Author Topic: The Lake House  (Read 24384 times)


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #195 on: November 15, 2024, 09:21:45 AM »
Still no luck finding a housekeeper or two to take that "between rentals" load off you Lighter? It seems like you don't have any just plain down time anymore, between the island property, the lake house & the girls.

That would make me a freakin' wreck!! And not from the physical work, but from trying to keep it all straight in my head (and on my calendar). I would try to find something I could delegate to someone else so I could have a spa day (or mental health day, aka a "nothing day") for my self.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #196 on: November 15, 2024, 12:31:27 PM »
The guests are ok with the spider, but unhappy upstairs heat not working.  I thought I just paid $1,500.00 to fix that, but alas ...... problem persists and is beyond my complete comprehension just now.

I called my brother and he walked lady guests through reset if thermostat communication......I prefer old tashion thermostats!!!!!! For Pete's sake.  No more fancy whistles, bells or electronics for me, please!!!

The island cottage needs 2 new exterior framed doors....looking for solid hardwood.  Brother working on it.  Always something, but most things seem small at the moment.

FEMA was picking up curbside trees this morning with huge dump trucks and metal claws. Perspective restored, for now.

I did pay DD22's friend 100.00 to vacuum and do some dusting....DD22 pitched in here and there for a few hours the first day of cleaning. 

I can pay maids $350 to make the floors sticky and dust, but that adds to my workload and frustrates me.....dust just moved around and floors have to be rinsed. No thanks. I'm spot clean with alcohol and keep moving.

All in all, it's walking meditation when my head's right.

I slept and repaired after.  Had a lovely day with DD22 yesterday.....went shopping first r planned healthy meals, cooked, watched Ratatouille in the background....almost perfect, but for the lake furnace phone calls.

December is trip to Island will be working AND relaxation with the girls.  I have to calm my firefighter part, look up from paint, bleach and projects to engage joyful activities I never allowed myself to have before. DD22 esp desires downtime and fun activities with me. 

I'm noticing my firefighter part pops up  particularly when I'm reminded of my imperfect parenting during "the dark years ".

I yearn to go back and fix, but work to accept and be present to allow DD22 to notice her stuff and feel responsible, instead of my feeling it, kwim?

I'm focusing on noticing choices and mindfully choosing instead of doing doing doing, in a nutshell.  Again.😶‍🌫️


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #197 on: November 16, 2024, 08:23:06 AM »
Glad you're getting a change of scenery and fun-time!
I'm right there with ya on electronic stuff, too.

Saw a great video from Yes Theory, on Green Bank, WV. It's the National Radio Quiet Zone because of the large telescope. Microwaves are even illegal there. Ditching all the screens & devices IS therapeutic! When B & I made a short getaway last year about this time, we were close enough to that area and in a steep enough terrain, that we had very little cell service too. It was FUN.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #198 on: November 16, 2024, 12:42:15 PM »
LOVED this story, wonderful video!

Thanks, Amber, I subscribed to YesTheory.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #199 on: November 17, 2024, 01:57:01 PM »
Lake must have had a power surge between my leaving and guest arrival 16 hours later bc both TV's refused to power on for guests.

I unplugged a smaller TV w/ fire stick and it powered on for guests, thankfully. 

About a break from electronics...... sometimes I go all day without noticing.  It feels normal, good, productive, but I check on the Airbnb sites, which has to be done.

I imagine a total intentional break for extended periods would be very scary for some. 



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #200 on: November 18, 2024, 07:42:01 AM »
OH it is scary inititally, Lighter. Thomas mentions that early in the video. There's fear of missing out (FOMO) and a feeling of being "irresponsible" because one is NOT contactable (my head's litany). Michael couldn't go 24 hrs without having a TV. My little cabin, south of here, had no service either. I had to drive out to the end of the road to make a call or text. Almost sold it to BiL just for that reason... LOL. He worked in IT too.

That is the combined dopamine response and pavlovian "obedience" model at work. But in 24-48 hrs most people can breathe free-er and sense more time/space in their mental existence... and turn toward more active ways to pass the time and connect face to face with more people.

Among all age groups, I'm seeing an intentional adjustment to limit one's exposure online and reflexive behavior to the phone. A new life/tech balance if you will.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #201 on: November 18, 2024, 03:35:49 PM »
I don't miss noise when working in nature.

I DO miss it while indoors.  If I'm moved to put something into the and nature noises/storms/green noise bring energy and/or a calm mind. 

We have potable water back, as of today!!!



