Oy. Dunno if I shared my hot water heater saga. Plumber told me the original 32-gal size was no longer available (got the impression they are no longer manufactured which seemed plausible, which I later found out isn't true, it was just that their company didn't have them in their warehouse or wouldn't warranty one the original size). So he insisted I had to get a BIG 42-gal one. I hate the thing.
Anyway, after it was installed the floor began sagging (the heater's literally leaning against the door frame, quite unlevel). So same plumber who assured me everything would be made right brought by a carpenter--and I need jacks installed under sagging floor joists. Got a reasonable sounding estimate from the young carpenter but not very professionally written and I don't know anything about him. He seemed nice and honest (but so did the plumber originally).
Read up on the problem for a 1955 house and I need a structural engineer to devise/approve a plan. This thing may wind up costing thousands. So I'm unhappy.
I'll do it and survive it but there are so many instances where I think contractors take advantage of single elderly females .... I'm pretty careful and insistent on quality and references and so forth. But I feel betrayed by that plumber, who swore up and down he'd make everything right. Chances are VERY slim I'd prevail if I took it to court and can't afford that either.
Anyway, it's not uncommon in homes this age so I'll just face it and take care of it. Also, my piano caused a small gap under baseboard after I moved in, so in fairness, this little house never expected the weight of a parlor grand (or a huge water heater) and it's just something that's happened. Homeowner's insurance won't help.
Bleahhh. Goodbye emergency fund. Severe frugality time. But I can do it. Just need to vent. Thanks for listening.