact the boffins are saying keep them closed until we get on top of this again.  Mercifully, the evenings get lighter quickly at this time of year so we're already getting an extra thirty to forty minutes of daylight which for me makes a huge difference.  Beautiful full moon tonight as well.  Just got to dig deep and hold on in there a bit longer.  I think the noise today has been a problem as well - one neighbour has been doing DIY stuff with many power tools all day, which means the dogs have barked constantly and that on top of everything else doesn't help.  Breathe.  The house is looking cleaner and more orderly and I'm hoping to get out for a long walk early tomorrow morning; that will help as well xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #479 on: December 28, 2020, 05:05:20 PM »
OMG Two A Penny......
I hope you get out for a walk.....tomorrow....and day after.....
Its a lot to deal with noise of power tools.......and dogs barking
reminds me of my Nanny and mother always at each others throats...
Its not that I hear them now forsure but the memories don't seem to fade
I think it was pure abuse.....or maybe my age?
Who knows

Love, Bettyanne