Author Topic: Coronavirus  (Read 108108 times)


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #480 on: December 29, 2020, 07:32:41 PM »
Our local health department staff all quit. The director & contact tracing nurses etc. An entire group of them. Says it all. And the so called National Guard that was earlier mentioned and shown handing out food on the news doesn't actually seem to do very much at all to help the communities. Show of force government. The community family & health director QUIT. Maybe they are getting death threats, I wouldn't be surprised.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #481 on: December 31, 2020, 08:28:47 AM »
Thanks, BettyAnne.  I manage to get out early morning most days and it's lovely - quiet, very few people around, not much traffic on the road.  Sorry that you still have those memories from childhood.  I think they can become very deeply embedded in us, unfortunately.

Posh, I have to say I'm not surprised people are quitting and I don't blame them.  Our docs and nurses here are begging people to stay home and take precautions if they do go out.  Hospitals are full and out of equipment, staff are exhausted and demoralised, ambulances are queuing in car parks to get patients in - and social media is full of people arranging New Year's Eve parties, shopping without masks on and claiming it's all made up and nothing much is really happening.  We haven't left the house other than to go for a walk since Christmas Eve now and we won't be until they've got this genie back in the bottle.  Restrictions have been increased here now, non-essential shops and services are all shut, the library's back to doing click and collect but I think we'll avoid even that - our town is the worst affected in our area, probably because it's the most densely populated.  I feel like I want to hide under the duvet.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #482 on: December 31, 2020, 11:54:18 AM »
It's safe under the duvet, ((((((Tupp))))).

Social media amplifies fear, negativity and terror. Sometimes facts support that but overall, it is NOT a good place to get news or context. I am so grateful I'm not on it.

Even mainstream, reliable media make clear that this is a sobering time with real danger present. But you know what to do to stay safe, and you are doing it, and it really will end.

If you'll forgive unsolicited advice: try not to tend a great bubbling stewpot of anxiety while spicing it with social media's toxic foam that inevitably rises to the top.

Boy, you can count on me for some tortured metaphors. Bad poet!

big hugs,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #483 on: January 01, 2021, 10:28:25 PM »
Ok.  One of my neighbors tested positive for Covid on Monday.  This would have been a day or so after he dropped Christmas beer and cookies on my front porch.  He's one of the backyard dig playdate brigade I've been too busy to join, thank God.

My truck has transmission troubles at the lake, and local mechanic was sick for 2 weeks, without feeling better, before Christmas.  He went into hospital for Christmas.  I hear he's going to be ok.

So....that brings us to my Ohio tested positive for Covid a while back. All their friends have it going around.  Ohio has a level purple, I'm told, which is the worst Covid alert.

This leads into a Christmas Covid chaos story, but will post it on my Mindfulness thread.



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #484 on: January 03, 2021, 06:23:43 AM »
Elderly neighbour just popped round and I didn't let him in; I felt awful but this new strain seems to be so much more infectious and I really just want to keep away from people as much as possible.  We chatted on the doorstep; he was in hospital over Christmas, not away as I'd thought.  I do wonder about his confusion; he initially said he had a twisted bowel, then that he had Covid (this is in the space of five minutes).  Also said the doctors told him he'd been in contact with someone who'd had it and he wanted to know who it was so he could go and beat them up (he's on crutches and struggles to walk; the idea that he could beat someone up is clearly not something that could become reality but it seems to be a theme with him so I'm being careful).  It's so hard, I feel so bad that so many people are struggling at the moment but I feel like I'm only hanging on by a thread myself and we just can't catch this virus, it's too dangerous for us.  I did explain and he said he understood and I said I'd pop round once things had calmed down a bit.  Perhaps I could pop round and we'll sit in his garden with masks on rather than sitting indoors, that might work.  I'm really trying to focus on looking after me and son.  There's just so little left for anyone else.  It's so sad.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #485 on: January 03, 2021, 10:26:42 AM »
Ahhhh, ((((Tupp)))), you have such a kind heart.
It's not just compulsion-to-solve-problem, it's empathy.

But you do know you are doing your first considerable job, which is to keep
yourself (and likewise your son) Covid free, despite others' recklessness.

I recall some helpful gossip you heard about this old fellow, that he's gotten
skilful at manipulating others to feel responsible for him. And that he's been
unpleasant (or possibly abusive?) -- hence family steer clear and he's not
awash in friends.

That doesn't mean nobody should alert a local agency or church if he's
in emergency straits, just that he is kind of sitting in his own solitude
right now just as so many are. It's a lot harder for the very old, but it's still
part karma, part luck...and perhaps sometimes, part personality.

Who knows whom he actually DID beat up in his time? Perhaps he was a
"crap man" too when younger? It's good to feel compassion, but he might be someone who if he senses a kind nature, might ooze right in to maneuver you into responsibility. You already have so much on your plate.

