I certainly don't think you are a narcissist, but you are receiving some very bad messages from others. It's more than mere control, he has a huge problem and he's infecting you with it. If anyone is the N, he would be in this case.
The demeaning and devaluing of your good traits, the assault upon your character when you are happy, and the looming fear you feel that he may be right? Arrrg.... I hope you don't mind if I tell you he sucks. He's stuck only in his own head, with his own failures and his own lackings, and he's turning them around on you. He's making his mission in life your own.
But I'm familiar with it.
I think part of the reason you may be putting those things off is because the reward you would expect in sharing your artistic accomplishments appears to be negative, or at very best non-existant, so what's the point?
Yes, it may be said that we creative souls (of which I'm one) are supposed to create for our own personal release, but I can assure you we take great pleasure in having our creative endeavors enjoyed by others, to the point it may be our driving force to create. So let's say, as a musician, you only have "visions" of one day playing to others. If the others around you don't even want to hear it, what kind of message is that to you about the rest of the world? Not a good one.
Well... let me remind you that the rest of the world is here and waiting.
We don't care what the crusty head of your household thinks, how he walks, talks, or shapes his greasy comb-over. We are out here waiting to be inspired by the artists of this world who create the things that make it worth living.
We want your beauty, we want your creations, and we want to smile at you and share your joy of accomplishment.
Even more so, I want you to be you, and I want you to express yourself, even if you grab the oil paints and create a Picasso-like rendering of the hellish, tormenting soul the governor of your house is.
If you are looking for permission to create and be you... you got it!
Play me a nightmare in A Minor, anything at all... but get it out!
If you're mad, I'm mad with you... and I'm singing harmony.
Let 'er rip!