Author Topic: Personal definition of "normal"  (Read 1674 times)


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Personal definition of "normal"
« on: May 19, 2021, 08:05:46 AM »
I'm moving and shaking this morning, happy and in the zone, multi tasking priorities across the board.

I'm not worried about getting things done.  I know I will.  I always do.  I will.

I wanted to see what the Amazons feel make a person functional, responsive and "healthy" at this point in the journey

As I move through my morning I'd like to put some thoughts down, so I'm creating space, and reminder, to do so.



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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 03:47:49 PM »
For me, it's #1 calm (unafraid) and also #1 kind (to self and others).

All that comes before functional and efficient, which is a WIP forever, I'm sure.
If I can find meaning and growth, productivity is a gift but, for me, secondary.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2021, 05:02:51 PM »
I should have jotted down my thoughts!  I can't remember what I was thinking about as I zipped along in my zone this morning.

I agree with calm and kind to self, Hops.

Expanded vision, ability to notice other people's struggles while stepping around it..avoiding entanglement/reactivity, is likely where this started for me.

How amazing it is to avoid other people's roller coaster rides, which is about shaking codependence, ime.



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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2021, 02:56:33 AM »
From recent exposures to lots of ideas I've noticed that even if I refuse to acknowledge an idea I'm still impacted by it. Be it positive or negative whatever it may be if there is enough of it then I am surrounded by it like moisture droplets in the air working to make hair frizz.

I think of the term creeping normality. Group-think. Mass selective amnesia or what looks like Narcissistic denial on a large scale.

I'm still struggling with the concept of normal right now. It's okay.

Depression and general anxiety are my normal and I tell people it's just my personality. Or maybe I should call it fatigue and stress. I just accept that because it's better than worrying about it. More recently though in the past few months I've been angry and that isn't normal for me.


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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2021, 11:39:47 AM »

Maybe anger is what comes before feeling other, better things?

Anger helped me move through crisis.  It gave me the energy to get myself OUT of terrible situations. 

There's perfectly reasonable, appropriate anger.

When you accept, and stop struggling, what else comes up for you, besides less worrying about it?



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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2021, 09:04:42 PM »
Right, Lighter!

Anger is definitely informative, it tells me something for sure. It does help I guess to see the positive side of anger. To think about it in terms of constructive action maybe.

Right anger is energy I guess. I see what you mean I think. I'm rather angry and inactive which makes everything feel worse too.

I will try to look at my anger as useful rather than an inconvenience. With anger/anxiety/fatigue/depression, my mind starts to feel like mashed potatoes. Maybe I need faith that my mind might feel like mashed potato pie but small parts of it can still function and perhaps get me out of the funk.

Thank you.


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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2021, 07:59:11 AM »
I think worry is the least helpful thing.  Anger can be very useful, but taxes us, breaks us down, weakens our ability to respond, ime.

Learning to put whatever stories we tell ourselves on the shelf....
Learning to DO what we can, then stop thinking about a different coping strategy than worry, worry, worry, without end or strategy.

I think many people learned to worry worry worry to cope.  It's exhausting and robs joy from a life, ime.



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Re: Personal definition of "normal"
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2021, 01:09:25 PM »
THIS thread, for me, speaks to operating outside fight or flight in a more "normal" zone.  If you're/we're functioning in fight or flight survival mode, sensing the upside down of it, reacting/reactivity all the time, unable to understand it..... identify the moving pieces and understand what's hijacked your biochemistry in order to find ways to take it back....asking doctors, with little or no ability to SEE past the symptoms for help.....being told it's in our heads...
I guess those old fuckers might be right and yet..... they're so very wrong too, bc it's in our bodies too and they should be interested in identifying and treating causes, not identifying fight or flight trauma response as a "craziness" they have no responsibility or obligation to identify and certainly not treat.


Almost has a ring if truth to it, but not really.

If MDs have no responsibility to identify or treat a biochemical hijacking....and the worse thing they do is drug people up while telling them the problems are all in their head.....dismissing them.....bc the doc doesn't understand or typically care to understand, thus dismissing "alternative" treatments which possibly could lead to reinstated Harmony and balance of the whole patient.

And specializing doesn't help, though I understand the benefits, but all MDs shouldn't feel competent to dx the whole patient with such limited understanding and ability to discover causes of imbalances, ime.

"Normal" feels like having consistent access to our entire brain, ime.  As I live in this amazing place and recognize it.....I realize it's true.  I wonder why in the world it's so common yet so difficult to understand, dx and treat....mind AND body.....maybe soul too. 

Eh.... it's greed and the patriarchy.  Never mind.

I'm still typing with one finger so....not editing that.
