Yesterday DD18 said her decision to see the NRP is saving her life. That's deeply frightening to hear and think about, but I'm grateful DD on board and helping herself. Seeking solutions.
Yesterday I made South Western chicken, Vietnamese curry chicken, dry stir fried beef with chili crisps and Korean cabbage....about 7 lbs bison meatballs heavy on caramelized onions/garlic/kale/fresh ground flax seed....lots of ghee and olive oil. Some with parm cheese. Some with poultry seasoning.
I was coated in grease when I finished finished caramelizing the last batch of very tender meatballs. This is an improved recipe in that we don't have to prepare complex carbs and fats. The balls have everything required in a meal.
This morning I heard the girls in the kitchen. Youngest said " there's so much food to choose from!."
That's how these changes work best. Taking the time and energy to develop or find recipes, plan, shop, prep, cook then clean. I still have to finish way takes lots of time.
Last night oldest DD20 and I snuggled into a movie instead of cleaning kitchen. Vi showered and put in clean jammies while she chose the movie and set us up. We talked about her choices ...she considering ned school...eye doc or possibly surgeon. My brother is behind these considerations and I'm cool with whatever DD feels will bring her peace and joy. That sounds very happy dippy, but.....I really don't care if we have a "doctor in the family."
I'll support DD20's mission, whatever it is, but I want it to her her's, not someone else's, kwim?
I think my brother understands that, even though I recognize his drive for excellence and reaching long-term goals. DD can open her own business, employ eye doctors, salespeople and lab staff.....without 7 years of schooling. Becoming an optician with (3 year program) and necessary to have at least one optician on site in order to operate an eyeglass center, is one option open to her.
It will be interesting to see what she decides.
DD18 has an upcoming birthday and always makes an Alice in Wonderland sized fancy cake. We'll cheat this one special day then give the cake away to neighborhood movie night potluck......Princess Bride.
I didn't choose it, but heartily approve of the choice.