You're the only one who can figure out what's right for you to do regarding him.
I just hope you won't let toxic guilt creep in to sully whatever you decide.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #486 on: January 06, 2021, 09:47:36 AM »
Thanks, Hops, it's okay, I'm keeping my distance.   I'm getting better at feeling something's not good but not feeling like it's my responsibility to deal with that.  I think at the moment everyone I speak to, in whatever capacity, is struggling - either because of not seeing people, because they think it's not real and they're being controlled, because they think it's very likely to kill them, because their business is going under or they aren't earning enough to pay their mortgage, everyone's having a bad experience with this so it's hard not to feel bad for people - part of being human, I guess.  But - myself and son come first (and I will update on my new action plan on the other thread lol).

We are in full national lockdown again here, until at least mid Feb but quite honestly I think it will be longer.  Several hospitals have closed their doors to any more patients, some have canceled routine surgeries and procedures, many are operating at a capacity that means they can't provide good quality care to their existing patients.  They reckon approximately 1,000,000 people are infected at the minute.  We had acupuncture this morning so walked into town early; it wasn't that quiet?  A lot more people are working through this one, it would seem.  The session was nice and we caught the bus home; that was quiet so that was good and we won't be out again now until Saturday, when I have my hospital scan booked.  I feel that all we can really do is stay home as much as possible and just be grateful that the days are starting to get longer again and we're getting some really nice afternoon sun at the moment.  Little things xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #487 on: January 08, 2021, 08:37:48 AM »
Well some good news, although confusing - our county is currently one of the safest in the country, which is really good to know.  What has confused me is that the county along from ours (which you can only get into by driving through the county I live in) is very bad, even though they're even more rural than us and have a smaller population over a larger area.  I struggle to get my head around that - busy towns and cities, of course are likely to be more affected, but I'd have assumed any sparsely populated country would have an easier time.  Anyway, it's cheered me up a bit - still locked down, obviously, and still not taking any chances but it's nice to know the supermarket probably isn't the death trap I thought it was.


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #488 on: January 08, 2021, 03:07:11 PM »
I hope that lasts, ((((Tupp)))!

I've made two changes in my personal practice:

1) Instead of one mask, I'm now wearing two. A simple surgical mask first, topped with a pleated cloth mask. Lucky it's winter--I'm finding it quite comfortable.

2) Not that I was much anyway, but I'm going out only to go to pod-partner's (M's) house a few times a month. I can't find any need to physically go anywhere except for the odd walk.

Since it's respiratory, viral and that's the biggest transmission, for me the double-mask feels comforting and empowering.

The rest is up to time. May be summer before I'm vaccinated and from what I read, we need to wear masks anyway. Vaccination doesn't guarantee not getting it, though of course it'll help.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #489 on: January 09, 2021, 05:48:28 AM »
Sounds sensible to me, Hopsie.  I feel safer now we're back in lockdown; there are just fewer people out and about which naturally means more space between people.  Doesn't stop the virus in its tracks, obviously, but it has made a difference on local numbers already which has to be a good thing.  And I think it will get easier again as we head back to spring and summer, just because socially distanced sitting outside becomes possible again and that helps.

Information about vaccines here seems to be changing frequently.  I think we've just had a third approved for use.  They've vaccinated about a million over 80s so far and have agreed to vaccinate frontline healthcare workers as a priority.  Son is currently in Priority group 6 so is expected to come to the top of the list in March.  Unpaid carers (like myself) are currently not scheduled as a priority but various groups are pressuring for that to change and if it does, I should get mine at the same time as son.  If not, between June and September has been suggested (and all of this assumes that they roll out as they're planning to).  As I understand it the vaccine won't be a miracle solution, as you say, distancing, masks and common sense will need to be employed for a long time yet and some docs/science people here think lockdowns over winter for the next few years might prove to be necessary.  I suppose it depends on other countries vaccinating as well and whether we really get on top of it all.  At the mo I'm feeling grateful that we can stay in a lot; son seems to be perfectly happy and I feel less anxious as the numbers are dropping nearby.  Plus it's cold!  I'm getting out for my morning walks, getting son out most days when its dry but will be very glad to see sunshine and long sunny days again :)  I forget how much I miss the sun until I see it again :) xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #490 on: January 09, 2021, 08:45:04 AM »
It's reported that California had more than 670+ deaths in one day. It's been numbing to listen to people all chant "wash your hands" and "wear masks" as if that is doing anything at all. News was broadcasting one male airplane passenger complaining about other passengers not wearing masks, if that one guy was so concerned with the pandemic however he wouldn't be on an airplane at all. There are so many layers of nonsense. So many airplanes being allowed to constantly zip around the world is part of what has helped spread this virus from continent to continent, airline travel in general certainly has not been helping in anyway.

