Author Topic: Butterfly  (Read 1371 times)


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« on: July 30, 2021, 06:27:31 PM »
I went into town today to pick up a prescription.  When I arrived back home I got out of the car to open the gate to our driveway.  While opening the gate there was a monarch butterfly fluttering all around me so I took a moment to reflect its beauty.  I got back in the car, drove forward and got back out to close the gate.  Again this monarch was fluttering all around me. I held out my hand to see if it would land there, it did not.  But as I was closing the gate I looked down and there it was, resting on my fingers.  I thought to myself, "Isn't this supposed to have some spiritual meaning? Isn't it supposed to mean someone is visiting from the other side?" So I chuckled to myself and thought perhaps my Dad had come to visit since I had been thinking about him so much lately.

The butterfly stayed on my hand, even as I got back in my car to pull up to the house.  It stayed on my hand as I parked the car, got out and greeted the dogs and W who were outside. I walked the butterfly up to the patch of milkweed towards the front of the property and released him on the blossom and leaves of the milkweed.

I walked a few yards over to eat some of our raspberries and the butterfly followed me! He landed on my hand again, so I walked him back over to the milkweed patch.  I thought perhaps he liked the scent of my hand sanitizer, which has a symbol of an orange on the bottle.  I was afraid it might harm him.

So, just for grins I googled "butterfly lands on me."  The following are some of the things that I found written about this:

"A butterfly landing on you is a spiritual sign that represents you are in a season of transformation, growth, spiritual pursuits, and discovering your truth and inner wisdom. You are going through a deep internal change, even if you don’t realize it.

Here is a list of common spiritual meanings of a butterfly:

Cycles of life, death, and rebirth
Spiritual growth
Finding your passion
Awakening to your highest truth
Becoming strong after a period of hardship
Confidence in self
Spreading joy to others
Planting seeds of hope for the future

One example of how necessary the sun is to butterflies can be seen in the monarch butterfly. This amazing butterfly has an internal clock that tells time and navigates its multi-generational migration to exactly the same spot by using solar magnetism and timekeeping via the direction of the sun.

Light energy is very expansive and life-giving. It is all about giving energy to your dreams through action in the physical realm. Light energy is associated with positivity, joy, creative energy, manifestation, and breathing life-force into your reality. Light also exposes what is hidden in the dark, so it represents moving past judgments, doubts, and fears that are holding you back.

If a butterfly lands on you, it may be a sign that you have a very high vibration and a strong guiding light. It also represents that they have a strong trust in you, and sense a very calm, generous, and compassionate spirit.

You may be actively working on your spiritual growth when a butterfly lands on you, which means that you are on the right path and to keep moving forward.

The message from a butterfly landing on you is to awaken to your spiritual gifts. You are a deeply compassionate, peaceful, and joyful soul, you just need to lean into these gifts in order to spread your own wings. It may be time to start a spiritual practice because there is something within you that wants to take those steps in this lifetime.

Many people report butterflies landing on them after a loved one has passed away, and wonder if it is a spiritual message from their spirit. So is this a spiritual message?

Butterflies are sensitive to light sources and high vibrational energy, so it makes sense that they are attracted to places that have high concentrations of spiritual energy. They are strongly influenced by the spirit realm and are often used as messages from angels, spirit guides, or loved ones that have passed on.

The message from a butterfly landing on you when you are going through periods of grief, confusion, trauma, or doubt is a message of comfort."
So, was it hand sanitizer that lured this monarch butterfly to be so attracted to me today?  All of the above sits so well with all that I am going through right now, and all I have been trying to share with you these past couple of weeks. I am going to allow myself to believe in the spiritual meaning of this butterfly landing on me today.

What do you all think of that? :lol: :D :) :o :wink:


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2021, 06:50:19 PM »
It was your dad!


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2021, 08:21:55 PM »
How wonderful that you're growing milkweed. I want to plant a patch next spring.

If everybody with a yard did that, we could save the monarchs.

Thanks for sharing that lovely moment, Phyl.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2021, 09:24:58 PM »
Hmmm. It's definitely attracted to YOU, so my guess is that you're putting a lot of energy into a positive transformation. Like the universe is giving you validation that you're doing the right thing and all will be well, even if it's a long dangerous or difficult dark journey. (See: the Fellowship of the Ring).
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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2021, 11:45:35 PM »
Froto did not make the journey without the support of Sam and the others....


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2021, 11:22:14 AM »
I love butterflies, Phyll, and I love knowing what the spiritual meanings are of things.  I've got a couple of nice books about the spiritual meanings of birds and trees (packed, at the moment!).  Someone I know killed themselves a couple of months ago (not someone I knew well but a friend of a friend type situation).  It was so sad and I'd spent a lot of time thinking about him through the evening and reading all the tributes on Facebook.  I went out to put the washing on the line the next morning and there was a feather right in the middle of the doormat.  I just liked to think it was him saying hi :) xx


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2021, 12:17:49 PM »
I believe those who pass are not that far away.  I have had many, many experiences such as what you describe with your feather.  :)


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Re: Butterfly
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2021, 07:20:40 PM »
I was honored by another butterfly today.  I was on the riding lawnmower and the butterfly rode along on the hood with me until I parked and turned off the engine! Not sure what kind it was.  It was orange colored but not a monarch.