The guests are ok with the spider, but unhappy upstairs heat not working. I thought I just paid $1,500.00 to fix that, but alas ...... problem persists and is beyond my complete comprehension just now.
I called my brother and he walked lady guests through reset if thermostat communication......I prefer old tashion thermostats!!!!!! For Pete's sake. No more fancy whistles, bells or electronics for me, please!!!
The island cottage needs 2 new exterior framed doors....looking for solid hardwood. Brother working on it. Always something, but most things seem small at the moment.
FEMA was picking up curbside trees this morning with huge dump trucks and metal claws. Perspective restored, for now.
I did pay DD22's friend 100.00 to vacuum and do some dusting....DD22 pitched in here and there for a few hours the first day of cleaning.
I can pay maids $350 to make the floors sticky and dust, but that adds to my workload and frustrates me.....dust just moved around and floors have to be rinsed. No thanks. I'm spot clean with alcohol and keep moving.
All in all, it's walking meditation when my head's right.
I slept and repaired after. Had a lovely day with DD22 yesterday.....went shopping first r planned healthy meals, cooked, watched Ratatouille in the background....almost perfect, but for the lake furnace phone calls.
December is trip to Island will be working AND relaxation with the girls. I have to calm my firefighter part, look up from paint, bleach and projects to engage joyful activities I never allowed myself to have before. DD22 esp desires downtime and fun activities with me.
I'm noticing my firefighter part pops up particularly when I'm reminded of my imperfect parenting during "the dark years ".
I yearn to go back and fix, but work to accept and be present to allow DD22 to notice her stuff and feel responsible, instead of my feeling it, kwim?
I'm focusing on noticing choices and mindfully choosing instead of doing doing doing, in a nutshell. Again.😶🌫️