A local TV station broadcasts a dull board of commissioner meeting which I sometimes watch because it can be an antidote away from the slanted massive media broadcasts, problem is the board of commissioners have spent 3+ weeks slowly discussing possible fines and fees associated with breaking covid restrictions. It's very slow and watching it all makes me question the ineffectual paper-pushing vibe these government employees have. Sitting in their home offices just discussing things which are not even guaranteed to be implemented in a consistent enforced way. In the interim the vaccine process has been slow and sluggish. It's understandable that there are a limited amount of healthcare workers. What I don't get is why there are no statements about planning strategic drive through vaccine centers. In this state there is apparently an honor system for vaccine tiers. The lack of strategy feels a lot like Hurricane Katrina except that the pandemic has been slowly ramping up for a very long time now. In the end it doesn't matter anymore they are lucky if they can get anybody vaccinated. No doubt the wealthiest have already received private vaccines as billionaires are ultra VIP essential workers.

January 20, 2020
was the date someone in this state was first diagnosed with Covid19. Now it's January 9th, 2021

I guess it's good that there are vaccines and medications yes but the process is so slow (as expected) it's just dragging on.

Dr. Richard Grossman

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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #491 on: January 10, 2021, 05:22:36 PM »
Hi everyone,

Such times we are living in!  Children are certainly being deeply affected as well.  See below:

Take care,



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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #492 on: January 15, 2021, 11:13:21 AM »
This state's governor just updated vaccine criteria to include every person over age 70, no specific health conditions required. Just went on the dept of health's website and signed up to receive a text message with my vaccine appointment.

Hope it's soon. It's encouraging.

Nothing changes with regard to masking and social distancing and similar behavior, and I won't go into public places for months more....we don't know quite enough about the immunity yet. But I'll feel more comfortable having also-vaccinated close friends into my house now and then, I think, which'd be a great relief.

Even going out and about will feel safer *in about a month (depending when my appointment is).

Trusting that all of us will very soon be in the vaccination pipeline. dig deep for the patience we'll need! (I was too optimistic in my first draft of this.)


PS *A friend volunteering in the front-line vaccines rollout sez not to get my hopes up about "soon" -- given chaos in current rollout, limits to availability, and the huge size of the demographic I'm in, it could be summer or even later. Paaaaatience.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2021, 01:45:31 PM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #493 on: January 16, 2021, 06:29:47 AM »
Hi everyone,

Such times we are living in!  Children are certainly being deeply affected as well.  See below:

Take care,


It is so sad, Dr G, I'm just hoping that more people realise that no-one is immune to health problems or just a run of bad luck/unexpected change of circumstances and that we all need well run, well funded public services all the time - even if we're not using them personally.  It really has been a lesson in how important it is to work together and how quickly situations can change.  Hope you and your family are all doing okay xx


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Re: Coronavirus
« Reply #494 on: January 16, 2021, 06:37:40 AM »
This state's governor just updated vaccine criteria to include every person over age 70, no specific health conditions required. Just went on the dept of health's website and signed up to receive a text message with my vaccine appointment.

Hope it's soon. It's encouraging.

Nothing changes with regard to masking and social distancing and similar behavior, and I won't go into public places for months more....we don't know quite enough about the immunity yet. But I'll feel more comfortable having also-vaccinated close friends into my house now and then, I think, which'd be a great relief.

Even going out and about will feel safer *in about a month (depending when my appointment is).

Trusting that all of us will very soon be in the vaccination pipeline. dig deep for the patience we'll need! (I was too optimistic in my first draft of this.)


PS *A friend volunteering in the front-line vaccines rollout sez not to get my hopes up about "soon" -- given chaos in current rollout, limits to availability, and the huge size of the demographic I'm in, it could be summer or even later. Paaaaatience.

I will keep my fingers crossed that it's sooner than summer, Hopsie.  It seems pretty chaotic here as well; son's expected date has been pushed back from March to anytime between April and June and I've been told for me it could be anywhere between August and November.  In my mind I've assumed it's going to take a year and then if it's quicker it will be nice :)  Hopefully not slower!  Dear God, that doesn't bare thinking about.

In other news, possibly interesting, I've been invited to take an antibody test.  They're testing random groups of people to see how prevalent asymptomatic Covid is and they're wanting to get an idea of how many people might have had it without knowing.  It's apparently a pin prick test I can do at home (they send me a kit) and then I upload the results onto their survey.  It will be interesting to see. Son is very excited that we're doing science at home lol.  I'll let you all know!  But meantime, Hopsie, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an earlier jab for you.  Are your vaccines in two doses or one?  I think they've approved several different ones here now, I've lost track a bit but I know at least a couple of them require two shots.