Author Topic: 2021 Farm Log  (Read 51156 times)


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #480 on: December 13, 2021, 10:33:11 PM »
So the box arrived... in my mailbox. When I opened an end flap I was met with sensuous FUR.

As I extracted it from the box, I found a muzzle and 4 paws. And the wolf pelt hadn't been cut down the belly. And while y'all will probably have your definite opinions on the gift - it's PERFECT for me. I've wanted a wolf pelt for some time.

This one was poached; and the guy who receives & processes them sells the pelts to raise money to fight poaching. It was a young wolf. There is something really WRONG about "owning" a wolf pelt. But on the other hand, I still sense the spirit of it radiating... and will honor and protect that. I've looked and not bought one for years now because of that conflict.

But B is native American. And this is a traditional gift. And it means a bit more than that to me for more reasons.  So not at ALL what anyone expected, but absolutely perfect for me. It means he KNOWS.

Now I'm just hoping the cats accept it - they're not sure. Neither was Knuckles.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #481 on: December 14, 2021, 07:58:04 AM »
Glad you're happy with your gift, Amber. I'll bet B was thrilled to think of such a meaningful thing. Were both his parents native American, or is he like so many of us, a drop of this and a cup of that?

My last (physical) lover was native American as well, a midAtlantic tribe not that well known (and the name escapes me now). His father was an ironworker. They were legendary for bravery and high bridge building.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #482 on: December 14, 2021, 08:28:37 AM »
Hmmm. Your guy sounds like a Mohawk. B is Catawba; SC/NC tribe... related to the Souix.
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #483 on: December 14, 2021, 11:42:08 AM »

How satisfying it must be for B to select a gift for with such deep care and shared meaning.  Where will the pelt live?  Will you make something with it?



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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #484 on: December 14, 2021, 01:20:00 PM »
Not Sioux.
Might've been Chickasaw, but I'm not sure.

He did wear a mohawk at one point, ironically. LOL.
And rode a huge Harley. (My priorities were different 18 years ago!)
Grew weed in a fancy closet and thus was quite paranoid.
An ICU nurse who wrote novels -- fascinating, sensitive guy.
Life has been hard for him.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #485 on: December 18, 2021, 10:38:26 AM »
Sigh... amazing snafus. So much for technology making things easier - the EASIEST would've been us taking the hard copy referral over to the Infectious Disease doc's office ourselves. But it's finally successful; appt is Jan 6. He'll be here on the 3rd again. For another 3 weeks.

I haven't seen the contractor in over a month. Hol & I were both promised gutters on her garage & my shop; a month ago. Haven't seen them. Said they were waiting on my order to come in. No word on shop doors or windows. No word, period... except he's wanted to show off Hol's house in order to get more jobs.  :rolling eyes:  I'm biting my tongue until January. Then I'm going to have to get an estimate on replacing my house roof.

Last night was interesting. I was reading the last Outlander book; it was after midnight and I kept hearing this odd noise outside... out back. I looked; no kitty wanting in - Freddy had knocked earlier. The second or third time I heard it, I turned a light on and happened to look up. And there was Stinker on the eave of the roof. In the chilly rain. And couldn't figure out how he was getting down. So, mama rescued him, by standing on the adirondack loveseat. In the dark, cold, rain. To be able to reach him and get him down gently. Of course he ran right inside - he HATES rain. Silly thing... Buck & I can't figure out how he got up there. Nothing overhangs the roof and I don't THINK he can jump from the deck railing to the porch roof; if he did - he came over the ridge of this quadrant of the house; in the rain. SIGH. Spiderman cat.

It appears that we have a quiet, slow, holiday this year. Which suits all of us FINE. Hol is involved making stuffed dragons for her friend's kids - and the first one is done. It's genius how she can combine fabrics & colors & patterns. We'll see if she can finish the 2nd one in a week. She wants to but it isn't necessary. She's also doing massive house reorganization. She made the mistake of collecting too much stuff - and she moved stuff here that hadn't seen the light of day in 10 years - before she moved in and found out how they'd use the space. So, that MIGHT keep her hands busy and mind free to think about what she's going to do for income from here on out.  :raised eyebrow:

We'll be receiving a geodesic greenhouse kit to build in a couple months. That's going down by Hol's garage and will be a project for those two to put up. Mom's got other fish to fry. We've been talking about ways to leverage the birds into a paying proposition... I'm looking at a milk cow or goats. And herbs. But I'm gonna need a lot more topsoil for growing. And Buck to help manage any bigger animals. Because I've got things to do in the studio... once I get Hol busy enough to stay out of there. Her dragon was big enough she needed the space to spread out in the studio because her home studio is small; like 10x10ish.

There is enough stuff swirling outside me; around me - all happy productive stuff - that I'm just sneaking off into my own darkish, quiet cave and conserving my energy. Like some seeds, I need the cold dark to crack my shell open to send up shoots in the spring.  ;)
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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #486 on: December 18, 2021, 11:43:59 AM »
Aw I'm glad your pressie arrived and it is so lovely, Skep, although for a sec when you said 'paws and a muzzle' I thought he'd sent you a puppy through the post :) I'm glad he's got an appointment sorted out and not too far in the distance either - I've lost track a bit of where he's at with all of it but I'm assuming this next appointment is a good thing for him (hoping so, anyway).  And there is nothing in the world sexier than a flannel nightgown :)  Lol.  Stinker getting stuck made me laugh, I used to be forever rescuing our cat from the porch roof and in one place we had, our neighbour's cat would climb their tree and then miaow to be let in my bedroom window before trotting down the stairs and letting himself out the cat flat :) Lol xx


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Re: 2021 Farm Log
« Reply #487 on: December 18, 2021, 12:25:33 PM »
Thanks Tupp! Glad I can take your mind off what you're dealing with, a moment.

The infectious disease appt is get him clear of the infection the other hospital gave him, so that he can be a candidate for surgery again -- for another pain pump, filled with something less awful than the morphine his old ones used. After all these years, the docs have figured out other drugs work a lot better on the nerve pain than heavy opioids. I've been trying to find herbal "nervine" pain relievers, without a lot of success so far. The commonly mentioned options have a high risk of allergy reactions or side effects that would just complicate his situation too much.
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