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #202 on: November 19, 2024, 05:52:44 AM »
Water sounds like a step in the right direction!  So many things we don't realise the importance of until it's not easy to get them.  Baby steps in the right direction xx


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #203 on: November 19, 2024, 07:34:02 AM »
Glad you got water back! But I'd be extra careful and have it tested by an independent lab. I've heard MANY reports about the floods dispersing local toxins around. You don't need any additional complications.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #204 on: November 21, 2024, 03:25:45 PM »
Be a great time to use a Burkee for household drinking water....

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #205 on: November 22, 2024, 09:14:28 AM »
Berkey is the correct spelling. And one must be discerning about which filter one buys. They have both carbon and ceramic. I lean both ways, depending on the water situation - which is why independent testing is so important in my process. I have both filters. Haven't needed to use it even with my heavy iron water.

And it's snowing this morning; windy and COLD. People are knitting hats & mittens for distribution in WNC. But I hear troubling reports (true? one doesn't know these days) that the people building and donating tiny houses are having them condemned/confiscated by local inspectors. Even as the shelters are being closed down. I don't know what I believe. I want to be eyes on, myself, before deciding what is true.

But today's challenge is driving 4 hrs into the mountains & back to retrieve some customized items before prime hunting season next week. The whole state basically shuts down. And barometric pressure is down to hurricane levels here; bringing in a dusting of snow and cold windy weather. Not fun driving in a jeep. But Rudi has learned to tack into the wind... so here we go!

Propane tank is fixed. Cheap, too. Now to get it filled.
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #206 on: November 22, 2024, 09:28:42 PM »
Yesterday the HVAC guy blew soot out of the gas furnace.  I want to cry when I contemplate getting those sooty footprints off the tile.  It's everywhere in the mechanical room. 

That fixed the furnace problem till temps dropped into the 30s.  That was an expensive, last, attempt to limp along with that unit.

$4500 later, we were lucky a new furnace could be installed today. I'm cleaning the main wooden louvered slat returns, 3 of them, choked with dust. 

The tv problem was easily solved.....checked the electric panel.  Several circuits were flipped.

The smell in the family room closet....😭.  So so so bad ...dead mouse ...dead.... something.  I had the HVAC guy look at the little service area....when I tried the room spun and spun and spun.  We all think it's dead animal.  My plan is to add an eye hook and zip tie that closet shut.... the smell remains contained, that way.  Will put 4 luggage racks.  There's a huge dresser and armour for clothes....door hooks for hanging.  Will be ok, but had to talk myself out of a tree every time that smell hit me 😭.

So....heat ✔️
Dead animal stench ✔️
Laundry done  ✔️

Beds half complete, but must get extra small beds out and made.  Considering setting them up in heated garage this time, giving them their own tv.  Will see.

Sixteen guests arrive for Thanksgiving week.  If I have time I'll put up some pine garland on front door and main fireplace upstairs.  No lights.  Nails already in place.

I'm feeling really brain feels like it's jiggling in me brain pan, along with increased vertigo activity.  Driving is exhausting , bc I have to focus SO HARD.

I'll try the maneuver you sent, Hops.  Again.  The first time I whacked my head so hard on bedrails, I saw stars.  I'll choose bedrails free bed tomorrow and get on with it.

SO windy here.....and cold.  Snowed back home.....winter's coming.



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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #207 on: November 23, 2024, 07:52:40 AM »
Ugh! Can't believe you're still dealing with the vertigo Lighter!

I've had a couple days in a row feeling not connected to my body - which results in similar vertigo systems. I've been observing closely to see what it's all about. It's only some moves which cause the lack of propriception. Which is even ODDER.

Suspected very low barometric pressure for awhile. We have a visual glass for that and it's way extreme. But it's not conclusive. No one's talking about geo-magnetic storms (which have coincided with previous short bouts - Holly too). Not doing anything to body/self that would cause this either. So I relate to how frustrating it is.

Snow calls for hot tea or cocoa, a fire, and a good book!
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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #208 on: November 24, 2024, 01:09:38 PM »
Inner ear issue, maybe?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The Lake House
« Reply #209 on: December 14, 2024, 12:40:49 PM »
Sorry you're experiencing the V too, Amber.  Mine is almost gone, but fir some thoughts and extreme head movements paired with eye movement....when I'm testing for it.

I can move head....all normal, but pair with eye movement up and it's back.  Like the cat stretch ..almost a tension thing rather than ear rock/ inner ear thing.  Plus, the thought thing....just baffling.

Maybe a combination of things?

Met when the rangers, if I didn't post about it.  And the tree guy.  All very nice fellas and they got a long swimmingly. Hoping my involvement won't be necessary going forward, but will see.

All laundry done....mostly folded or placed on beds.  House is off Airbnb for now.  Felt weird to leave it unfinished, but I have things going on at home.  Getting ready for Nutcracker performance with DD22 now.  Will pick up a Christmas tree and write cards at coffee shop to put in mail this evening.

Cookie baking next!
