I would like to chalk it all up to "this is the pandemic making us all angry and anxious," but how do we reconcile that it is devaluing and abusive to give your Dad an ultimatum such as this? My husband's younger daughter asked him to choose between his adult daughters and his wife.
This is also, unfortuanately, not the first time she has done this. Right after we started dating (5 years ago) my husband got the same ultimatum from her, and she at that time also convinced her sister. Not long after the sister caved and called us, but it took the younger one about 6 months to come around and it's because her husband and mother in law convinced her to get along with me.
BTW, I should mention the ultimatum was given 6 weeks ago. We have not heard from either daughter since, until this week, as my husband's birthday was this week. They both texted him on his birthday "happy bithday" but that was it.
We are waiting for the younger one to call (similar to before) and state "OK Dad, time is up, what's your choice going to be?" She really is an angry person. Judgemental, always thinks she's right, doesn't ever want to seek help for her issues. Her biological mother is an alcoholic and she doesn't have a relationship with her. They really fought a lot when she was growing up, have never gotten along.
I want to add that the way this ended before is the N daughter called her Dad crying on day. She had a story about how a guy came into the store she was working at (she sells makeup) and "started choking her." She said it was really scary and she almost died, and that's when she decided to call her Dad (after again not talking to him for months as she wasn't getting her way, he wasn't breaking up with me). I was like "Are you kidding me?" to my husband, I said this story makes no sense! She didn't call the police? I said Babe, she made it up for attention. I said, there is no way a store manager would not have made her call the police! I said, what a manipulative way to get you to talk to her!
Anyway, waiting for what she comes up with this time.
For the most part, we are extremely close to our older daughter who is divorced with two boys. We see them a lot, especially in the last year, as she brings them to our house and they love us. The younger one is married with a baby and a toddler and we rarely see her. She is religious and gives us the impression we're "not quite good enough" as parents. There have been episodes (my husband is just now telling me this) where she has called my husband and screamed at him because he was not a good father to her when she was younger. She lays guilt trips on him and I said, really, you are her punching bag babe. Boundaries!! Don't let her call you and scream at you. I imagine she does it to her Mom too.
I think she's an oppourtunist and saw my advice giving as a window to abuse her Dad. Normally, I am not an advice giver to these kids, they're adults and are raising kids of their own. I literally walk on egghshells around the younger one, so as not to piss her off. The older one, we are actually getting much closer. We have helped her emotionally and financially in the past. I think the younger one is jeaolous of the relationship I have formed with her sister.