I think I know getting rid of clutter feels amazing, creates space to live I and brings joy. I wish I had more ability to deal with it. I'm either micro managing or throwing out wholesale.....taking loads to Goodwill in the night, like a thief, but in reverse.
I think your idea to sell things, touch them one last time, see them go to new owners to care for them....could be cathartic and pay for a new useful storage system, perhaps.
I'd have to set a date and GO.
Now, that said, the idea if a PITA sale feels daunting. The pricing, dealing with people and thieves.....the strangers would bring up stress. The neighbors would too, frankly. Esp Yelly Guy. I figured out why he bugs me so much. He behaves like a teenaged boy, brokenhearted, hoping to be saved, completely clueless. I suppose my codependent nerve gets tweaked when someone inappropriate makes me feel responsible for their feelings. I'm really touchy about it where maybe I should just fly above it.
It's my reaction that creates trouble for me. Not so much his initial transgression. It's the insistence he be seen, heard, liked, helpful, saved.....that pouty teen boy thing....ugh. Just can't fly about ve it quite yet.
I grabbed hold of myself today and went into the forest with pug, determined to deal with him better, if necessary. I enjoyed the moss, the stones, the tadpoles, the pug. I noted,veith little emotion, the things I put down in my efforts to avoid yg and neighbors in general.
I really disconnected. I want to decide what I choose and how I feel. I want to feel joy again, not snotty unhappy sourpuss avoidance, bc I can't do better, kwim?
It would be nice to set a timeframe to deal with the stuff before my sister arrives. Yard too so she can relax. Her health needs attention and some downtime.